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FBA2501-week 1 of Veg This week has been wild. Once the roots made a foundation the upper growth has been explosive the last few days. Really cool to watch and see the daily growth. I introduce calmag and grow nutrients this week starting at a 1/4 strength. All in all they've responded well showing no burn what so ever. Happy
FBA2503-week 1 of Veg This week has been wild. Once the roots made a foundation the upper growth has been explosive the last few days. Really cool to watch and see the daily growth. I introduce calmag and grow nutrients this week starting at a 1/4 strength. All in all they've responded well showing no burn what so ever. Happy Growing
FBA2504-week 1 of Veg This week has been wild. Once the roots made a foundation the upper growth has been explosive the last few days. Really cool to watch and see the daily growth. I introduce calmag and grow nutrients this week starting at a 1/4 strength. All in all they've responded well showing no burn what so ever. One of them does have some weird leaf structure going on but looks like its fixing itself. Happy Growing
FBA2505-week 1 of Veg This week has been wild. Once the roots made a foundation the upper growth has been explosive the last few days. Really cool to watch and see the daily growth. I introduce calmag and grow nutrients this week starting at a 1/4 strength. All in all they've responded well showing no burn what so ever. Happy Growing
FBA2502-week 1 of Veg This week has been wild. Once the roots made a foundation the upper growth has been explosive the last few days. Really cool to watch and see the daily growth. I introduce calmag and grow nutrients this week starting at a 1/4 strength. All in all they've responded well showing no burn what so ever. Happy Growing
The vanilla cheese cake should be ready in a few weeks, she smells so good and covered in crystals 🤤 The sour d I harvest last week is so good it tastes of lime instant favourite for me 🍃 looking forward to her sister's harvest as she should give me more bud 🤞 as my first one was only small but so good 🤤
This week has been cold in the grow room with day time temps at 16c and night time around 12-13c. Growth this week has been quite slow and I wonder what has the biggest impact on growth rate. Is it temperature, light intensity or soil moisture levels? I've had the light at 25% since germination and wonder if it would be beneficial to start increasing the light levels or wait until they're more established before doing this. If anyone happens to read this and has thoughts about how to encourage faster growth, I'd be interested to hear.
So far she looks promising...I am extending her light hours with the solar power light. We are at the end of the rainy season heading into dry season.
all is good... looking forward to the next 6 weeks ...
Vegetation Phase - Week 2 Shoutout to Cannapot, the Austrian plug who came through with the genetics from Humboldt Seed Company. The 10 Donutz plants are pushing through their second week of veg, and while the majority are thriving, a few challenges are starting to show — all part of the game when experimenting with new soil, pots, and nutrients. Updates & Adjustments: Lamp Adjustment: Raised the light to reduce stress and give the plants more breathing room as they stretch and develop. Watering: Keeping it relaxed and minimal with reverse osmosis (RO) water. No overwatering here — slow and steady wins the race. Nutrients: If deficiency will further ill add more fertilizer. Observations: 9/10 plants are growing steadily, with vibrant green leaves and visible progress in height and structure. 1 runt: One plant is struggling hard — stunted growth, ugly leaves, and generally looking like it’s fighting for its life. Still, it’s got a spot in the tent, and we’ll see if it can bounce back. Some minor issues spotted on a few plants, likely nutrient deficiencies as they adjust to the new setup. It’s not surprising, given the new gear and methods, but nothing alarming yet. Next Steps: Staying the course with low-stress management. Let the plants adjust to their environment and dial in any issues over time. The Donutz are strong genetics, so they’ll likely power through. Even the sickly one gets a chance — no plant left behind! This sea is still on track to make waves.
Keeping things simple again this week. Roots are already starting to come thru the starter pots drainage holes so I'd say the action below the surface has been what I was hoping for with this starter mix. I'll continue to provide a MegaCrop and Kelp Extract feedings to push her a little bit, I heard the term Synthganic the other day and it seems appropriate her, as I'm using organic and salt nutrients... I've got a little road trip planned so she may be coming down the shore with me over Thanksgiving.
there they are , all 10 seeds have grown above the ground there is 1 that has a paler color but its still early and so anything can still happen the other 9 appaer to be healty from today we count day 1 of the growth
Last week of the apple fritter.. As Im writing this I already harvested it. Ill report back in 2 weeks after the drying and before the curing. This was an amazing journey that its not yet finished. Drying and curing is very important and ill be doing the following: Drying Environment: - Temperature: Maintain between 18-22°C (65-72°F). This prevents terpenes from degrading while slowing the drying process. - Humidity: Aim for 50-60% relative humidity to avoid mold and overly crispy buds. - Airflow: Use a small fan to keep air circulating, but don’t let it blow directly on the buds to avoid uneven drying. - Darkness: Keep the tent as dark as possible. Light can degrade cannabinoids like THC. - Timeframe: Drying typically takes 7-14 days. Stems should snap (not bend) when drying is complete. Curing: - Jar Storage: Once the buds are dry, ill trim them again properly - Humidity Packs: Using Boveda packs (58-62%) to maintain proper curing humidity inside jars. - Burping: For the first 2 weeks, open jars for 10-15 minutes daily to release excess moisture and allow fresh air in. Afterward, reduce burping to once a week for long-term storage. - Curing Time: At least 2 weeks minimum.. Ill comeback soon with final dry weight. Wet was 400g. Keep up the good work galera 💜
Eine neue Woche steht an. Ich hab mich jetzt nun nach vielem hin und her überlegen doch dazu entschieden die Blüte einzuleiten. Ich bin gespannt was passiert und freu mich auf die Woche. 25. November Cookies gelato wurde mit 4l gegossen zusätzlich noch mit Green sensation und Bloom Dünger. Tropimango wurde mit 2,5l gegossen ebenfalls mit Green Sensation allerdings ohne zusätzliche blütenährstoffe. Es sollte genügend florganics im subtratsein, dass es vorerst nicht nötig sein sollte zusätzlich Nährstoffe geben zu müssen. Royal Runtz hat 3l Wasser mit green sensation und Blütendünger erhalten. 26. November Pflanzen wachsen. Bin zufrieden. Heute besteht kein Handlungsbedarf. 27. November Der dritte Blütetag. Man merkt dass die Pflanzen an Wachstum zulegen wollen. Cookie gelato und Tropimango wachsen uneingeschränkt. Die Runtz hat einen Bruch erlitten und ich hab kein Superkleber oder Panzertape da 28. November Aus mir unerklärlichen Gründen scheint das bisschen Kreppband auszureichen, um den gebrochenen Ast am Leben zu erhalten. Würde behaupten zu 4/5 war er durchgebrochen und hielt eher an einem Rindefaden. Reicht scheinbar um den Ast weiterhin mit allem zu versorgen. Habe leichte Sorge dass der ganze Stress, den die Runtz bisher schon hat mitmachen dürfen, zu Zwitterbildungen. Cookie Gelato kommt weiterhin vorwärts. Tropimango hat 3l Wasser bekommen. Sie hatte als einzige einen furztrockenen Topf Cookies Gelato ist nun 46 Tage alt Tropimango ist nun 41 alt. Royal Runtz ist nun 30 Tage alt Blütetag 4 29. November Cookies Gelato 4l Wasser bis Drenage Roy’s Runtz 3l Wasserbis Drenage Ab- und Umluft wurde auf AC Infinity umgerüstet und läuft jetzt über ein growcontrol. Fyta-Sensoren liefern mir jetzt aktuelle Zahlen aus dem Substrat. 1. Dezember Die Woche neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu und es ist einiges passiert. Die Runtz hat einen Bruch diese woche erlitten aber entwickelt sich prächtig. Der gebrochene Ast ist der stärkste. Traue mich allerdings noch nicht das Klebeband zu entfernen. Die Cookies sieht wunderschön aus ❤️ Tropimango muss immer wieder entlaubt werden, macht sonst gute arbeit. Das Zelt hat einige Upgrades bekommen und die neuen Möglichkeiten auf Messungen, klimabedingungen und Substratanalysen erleichtern einiges.
I did bend her down and she's doing Great! I think i will Mainline her or so it Like i did with the Fastberry. The topping went good. She recovers from the Stress pretty fast and ist doing a grat Job! Looking forward. Stay tuned 🤙🏽