-3/26/23 Start of Week
--Week 1
-3/28/23 (day 10)
--Observations: spade leaves looking healthy and first set of shade leaver are coming in. has stopped growing vertically and has started focusing on leaf growth, leaves growing at a good speed.
--changes: sprayed with Miracle-Gro performance organics all purpose plant nutrients at a concentration of 1/4 Tsp to 10 oz of water.
--Diary Entry: still growing at a good rate, doesn't seem like much transplant shock if any at all. sprayed with nutrient water twice, the second time was just for the photograph. will wait two days before spraying again, will be looking for signs of nutrient burn.
-3/30/23 (day 12)
--Observations: has slowed down on vertical growth.
--Diary Entry: took the picture for today with a different lens than the last photo. watered without the nutrients, sprayed with the nutrient water.
-4/1/23 (Day 14)
--Observations: seems to have slowed down on growth rate, could have just been explosive early growth. firsty set of shade leaves are looking good, still seems to not be having problems with the nutrient spray given once to twice a day.
--Diary Entry: several close up photos this week and im glad that fast Buds made a comment on the fast flower contest about needing a video every week. would have been upset if I would have been disqualified at the end because of something as silly as not having any videos of the plant.
-4/1/23 End of Week