Day 42
350ml plain rain
Well sh*t - prob moved to next set lower fans - to be expected - don't take leaves off a sick plant! anyhoo - only took 5 off - so:
Def got calmag probs - overfed that - def got potassium prob - Q is still "Over or Underfeed" A is still F knows
Mitigating factors are [A] that she has a lot of flower and could be crying out for nutes [B} I did misread nutes and for first 6wks was overfeeding in conflict w premix soil [C] Stardawg had exact same nutes schedule and is NOT showing signs and [D] mycorrhizal addition to soil caused probs in bot Forbidden Runtz and Stardawg - so it could be chemlock - which would be the worst coz flush only solution and I don't flush!
pH 6.9 rH 45-55 Temp 22-27C
1] H2O diet for wk and monitor - check - (day2: lower leaves further displaying calmag/potassium/phosphorous signs)
2] Nitrates to solve potassium - top dress may help - but again, I think I've overfed in conflict with soil premix, so...
3] Calmag burn is almost certainly overfeed - minimize and monitor that when nutes reintroduced
<< OK - basically I must have a chemlock because I have overfed but almost as importantly - the watering schedule [I water every morning under 24hr] does let the soil dry every day - some plants can handle it - Stardawg can as well as Big Bud - FR can't. So Will give her double H2O for cpl days and see. Will also pH adjust - she is in range for everything for absorption but nit if getting repeated daily chemlock - so might as well pH adjust if semi-flushing >>
<< Decision >>
Right, I have got some serated edge tip burn in next level fans - these being last indica factory leaves - those of the lower level I left on are sick as and will come off, but leaving everything else on.
She didn't seem to mind the flush - put gallon through in two goes (one was her daily water) - not much leaf twisting - buds looks good and I think that is the point ... they're doing fine from the over nute - but the veg material not so.
Going to repeat flush tomorrow am but only 1/2 gal and leave her to dry out and then back to her h2O diet till Day 7 [tomorrow am will be day 3]
btw flush pumped rH up to 60 so had to leave doors open all day 😕
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH 😞😠>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just been going over leaves after defoliating and found.... spider mites .... not nutrient based and not WPM thank the stars. Referring to the grow diaries collective - need advice
Well - defoliated heavily - now know - it is wk 2/3 flowering and I was holding off on defoliating Just in Case it was chemlock BUT now I know I would be removing the most infested leaves - I went nuts and did a full sativa stage defoliate - irony is if I did it straight away this might not have happened.
Gotta give props to BraveHeartGenetics - genius solution and will be borrowing my friends little handheld vacuum - she is a clean freak so will be perfect, Wind power very clean solution. Video in honor of BraveHeartGenetics - I need a joint now.
Day 43
Well the spider mites are def under control. Vacuumed plants. was fine - used a dyson handheld with wide hose so could get whole leaf in without it flailing around against sides and getting damaged. Got her hands to the sky for first time in ages - good to see. Hopefully the defoliation also helps get her back in the groove - now know it's not totally nutrient based - that said of course mites screw with transpiration and chlorophyll levels so you know - not great - but hopefully over.
Further to this I added a fan and a dehumidifier w 600ml capacity -should be enough to make the climate tough for mites.
The last 24hrs can go screw themselves, but got some great advice so grateful as 😊
No water and suspended flushing - she looks happier
I will still keep theH2O diet going and of course check for mites regularly
Day 44
350ml plain rain water. Hands to the sun! omg she hasn't looked this good in wks! thank the stars 😅
Day 45
300ml plain rain - - pic she's a bit droopy but she's still having transpiration probs and has just been watered - she'll manage
Day 46
300ml plain rain
she still looked a little forlorn so I got the loupe out and sure enuff - more beasties.
<<SO>> Got my vacuum out and cleaned the nozzle - it is an unregulated (sssshhh not v green) 1700W monster about twenty yrs old -
Vacuuming your Bud
I found it necessary to go at the buds from the side as well as top down (don't vacuum from underneath even though that's where the beasties are - I didn't even try - you will damage the plant)
The nozzle was big enough to encapsulate a whole bud and it's leaves - so I repeated this motion [ahem] 1/2 dozen times and moved onto next bud
I vacuumed every bud in this manner
After, I checked known sites with my loupe I saw no mites - but some larvae still there
So I vacuumed all again in same manner
After final check I saw no larvae - I'm sure there are some remaining
Leaf damage - very little - any heat/nute damaged tips got frayed, but the leaf veins / structure / stomata - underside leaf hairs / trichomes / pistils - no damage at all. OVERALL health condition of plant after vacuuming compared to as found: 9/10 AMMNDMNT << 6/10 >> FEED HER AFTER!
Very few mites on plant & bonus: all the leaves are now conveniently 'hands to the sky'. OVERALL effectiveness in removing mites: 8/10
I think the plant thoroughly loves this - provided it is not a routine affair, it is left in it's healthy pose - with most of a parasite removed.
That said, I think it is a process that requires repeating, like a course of antibiotics; twice a day for a number of days - or spaced over several days between vacuuming, perhaps in accordance with / dictated by... spider mite life cycle.
Finally - I know it sounds counter intuitive but DO use a POWERFUL Vacuum - The handheld Dyson 300 Whilst ok, just didn't do as well as my full size 1700W - result being I didn't significantly affect the mite numbers - thus a waste of time
8 hrs later she is looking fine - will repeat tomorrow
Day 47
No vacuuming today - ADDED CONCLUSION - I f you have to do this - FEED her afterwards - with maybe a protracted dark spell
She is looking so sick - the upside of the leaf damage you can't see but also expect she robbed her leaves of nutes as she has got lock out
Going to put her in the dark for a bit - got photos will update after
She had 3:1000ml Big Bloom 2:1000 Tiger Bloom Grow Big 1:1000 Calmag in 400ml plain rain water
Day 48
No watering to day
She actually looks good - checked her over for mites again - all clear - in evening thought maybe even a bit more color to her - maybe just lights were dimmed lol