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Weed three, seedlings are on rush to grow! That tells me they are healthy and enjoying the organic live soil! I’ve notice some root bound starting to happen that means transplant time is on the rise. No nutes, still just adding water, don’t panic it’s organic :) Follow me on IG for more details on my gardens @girlgoneweed Want to save on grow equipment, mediums, nutrients and much more ? Check the link below to have access to all my discount codes! Including ACInfinity use code GGW FOR 15% off on! PetraTools use code GGW and much more! Whoever uses my codes to make a purchase will get a free seed pack from Divine Seeds! Send me a Dm and I’ll give ya the deets ;) Happy growing!
How lovely these little girls are with their long leaves, they have been transplanted and to my disappointment I did not get any root photos. They are sitting in our 2X2 at the moment but as soon as they are ready we will take our clones and put them back into the other tent for a bloom run. As for defoliation, so far it’s been two leaves each! They are happy girls and we hope they stay that way, it is almost audition time after all!
Preparing to yank out top shelf and rejig things. I can only gain 4” but it will be needed as this thing is running hard. Closer than 8-10” to the LED light, and she WILL get cooked! Next Gen grow box gains almost 8” in height with same dimensions, so problem solved. I may have to cut CO2 until stretch is over or just cut altogether. I got a close eye in her. Day 44: She's looking good, and stretching at a rate of 2"/day in her tin can. I did a light defoliation and cleaned up training wires. I'll leave her be from here on out; less some selective defoliation to keep sites open. I cut CO2 (which would have been helpful a bit earlier), and may turn back on at the end of week 8, time will tell. Day 46: She looks like she is 4+ days behind when compared to the other 4 autos I have grown. She will either catch up, take longer to mature, or I'm screwed because of the heavy defol. Flower development seems slow/odd. 10pm and she’s now 22” tall and too close to the light. Flower productivity accelerating for sure. Maybe she will just catch up, and finish late? Bummer I had this one in quarantine. Day 48: leave symptoms developed further into dark rust spots very suspect to a calcium deficiency. I flushed for a few hours, cut Gro out all together and bumped Micro and Bloom. Increased CalMag from .8ml to 1.5 ml/gallon. Now observing. Day 49: Another day or two will tell but it feels like the deficiency is slowing as the progression on day 47-48 was an hour by hour progression. Throughout the week, and almost everyday, I have taken a dozen or so leaves throughout the canopy and the undergrowth. One day I defoliated her pretty good, but not super heavy. Massive leaf production and has crowded the plant/bud sites out in a matter of a day or two. Day 52: Looks like calcium or possibly potassium deficiency back in check. Newer leaves look good and no progression on older leaves.
Harvested BB2 and GG2 on day 84 with mostly cloudy/milky trichomes and scattered amber because I prefer the Sativa daytime buzz. I think these two are further along because they showed the deficiencies. Both were flushed twice within a week and chopped with a dry pot. Last nutrients were day 73. Nothing but PH 6.4 water since day 76. I expect to harvest BB1 and GG1 at around day 92, checking trichomes everyday. I'm guessing the yield will be greater for the second two. Will post harvest pics and videos for each set of two plants after drying and getting dry weights for each plant.
Harvested BB2 and GG2 on day 84 with mostly cloudy/milky trichomes and scattered amber because I prefer the Sativa daytime buzz. I think these two are further along because they showed the deficiencies. Both were flushed twice within a week and chopped with a dry pot. Last nutrients were day 73. Nothing but PH 6.4 water since day 76. I expect to harvest BB1 and GG1 at around day 92, checking trichomes everyday. I'm guessing the yield will be greater for the second two. Will post harvest pics and videos for each set of two plants after drying and getting dry weights for each plant.
Week three, seedlings were not as root bounded as I though but still time to transplant. I am transplanting them all into 1gal rapidstacks. I noticed the roots look nice and healthy, that live soil is packed with nutrients and beneficial bacteria the plants love it! Follow me on IG for more details on my gardens @girlgoneweed Want to save on grow equipment, medium and much more ? Check the link below to have access to all my discount codes! Including ACInfinity use code GGW FOR 15% off on! PetraTools use code GGW and much more! Whoever uses my codes to make a purchase will get a free seed pack from Divine Seeds! Send me a Dm and I’ll give ya the deets ;) Happy growing!
Day 64. Heavy feed day, first 5 will get 1600 blast with EC going high as 3.0 ;)))))) If no burned leaves - Ill have huge buds, otherwise I will have 5 smallest girls on harvest day .... Fingers crossed ;)))) That's my last blast, I think I over calculated amount of Epsom salt... Should be in 1200 range, but it's my last BioBizz bottles and I can't remake new blend. Looking at them now - it looks like I haven't touch a leaf from them a week or so ago ... Insane ! I want buds !!! Will have to strip again, but I will do it in late flower, not now ... Day 65. They survived and loved it !!! Video shows and proves it ! Happy Growing !
Hey, growers I hope that all is well with your grows. I'm here to do my wk.2 check-in to update y'all on my greencrack grow. Everything is going very well so far, started all 3 of them on a small ½ tsp dosage of foxfarm's grow big and big bloom on day 10 of veg and they responded nicely. I'll be starting lst this week and will again give them ½ tsp of each nutrient in their feed.
Stretchy. Long to first node. Quite slow to grow at first but picking up pace. Stem resisting let and would snap if u tried to bend too much... Thrips about. Neemed. Keep on Truckin
Stretchy to first node- maybe it needs constant flowering light distance? Slower to grow than other Bruce banner. No issues. Smooth sailing
Die Damen wachsen in meinen Augen prächtig, der Blüte Strech hat nachgelassen und die Blüten bilden sich nun langsam aber sicher und sehen sehr schön aus. Ich hab festgestellt das die Ladys rote Blatt Stiele entwickeln und sich bei der somango ein Blatt gelb verfärbt, hab daher auf Nährstoff Mangel getippt vermutlich war der PH wert zu niedrig habe daher die Nährstoff Zufuhr erhöht und hoffe nun das sich das Problem regelt. Fall es das nicht tun sollte werde ich mit Mineralischen Hesi Dünger nachhelfen und minimal pK dazu geben. Ich freu mich auf die nächsten paar Wochen. Leider ist das Alter der Ladys im Beitrag etwas falsch. Sie sind in der 4. blütewoche ende Februar werde ich wahrscheinlich ernten dürfen Grüße Flaky