Preparing to yank out top shelf and rejig things. I can only gain 4” but it will be needed as this thing is running hard. Closer than 8-10” to the LED light, and she WILL get cooked! Next Gen grow box gains almost 8” in height with same dimensions, so problem solved. I may have to cut CO2 until stretch is over or just cut altogether. I got a close eye in her.
Day 44: She's looking good, and stretching at a rate of 2"/day in her tin can. I did a light defoliation and cleaned up training wires. I'll leave her be from here on out; less some selective defoliation to keep sites open. I cut CO2 (which would have been helpful a bit earlier), and may turn back on at the end of week 8, time will tell.
Day 46: She looks like she is 4+ days behind when compared to the other 4 autos I have grown. She will either catch up, take longer to mature, or I'm screwed because of the heavy defol. Flower development seems slow/odd. 10pm and she’s now 22” tall and too close to the light. Flower productivity accelerating for sure. Maybe she will just catch up, and finish late? Bummer I had this one in quarantine.
Day 48: leave symptoms developed further into dark rust spots very suspect to a calcium deficiency. I flushed for a few hours, cut Gro out all together and bumped Micro and Bloom. Increased CalMag from .8ml to 1.5 ml/gallon. Now observing.
Day 49: Another day or two will tell but it feels like the deficiency is slowing as the progression on day 47-48 was an hour by hour progression.
Throughout the week, and almost everyday, I have taken a dozen or so leaves throughout the canopy and the undergrowth. One day I defoliated her pretty good, but not super heavy. Massive leaf production and has crowded the plant/bud sites out in a matter of a day or two.
Day 52: Looks like calcium or possibly potassium deficiency back in check. Newer leaves look good and no progression on older leaves.