7 weeks! from what sweet seeds says now I should just wait another week or two and then I could cut it easily, but I don't know. If anyone can advise me on automatic plants I would be grateful! in summary the question is: with automatics only 5/6 weeks of flowering are needed? 🌱
Stretcing week, I try to doing LST during this period, just with bends some branches with my hands but no links✌️️ I add more Biobloom this week 🌺 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌑 Ventilation 💨 : 🌑1 Extractor 24/24h ON🌕 🌑1 Lower oscilating fan 12/24h ON🌗 🌑1 Upper oscillating fan 12/24h ON🌗 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💧Water & Nutrients🍄 : 💧I use tap water and let it sit for 24 hours in a container so that it rises to room temperature and some of the chlorine evaporates 🔥 💧At this water i add a bit of PH- to rise 6. And approximately every 14 days I add bioenhancer 🍄BioGrow and BioBloom were added to my soil as an amendment 🍄I added it a first time, after germination. With approximately 70 grams Bio Grow and 28 grams BioBloom 🍄 I added a second time while I was transitioning into flowering. With 60 grams BioBloom 🍄And a last time on the 2nd week of flowering with 25grams of biobloom ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📜Links : 🌱Gh Cheese x Lemon Wookie Glue seeds 🍯 : Food for your plants 🔥🔥👍 👨‍🚀My Instagram 🌱❤️️: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☮️Thanks for your visit ! ☮️💚
the girl seems to have a hard time catching the growth, but it seems healthy, so I expect her growth in the coming weeks:) I understand that her pot is very stupid, but at the same time very comfortable :) well, this is my first attempt to decorate the balcony :) good luck.
This plant sheesh I like the bud structure her bud to leaf ratio I'm happy with she has alot of trichs got that funky sweat smell almost like somthn is going bad in the fridge lol go check me out on cannabrothers podcast I'm the cohost and I am always looking for homegrowers to interview so message me or go follow me on ig @
Lava Cake , I had to grow it because from what I hear people say Lava Cake isn’t all that. I actually like it. We did my girl and I smoke test it . lol said make her horny smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ not only that I got female growmies saying Lava Cake her favorite strain. Sweet and earthy .
Showing a bit under 2 weeks of growth in this slot. I water every 2 days. But on the 3rd, the plant gets dramatic. Haha. Seriously 1 extra day without water and she freaks. Obviously she perked right back up after feeding and all is well. Down sides of growing a massive plant in a tiny container I guess. Just 6 days later from the drought day, I'm noticing crazy bulking of flower. The mother plant that this clone came from took a bit longer to get to this point. The mother plant did not get this much stress during vegetation either. Also am using UVb. And I have to say I'm noticing a massive difference in trichomes compared to the mother plant that didn't get any UVb. Trichs came in sooner and look thicker. I took a look with jewelers loop on older fan leaves and even they have tiny little trichomes. Can't say it raises the potency of it but it definitely adds more. Stopped feeding anything with nitrogen in it around week 3 of flower. Noticing some slight yellowing already from it. Maybe I cut of N a bit too early. Should have continued through week 4. Now I know. I feed Recharge once a week. I like to think it helps as I do notice slight differences a few days after using it. I have gotten rid of root rot before with it. Or so I believe.
This week was no less stressful, but the previous week prepared us. More and more snow turns white. The microscope is ready. Nutrient solution at the maximum recommended parameters. But there is a problem with the tips of the leaves, they turn yellow first and then dry up and turn brown. I think this is the consequence of the maximum ppm. direct sunlight, a running giant fan at a distance of 20 cm, and an unstable ph lvl. There were significant changes in temperature from 16 at night to 31 during the day. The funnest is when it rains after a hot day. and they turn off the electricity at night. A humid environment of 65-70% without a fan is my nightmare in reality. So a piece of cardboard and energetic hand movements created the wind and the impression that I crazy But there are often good times, when the temperature is 26-27 degrees and the humidity is 45% without a humidifier. The girls smell amazing 😎
This week was no less stressful, but the previous week prepared us. More and more snow turns white. The microscope is ready. Nutrient solution at the maximum recommended parameters. But there is a problem with the tips of the leaves, they turn yellow first and then dry up and turn brown. I think this is the consequence of the maximum ppm. direct sunlight, a running giant fan at a distance of 20 cm, and an unstable ph lvl. There were significant changes in temperature from 16 at night to 31 during the day. The funnest is when it rains after a hot day. and they turn off the electricity at night. A humid environment of 65-70% without a fan is my nightmare in reality. So a piece of cardboard and energetic hand movements created the wind and the impression that I crazy But there are often good times, when the temperature is 26-27 degrees and the humidity is 45% without a humidifier. The girls smell amazing 😎
This week was no less stressful, but the previous week prepared us. More and more snow turns white. The microscope is ready. Nutrient solution at the maximum recommended parameters. But there is a problem with the tips of the leaves, they turn yellow first and then dry up and turn brown. I think this is the consequence of the maximum ppm. direct sunlight, a running giant fan at a distance of 20 cm, and an unstable ph lvl. There were significant changes in temperature from 16 at night to 31 during the day. The funnest is when it rains after a hot day. and they turn off the electricity at night. A humid environment of 65-70% without a fan is my nightmare in reality. So a piece of cardboard and energetic hand movements created the wind and the impression that I crazy But there are often good times, when the temperature is 26-27 degrees and the humidity is 45% without a humidifier. The girls smell amazing 😎
This week was no less stressful, but the previous week prepared us. More and more snow turns white. The microscope is ready. Nutrient solution at the maximum recommended parameters. But there is a problem with the tips of the leaves, they turn yellow first and then dry up and turn brown. I think this is the consequence of the maximum ppm. direct sunlight, a running giant fan at a distance of 20 cm, and an unstable ph lvl. There were significant changes in temperature from 16 at night to 31 during the day. The funnest is when it rains after a hot day. and they turn off the electricity at night. A humid environment of 65-70% without a fan is my nightmare in reality. So a piece of cardboard and energetic hand movements created the wind and the impression that I crazy But there are often good times, when the temperature is 26-27 degrees and the humidity is 45% without a humidifier. The girls smell amazing.😋😋😋
The girl jumped to the top this week :) these days the weather was much better than so far:) we will see what happens with 4-5 hours of sun a day if the weather is favorable :).
Start of week 3 blueberry is flowering and the stretch is almost over. The seedlings are growing nicely.the box got up to 100f this week during mini heat wave had to put ice blocks in rez to lower temp down from 80f. I look forward to the 3 other new strains I’m running. My GSC seedling is looking a little pale I should have waited longer to change rez over to bloom nutes. I have top dressed some organic fertilizer near drip line of nutes 4-6-4 one month release. I applied to all seedlings except blueberry. I reduced blumat on gsc, ww, and ch until surface dried a little bit as my gsc was showing signs of overwatering. Gsc is starting to green back up. My bb had to nanners i plucked them I hope these are all. It could be from the high temps or the one night I had a light leak. BB larger plant receving 1000 ppfd.i turn light back down a notch Gsc leaves started cupping now she’s getting just 550 along with other seedlings.will continue to monitor for improvement and ramp lights up a little later if needed as plants should grow into light.
The solstice. Here we go! I hope to start seeing some action soon and pulling out males. I have my hunches, but haven't confirmed any pollen sacks. The plants got over watered so I have laid off the watering for now. I will be preparing my last transplants soon so I modified pot size to show 30 gallon. So far so good. No changes yet. Considering LST for the 4 plants growing together. I indicated weak smell, but you can begin to get subtle hints of lemony/orangey aromas. Happy Growing grow-mies.
Forming a nice cross shape. Filling out nicely Don't forget to pH up if you decide to try the maxigro. I use it every other watering, watering slowly until 10-15% runoff Day 33 super cropping like a boss.
The Pineapple Chunks are growing really good. I'm very impressed. I guess maximum another week of 18/6 and then it will be time to switch. I've topped them between the 5th and 6th node, giving me 8 shoots/plant to scrog. Next week the scrog screen will be installed. The cobs were lowered to 43 cm (16.9 inch) with 148 watt on day 23. DLI was 30.4 (469 PPFD) On day 27 the power was raised to 168 watt at a distance of 47 cm (18.5 inch) from the plants. DLI was 34.4 (531 PPFD) This height & wattage gives a larger coverage. The thermostat of the heating mat is set at 20°C (68 °F) I gave them ph adjusted tapwater with Plagron nutrients once this week. Rest of the week was ph adjusted tapwater (ec 0.45 – ph 6) every other day. Twice a week I spray them with a CannaCure solution (60 ml CannaCure + 450 ml tapwater ph 6.1) Temperatures stayed between 22.4 – 26.2 °C (72.3 – 79.1 °F) and humidity levels between 46 – 79 % To be continued... Do you want to grow this strain? 👉 👈
D16 : So far, the weather is really cloudy for the month of June and the plants stretched due to the lack of light. Since this is their final pots I decided to add a bit of soil around the stem to stabilize them. So far, it works pretty well. To test their stability, I've tried to blow on the plant before and after and the difference was clear! The weather was bad this week but knowing that, the plants grew pretty well. Parameters : ------------------------------------------- Humidity range : 60-70% Temperature range : 18-21°C SUN Average : cloudy Plants heights at the end of the week : ------------------------------------------- Apricot : 12 cm Gorilla Punch : 10 cm Orange Sherbet : 10 cm Pound Cake : 12.5 cm
Es sind noch ein paar cm dazu gekommen und ich bin mit der Blütenentwicklung recht zufrieden. Der Bereich um die Blüten ist wundervoll bepudert. Das Wetter bleibt wechselhaft bis schlecht! Das Wetter bessert sich, leider habe ich einen massiven Befall von Trauermücken, Nematoden sind bestellt.