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Well met fellow growers 🌵💚 Day 53: slight lightburn on mutant cos akmost touching light. I would have HST the cola down if my irl fellow grower said if the light doesnt burn my hand it wont burn the cola badly😁 well it has slighty, but def better than potentially losing the whole cola. Other than that, lil bit of nute burn? Atleast i think so, will cut to amaller feedings. I fear that my offbrand light might not pull the watts i would need 😕 Day 54: Started to see lil nute burn and quite dark green tint on leaves so im thinking it might b nitrogen toxicity. Did. 2ml/L flashclean 1.2l for all. Gonna feed just ph water tomorrow snd check runoff, hope everything is well and i havent managed to lock these babies😉 Day 55: so after flashclean i gave girls 3l each ph water at 6.3. #1 came out 2.8ec and ph 5.8 #2 3.8ec and ph 4.6😳 #3(mutant) came out as 6.5ph and ec 1.8. they seem to do well but i gotta take a break from feeds w 1 and 2 Day 56: Despite horrible ec and ph readings on #1 and #2, they are doing just fine by the looks of it😅 either FB breeds the most beastly resistant seeds or my shit needs calibration. Prolly both tbh😂 Buds seem to get bigger and the smell is growing day by day. I already get pretty strong vanilla and pine?? Smell😍 hopefully the flashclean was right move to do! I think there may have been some lockout happening in all of em and thats why my runoff came that high. I hope flashclean got rid of the most overfed nutes🙏
Apparently the revegetation process has stabilized, which made me very happy. Now take care of this amazing plant to possibly reap new fruits in May / June. Att Pelo visto o processo de revegetação se estabilizou, o que me deixou muito feliz. Agora é cuidar dessa planta íncrível para colher novos frutos possivelmente em maio/junho. Att
Day 16 ( Today 17th nov): Another week passed and now we are in to the interesting patch that is new ground for me , namely rapid growth and flowering together. Being a photo-period grower , the autos are throwing new curves at me daily. seeing how quickly they change due to their genetic traits is amazing. #1 in the LOS is still a little too pale but mottled looking now instead of bleached out looking. I reckon her roots are nice and adventurous now so should be racing round that big pot grabbing goodies like sonic the hedgehog on crack. #2 has gone through a rough patch this week and her dis-coloured leaves got worse and had another set to join them !!!. I had been conditioning the coco outside in the rain before the planting so could be something in the pots from then. #3 is the star of the show so far with great growth and no signs of slowing down. I am now starting to feed at the lower end of the coco feed each watering and being careful with the amounts I use in the LOS but am more confident of not being heavy handed. They all had a life-cycle feed too , so hopefully the pots charge additive will be awake and boost them a bit for their near flowering cycle. I am hoping to top an start their training soon too so should get interesting from this point .
Day 16 Veg: This week has dragged by watching these girls set up for their race. They are smaller than the other strains in general and the quickest to the end of flower so I will be very gentle with their training and height control. The LOS girl took her time to settle down but has now began to catch up and looks a lot better than she did. They have been put on their coco feeds at the lowest rate now so should be ready for their burst for flowering. I top dressed the LOS girl#1 with life-cycle to get her bennies moving quicker and have given the pots a decent watering too. They will get a fimming I think as I don't want to stunt their height at all as they are going to be shorter than the other strains. now begins the long wait till the next update.!. lol
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Tout d'abord merci à greenhouse de me permettre de faire cette culture en m'offrant le feeding greenhouse et des graines Je rappelle que cultive simultanément 9 pots de 10 et 11 litres dans une box prévu pour 4 et que je n'utilise que le strict minimum du matériel nécessaire à une culture correcte au prix le plus bas possible MATÉRIEL CONFIGURATION Box 80×80×160 Lampe led Lampwin 300 watts ×2 Ventilateur à pince 15 watts Xiaomi Deerma humidificateurs 5L Hygrometre thermomètre Extracteur PROFAN 107 m3/h - 100 Prise programmable électronique ×2 1 pot carré noir 10 litres Green house feeding enhancer Green house feeding biobloom Green house feeding biogrow Substrat biobizz ligthmix Fil de fer et pince coupante Microscope Petite balance de précision CULTURE ÉTAPE PAR ÉTAPE J'ai tout dabord fais germé ma graine avec le easy start de Royal queen seed et je suis agréablement surpris car franchement le taux de réussite est très élevé (17 graines sur 19) simple d'utilisation et très efficace. Une fois la plantule sortie et d'une hauteur de 2 ou 3 centimètres je la prend délicatement et la place directement dans son pot définitif. Je préconise des pots allant entre 10 litres et 15 litres pour des autofloraisons cultivées en intérieur. Le pot aura été préalablement préparé (video dans diarie) avec 30 grammes d'engrais greenhouse feeding biobloom et 30 grammes de greenhouse feeding biogrow, soit l'équivalent de 3 grammes par litre de substrat. Je dépose donc la plantule dans son pot définitif je recouvre un peu de avec de la terre je tasse légèrement et j'arrose pour garder le substrat humide pas plus Je place ma lampe led 300watts à environ 90 centimètres de la plantule avec un cycle de lumière de 24/24 pendant une semaine. Au début de la semaine 2 le cycle de lumière passera en 20/4 grace a un programmateur car c'est pour moi le cycle de lumière qui offre le meilleur rendement pour une autofloraison. Jour1: léger arrosage Jour2: léger arrosage Jour3: la plantule commence à être plus vigoureuse mise en place de la ventilation pour augmenter sa masse racinaire et léger arrosage Jour4: arrosage avec un litre et demi d'eau ph6.3 à laquelle j'ai ajouté 0.9 gramme de greenhouse feeding enhancer (soit 0.6 gramme par litre d'eau) Jour5: aucune technique spéciale Jour6: aucune technique spéciale Semaine agréablement calme sans problème ni carence apparente Que la force soit avec vous !
Day 16: What a good week for these girls. They initially looked like slow starters but soon have picked their pace up and now appear the biggest group of the strains growing as a whole. They are nice and green looking throughout and it looks like the LOS may be the leader so far. I am stoked with the strains I have running now and their speed is phenomenal. Seeing how quickly they have all changed in such a short time gives me a lot of confidence for their finish. Bring it on fast buds. Your impressing the hell out of me
Day 43 - Starting week 7 and damn this girl is taking off. She’s starting to bud up nicely and doesn’t seem to have any issues from the feeding of bloom nutes yesterday. The pot is already starting to get light so will be giving her some pH’d water and cal-mag in the next day or two. Day 44 - Nothing much new today but she’s definitely starting her stretch. She’s stretching close to an inch every 24 hours and hoping she doesn’t get too crazy. Will be giving her some fresh water tomorrow. Debating on doing some defoliation, she’s pretty damn bushy right now so might just do a couple fan leaves here and there till I get her thinned out. Day 46 - The girl was pretty dry today and gave her a full gallon of pH’d water (6.4) and some cal-mag. Bud sites are definitely starting to fill in quite and bit and she’s looking great but I did remove a few leaves today to try and make her a little less bushy and will continue to remove a few every few days until she’s nice and open. Day 48 - Almost the end of week 7 and she’s filling in nicely. Will be giving her another feeding of nutes tomorrow and removed a couple more fan leaves tonight.
Only 3cm growth this week but she's bushed out a fair bit and pushed out some new leaves. 💪
Only 3cm growth this week but she's bushed out a fair bit and pushed out some new leaves. 💪
Only 3cm growth this week but she's bushed out a fair bit and pushed out some new leaves. 💪
Removed some lower branches at the end of week 9. ✂️ Things were getting a little tightly packed in the flower room. 🤷‍♂️🏽🌿 Both plants are showing signs of female sex.😎 That about some up week 1 of flower. 🌺
Removed some lower branches at the end of week 9. ✂️ Things were getting a little tightly packed in the flower room. 🤷‍♂️🏽🌿 Both plants are showing signs of female sex.😎 That about some up week 1 of flower. 🌺
25cm vertical growth this week!!! She's nicely into flowering now!
25cm vertical growth this week!!! She's nicely into flowering now!
Day 16 Veg : Holy molly these girls have impressed me this week. I started with barely seedlings and now at the beginning of week 3 above the soil , they are going for it. Seeing the LOS girl#1 slowly start to gain a little more green to her leaf finally has me thinking the soil is becoming active now. The coty leaves are still all looking ok and not even nibbled by them. I wonder if autos can bypass them when resources are there for them ?. So far the coco girls have been consistently getting bigger but the LOS seems to have spurted up in their pots. They all had a treat of a life-cycle feed a few days back which seems to have accelerated them all a little too. No doubt their ruderalis genetic also is a huge help but no signs of deficiency besides the paling , so all good in the world. I am curious to see when the first signs of flower kick in now the 2 week mark has passed. Training starts soon.
This week She grew 13cm. Flowering stretch slowing down. Her flower sites look absolutely lovely!!! No sign of any purple as of yet though 😭
This week She grew 13cm. Flowering stretch slowing down. Her flower sites look absolutely lovely!!! No sign of any purple as of yet though 😭
12th week of the Royal haze auto reckon she has a week or 2 left I gave her a major defoliation a few days ago to allow all the bud sites to get light and the small sites that were just basicly still white pistols I cut them off aswell so that all plant production is going to the buds that are going to be worth growing all the bud calyx's are filling out nice and resinous I think she has 2 weeks left on her she's on 3ml q and b per litre I'll start flushing her out next week probably , with the 6 photoperiod plants I have been low stress training them aswell as pinching the stems being very careful only to break the plant cells inside the stem but not totally crushing them to the point they can't stand up on there own this allows more nutes to be up taken when the plant recovers
11/17 Week 8 Man I will be glad when this grow is over, if making mistakes promotes learning well... Im a fricking PHD ... Ok progress on Maggie the yellow is limited to the very top as buds are building in particular those a couple inches from the top. Thinking another root drench is in order, cant hurt and letting her dry a bit as a prep. Looks like tomorrow Layla doing ok she exhibits far fewer problems but the same issue are present she is just a hell of plant along with the Runtz which she shares the tent. Thinking about the feeding tomorrow will decide what to do then. They have plenty of time to finish up, had some issues on germination on the grow following so looks like it may be delayed a week from the scheduled 2 weeks. Maggie may need it. 11/19 Have stumbled onto to something it seems. The further I move the lights out, they are now at twice the "ideal" placement of 14" at 28" and the yellowing is disappearing to a great extent. Problem with this of course is not enough light at bud sites not on the canopy which lets face it is most of your bud. It is absolutely something that makes the plants insanely susceptible to light burn. New one for me but maybe some of yall know so making a question of it. Pics at lights out only and I missed today so new pics later if I get back in time. Update : Defoliated and tightened training on all three to spread things out from the center and open up the light and air paths. Raising the lights is working just wish I knew why as lights are higher than crap with little room for more than a few more inches. Would drop the watts to 450 but need the heat to keep the grow room level as our temps here swing 40 degrees all the time. Something I learned with the help of a carbon filter. If things normalize will begin dropping lights to see what happens. 11/20 Setting the lights at 24" as I am not risking yield any further than that on Layla and the Runtz, Have the canopy as level as it can be with Brandy getting the least light being on a coco coir block (heh) for height, which she is responding well to since I opened up the plant and no longer worried over mold issues in that main bud. Have Layla on a milk crate to bring her into decent light as well as the Runtz. She is just a lovely thing building those white crystalline buds. Maggie has turned into a beast at least I know her root ball is huge from the growth above. Seriously defoliated her removing several small lower branches and leaves blocking light and air paths. Next feed will be continuing what seems to be working, Epsom salt and bloom nuets (no calmag with epsom salt) with a foliar feed after lights out which may well be with calmag. Foliar feeding today at lights out, one quart sprayer with 1ml CaliMagic and 0.5ml wetting agent un-PH warmed to 75 F before spraying (our tap water comes out at @50F so...), just trying to hit hard and effective * New Pics after foliar Update Folks its taken 8 weeks and a final piece of the puzzle provided by Grey_wolf resulted in a near full strength cal-mag foliar feeding and the last def bites the dust. See what happens from here but its the first time I have felt good about this grow since the bad time germing at week one. *big sigh of relief* Have a whole list of things I will never do again in soil more about that at harvest. Right now I need to work on why calcium is blocked at the roots but thats another day right now I just wanna look at em. 😁 11/22 Another foliar feed same as before just diluted 30% and all three got it today JIC Cannot find a pale leaf or top and hairs are standing up on the top buds for once and buds building nice on the lower ares the defs were cleared up first. Going to stop the foliars for a few days see what happens but will resume at first sign of need. Maggie has potential even after all this and we going to help her be all she can :D 11/22 Feeding day - Bio-Bloom 7ml - calmag 4ml - Recharge .5tsp / gal at 6.5PH to all three. No foliar today 11/23 The thickness of the hair growth on Layla is amazing! Will try and get pics at lights out of it if my crappy camera will catch it. Never seen anything like it, once again THIS this is what we intended by growing Stardawg :) Update: Pics and vid hope it comes through well enough as for the green in that tent and the dense hairs on Layla
👉👽11/17/19 - After two days of heavy defoliation, there were signs of a little stress. Mostly leaf dropping. Not much but, different than before. Gave a feeding of 2 cups of each solution. Solution #1 A+B Silica Blast Solution # 2 Terp Candy Bud Sweet Sens Cal Overdrive 11/19/2019 - I noticed a couple more white fly's tonight. I have used my UV/Ozone bulb tonight for 30 min two times. I also hung 2 more sticky pads. Lets see what happens. Had to hold my breath (because of the ozone) as I took the pics. 11/20/2019 - 2 cup feeding of each solution. Saw a couple flies but not as many. Going to run the UV/Ozone bulb again tonight. 11/22/2019 - 2 cup feeding of each solution. Flies seams to be dead. Ran the UV/Oz again for 30 min and this seems to bee a good time over several days to kill the little bugs. 11/24/2019 - Well, have one girl that got a little fucked up from the extreme defoliation and was a little dehydrated. She re bounded nicely after some tasty treats. I think she will be the one that just hangs on to harvest