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Ahora si estamos actualizados growers!! ultima semana de crecimiento, numero 4 con 27 días. Decidí cambiar a 7L en lugar de 3,5L buscando que ensanchen un poco mas y me den un par de esquejer cada una para la seleccion. 4ª Semana 24-10-2018 Riego foliar de fitofotificante ecológico Superkukulus 2mlxL Riego con 1mlxL de Voodoo, 1mlxL de Sensi Grow A+B 1mlxL de Rhino Skin y 1mlxL de Tarántula. (En este riego habría quitado el Grow ya que para entrar en trasplante solo habría bastado con estimular con microorganismos y enraizante) 26-10-2018 Riego con 2mlxL de Voodoo y 2mlx10L de Root Stimulator de BAC Observaciones: A principios de semana se separaron para no hacerse competencia entre ellas por espacio, a los varios dias coloque las nuevas luminarias LEC 315w con 3100k a baja potencia, con el balastro regulable los coloco a 190w. Al siguiente dia el 26 realce el trasplante completo, descartando una Dinamed que se quedo pequeña, otra que tenia mancas y deformaciones y una Cándida CD-1 CBD también con deformaciones y espigamientos. Tome la segunda tanda de apuntes planta por planta, donde recojo información como, tamaño, carencias o excesos, ramificación, raíces.. todo lo que pueda reunir de cada planta. trasplantamos y vamos subiendo a potencia de la luminaria hasta el dia 1 de floracion que comenzaran a 315w de potencia. Se riegan a PH 6 con estimulador de raíces y voodoo. Comienzan a bajar las temperaturas por aquí y a la noche están a unos 18 grados, coloco un termostato para que funcione el extractor a media potencia mientras la temperatura no supere los 26 grados, aunque no supera mas de 24 sin tener puesta intracción. De nuevo gracias a los growers y a los creadores de esta plataforma que es un autentico regalo! me ayuda a organizarme y aprendo muchísimo de lo que veo en la comunidad. ¡¡¡Que no pare la maquina!!! ---- Now if we are updated growers !! last week of growth, number 4 with 27 days. I decided to change to 7L instead of 3.5L looking for them to widen a little more and give me a couple of sketches each for the selection. 4th Week 10-24-2018 Foliar watering of organic phytofetifier Superkukulus 2mlxL Irrigation with 1mlxL of Voodoo, 1mlxL of Sensi Grow A + B 1mlxL of Rhino Skin and 1mlxL of Tarantula. (In this irrigation I would have removed the Grow since to enter into a transplant it would have been enough to stimulate with microorganisms and rooting) 10-26-2018 Irrigation with 2mlxL of Voodoo and 2mlx10L of Root Stimulator of BAC Observations: At the beginning of the week they separated so as not to compete with each other for space, after several days I placed the new LEC 315w luminaires with 3100k at low power, with the adjustable ballast I set them to 190w. The next day the 26th full transplant, discarding a Dinamed that remained small, another that had mancs and deformations and a Candida CD-1 CBD also with deformations and stigmas. Take the second batch of notes plant by plant, where I collect information such as size, deficiencies or excesses, ramification, roots .. everything you can gather from each plant. we transplanted and we are going up to power of the luminaria until the day 1 of florescion that they began to 315w of power. They are watered to PH 6 with root stimulator and voodoo. Begin to lower temperatures here and at night are about 18 degrees, I set a thermostat to operate the extractor at half power while the temperature does not exceed 26 degrees, but does not exceed more than 24 without having put intracción. Thanks again to the growers and the creators of this platform, which is a real gift! It helps me to organize myself and I learn a lot from what I see in the community. Do not stop the machine!
Diese Woche gehts nach draußen, denn das Wetter ist gut und die Eisheiligen sind durch. Die Tropicana Cookies hat ihren Endtopf bezogen und darf jetzt als erste im Außenbecken schwimmen. Das System besteht aus 2 Solarzellen. Die linke betreibt eine kleine Luftpumpe und hat sogar einen integrierten Akku, sodass sie auch nach Sonnenuntergang noch weiter pumpt. Bis zum nächsten Morgen schafft sie es allerdings nicht. Die Leistung ist eher mäßig, aber ich habe durch einen anderen Schlauch und einen durchlässigeren Airstone alles rausgeholt, was möglich war. Die rechte Solarzelle betreibt eine kleine Teichfontäne, die ich direkt gegen den Deckel spritzen lasse. So läuft die NL am Deckel und am Topf entlang bekommt dabei viel Oberfläche. Ich hoffe damit die NL zusätzlich mit Sauerstoff anreichern zu können und die NL an sich so weit in Bewegung zu halten wie in einem RDWC. Die Zelle ist nicht besonders Leistungsstark und dadurch pumpt die Pumpe tatsächlich nur, wenn die Sonne scheint. Ob das reicht werden wir in diesem Experiment feststellen. 😅 Dann habe ich zusätzlich noch den Eimer Isoliert, indem ich einen 40L Stofftopf drüber gezogen habe. Der Schatten schützt den schwarzen Eimer vor der Sonne. Die Steine auf dem Deckel schirmen den Deckel ebenfalls ab und halten abends ein wenig die Wärme, sodass der Eimer langsamer und hoffentlich etwas weniger in der Temperatur schwankt. Ich werde aber wohl noch eine Abdeckung bauen, da ich mit der Optik sehr unzufrieden bin. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* In Vlog #4 und #5 könnt ihr den Fortschritt in bewegten Bildern miterleben. Wenn euch der Vlog gefällt, findet ihr die Videos in 4k auf Youtube unter dem Link: Lasst mir gerne ein Like, Kommi oder Abo da, das würde mir sehr helfen, vielen Dank. Machts gut, bis die Tage und happy growing 💪😁👍
Diese Woche gehts nach draußen, denn das Wetter ist gut und die Eisheiligen sind durch. Die Tropicana Cookies hat ihren Endtopf bezogen und darf jetzt als erste im Außenbecken schwimmen. Das System besteht aus 2 Solarzellen. Die linke betreibt eine kleine Luftpumpe und hat sogar einen integrierten Akku, sodass sie auch nach Sonnenuntergang noch weiter pumpt. Bis zum nächsten Morgen schafft sie es allerdings nicht. Die Leistung ist eher mäßig, aber ich habe durch einen anderen Schlauch und einen durchlässigeren Airstone alles rausgeholt, was möglich war. Die rechte Solarzelle betreibt eine kleine Teichfontäne, die ich direkt gegen den Deckel spritzen lasse. So läuft die NL am Deckel und am Topf entlang bekommt dabei viel Oberfläche. Ich hoffe damit die NL zusätzlich mit Sauerstoff anreichern zu können und die NL an sich so weit in Bewegung zu halten wie in einem RDWC. Die Zelle ist nicht besonders Leistungsstark und dadurch pumpt die Pumpe tatsächlich nur, wenn die Sonne scheint. Ob das reicht werden wir in diesem Experiment feststellen. 😅 Dann habe ich zusätzlich noch den Eimer Isoliert, indem ich einen 40L Stofftopf drüber gezogen habe. Der Schatten schützt den schwarzen Eimer vor der Sonne. Die Steine auf dem Deckel schirmen den Deckel ebenfalls ab und halten abends ein wenig die Wärme, sodass der Eimer langsamer und hoffentlich etwas weniger in der Temperatur schwankt. Ich werde aber wohl noch eine Abdeckung bauen, da ich mit der Optik sehr unzufrieden bin. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* In Vlog #4 und #5 könnt ihr den Fortschritt in bewegten Bildern miterleben. Wenn euch der Vlog gefällt, findet ihr die Videos in 4k auf Youtube unter dem Link: Lasst mir gerne ein Like, Kommi oder Abo da, das würde mir sehr helfen, vielen Dank. Machts gut, bis die Tage und happy growing 💪😁👍
Yooo update gang!!!! Let's Get It!!!! Sooo it's a new week, super important week, taking clones Saturday morning got my Grodan 1.5 inch cubes washed and soaked in 5.8 Ph water and light feed solution with Cropsalt S/O! Fire nutrients!!! Gunna then plug them with Clonex and set them in the tray will start the next diary for that monday!!! ALSO flipping light schedule to 12/12 on Monday to Flower!!! Also I upped the nutrients as I will be switching to flower and I will continue as directed for 21 days and then introduce flowering nutrients other then that she is steady growing and stretching serious praying leaves up top stay tuned gang! Thank you for stopping by and stay brackin fam!!!! LFG!!! **************************************** Update!!! 👹👹👹 Cloned her...that failed lol miserably had alot to do with the dome and me leaving it off at one point just all bad lol restarting the clone process lol
Smells of STRAIGHT GAS. Bit of a skunk smell but the gas smell is overwhelming. Can't get enough of it. 143 grams (roughly 2.55 ounces per plant of good buds). Hoping the quality is amazing..
Here we go! Just sort of keeping an eye on the pistils and trichomes. Still need a little time. Won’t be a large harvest but smelling and looking amazing. 5/16. No joke these ladies smell so amazing. Fruity and sweet. Hopefully coming up on harvest shortly. 5/20- harvested one of the gals. So smol! But I love her. She smells like grape jelly. This time I am READY with my dry tent. I think I’ll give the other pot just a few more days…
Happy Mother’s Day. 5/13 Getting weird like bright neon orange pistils. I personally think it’s way too early to have pistils changing colors already. 5/16 fairly certain it was wind burn. My humidity was jacking up and my fan was trying to compensate. Changed settings and we should be golden now. Plant is frosting up hella already. I think there’s more frost than there are pistils 5/18 day 20 of flowering. Last day of week 2
So last feeding done just 2 ml of bloom for all the ladys still guess they could eat more one of the 4 plants was totaly hungry but any ways less is sometimes better thab much ;) so next week the gone harvested they looking good but also drink to much water they got watered every 2 day about 1.5l for all 4 plants( next time better watering every day) Have u any Tipps dont mi to write below :)
5/12/2024 these plants just keep on getting fluffier and fluffier. Did a slight defoliation. The plant I did training on, seems to have better stackage than her sister. If lst doesn’t increase yield, then it at the very least will increase bud size/stacking. 5/19 end of the week, they're starting to pack on weight now. Pistils are turning a super bright orange color that has a pink tint to it that is super beautiful. The camera does not do it justice at all. I would definitely recommend this strain to anyone. It's stupid easy to grow and the buds are just getting ridiculous. You could probably drop like 9 of these in 3 gal pots in 3x3 tent and just water and basic notes and do a sea of green style. Watch the humidity though.
They're behind the Jack Herer but at least the ladies showed up to the party at least! I have named them Shasta and Sky. They both have made the journey towards the light. I am maintainin a 21-23 C with around 67-75% RH, and with all 3 beans now popped, I am very excited about this grow day 5 of germination. Temp: 21.5c RH 75%. The sunset sherbert autos x2 (total 3) are also freshly emerged, and for now the SF-1000401h Evo 100W will be powering the babiesd, swapped out for the Mars Hydro FC-E1500 150W (+complete adlite set). later on this afternoon. Spider Farmer's 6L humidifier with sensor is doing a great job, and so is the dehumidifier , both are operating fine in the 70x70x1,60 tent. Air flow at 25% on a 4" inline fan with 204CFM. Light at 30% at 18 inches. No Adlites in operation. Let's quickly review the key new components I've planned to integrate or have already: Circulation Pump - Adding this to the 14L Mars Hydro reservoir will ensure even fresh, circulated-for-a-miniute-every-hour, batch of water (and later nutes) to the auto-drip system, maintaining optimal feeding for my plants when I am away, next week. Biobizz & BioTabs Supplements - These organic nutrient and microbial products will provide a comprehensive and balanced feeding regimen for my plants. Auto-Drain Potted Plant Stands - The wheeled, auto-draining stands will simplify watering and prevent any spills or overflows. Inkbird Humidity Controller - Pairing this with the Spider Farmer humidifier and dehumidifier will allow me to precisely maintain the ideal VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) levels. LST Clips, Trellis Net & Shelves - These will help me maximize my grow space and optimize the plant canopy for optimal light exposure. Pest Control Strips - An important preventative measure to stay ahead of any potential pest issues. Smart Soil Sensors - The Zigbee-enabled sensors will provide vital data on soil moisture, temperature, and more, which I can monitor remotely. Air Purifier/Ion Generator - Ensuring my grow environment has clean, high-quality air circulation. With all of these elements in place, combined with my existing setup and the automated control via the iGrow app, I'm truly creating a "hands-off" grow operation. (theoretically, with a bro, coming to phiscally check too)....The ability to monitor and adjust key parameters remotely while I'm away in Italy. Running on Sunrise/set mode(18/6) over the "seedling" scene, in iGrow app, keeping track of DLI and later on, the Adlites will come into play. Temp at 23.5 and RH is at 60%
She has left the Sunset Sherberts behind, and deciced to take advantage of the nice and toasty environment. Jedi (her name) has finally broken through. Steady at 21.5-24 C. RH at 65-75% with Spider Farmer Huimidifier and Dehumidifier, shooting for VPD. (day 1) Let's quickly review the key new components I've planned to integrate or have already: Circulation Pump - Adding this to the 14L Mars Hydro reservoir will ensure even fresh, circulated-for-a-miniute-every-hour, batch of water (and later nutes) to the auto-drip system, maintaining optimal feeding for my plants when I am away, next week. Biobizz & BioTabs Supplements - These organic nutrient and microbial products will provide a comprehensive and balanced feeding regimen for my plants. Auto-Drain Potted Plant Stands - The wheeled, auto-draining stands will simplify watering and prevent any spills or overflows. Inkbird Humidity Controller - Pairing this with the Spider Farmer humidifier and dehumidifier will allow me to precisely maintain the ideal VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) levels. LST Clips, Trellis Net & Shelves - These will help me maximize my grow space and optimize the plant canopy for optimal light exposure. Pest Control Strips - An important preventative measure to stay ahead of any potential pest issues. Smart Soil Sensors - The Zigbee-enabled sensors will provide vital data on soil moisture, temperature, and more, which I can monitor remotely. Air Purifier/Ion Generator - Ensuring my grow environment has clean, high-quality air circulation. With all of these elements in place, combined with my existing setup and the automated control via the iGrow app, I'm truly creating a "hands-off" grow operation. (theoretically, with a bro, coming to phiscally check too)....The ability to monitor and adjust key parameters remotely while I'm away in Italy. Running on Sunrise/set mode(18/6) over the "seedling" scene, in iGrow app, keeping track of DLI and later on, the Adlites will come into play. Temp at 23.5 and RH is at 60%.
Tropicana flowers 🌞☀️🌤️🌦️🌧️ Plant is 15 cm high because of low stress training. The length is 31 cm. Day 36: Sun is shining, 15-23 degrees, high humidity. Tropicana gets two liters of pure rainwater. Spend the day in my veggie garden working. In the evening I brought some 🐞for Tropicana because I spottet a few lice. My mood changes drastically as I find spider mites eggs, first and second stadium. Don‘t overthink that and decide to defoliate the plant immediately. I prepare a tee out of the leaves which brings fast relaxation. My mood is much better now. Day 37 In the morning with better light I find more spider mites and decide to wash the plant with rainwater. Can‘t find after any more of these little killer dwarfs. I decide to bring more beetles and check the leafs more often. Temperature is felling under 20 degrees, it‘s raining and the humidity is 87%. Day 38 In the early morning I couldn‘t find any mites on Tropicana. Got to continue controlling this in the next weeks regular. I‘m sure they are still there somewhere hidden in a dark spot. 🌦️ 13 - 21 degrees and humidity is around 60-70%. Day 39 🌦️🌧️ Very rainy day. Just let Tropicana enjoy life and tie down the top one more time. 🐞 stay since some days. One on every plant. I think the mites are a result of their start inside and no hygiene at all. Have the same with my peppers some years. 14 - 21 degrees, humidity around 84% Day 40 🌧️☁️🌤️☀️15 degrees, humidity 83% We listen to Roots Reggae, Tropicana is happy and quite busy with producing new roots, I guess. Don‘t understand when to stop low stress training. I think it’s enough now. She needs a rest. Day 41 🌧️⛈️🌧️🌧️ 15 - 19 degrees, humidity up to 89% We had rainfall today around 65 liters of water. I collected enough of it for the next weeks. Day 42 ☀️ 6 - 23 degrees. Humidity is falling. Tropicana enjoys the morning sun while she drinks and drinks and drinks…. Coffee. 😅
Tropicana flowers 🌞☀️🌤️🌦️🌧️ Plant is 15 cm high because of low stress training. The length is 31 cm. Day 36: Sun is shining, 15-23 degrees, high humidity. Tropicana gets two liters of pure rainwater. Spend the day in my veggie garden working. In the evening I brought some 🐞for Tropicana because I spottet a few lice. My mood changes drastically as I find spider mites eggs, first and second stadium. Don‘t overthink that and decide to defoliate the plant immediately. I prepare a tee out of the leaves which brings fast relaxation. My mood is much better now. Day 37 In the morning with better light I find more spider mites and decide to wash the plant with rainwater. Can‘t find after any more of these little killer dwarfs. I decide to bring more beetles and check the leafs more often. Temperature is felling under 20 degrees, it‘s raining and the humidity is 87%. Day 38 In the early morning I couldn‘t find any mites on Tropicana. Got to continue controlling this in the next weeks regular. I‘m sure they are still there somewhere hidden in a dark spot. 🌦️ 13 - 21 degrees and humidity is around 60-70%. Day 39 🌦️🌧️ Very rainy day. Just let Tropicana enjoy life and tie down the top one more time. 🐞 stay since some days. One on every plant. I think the mites are a result of their start inside and no hygiene at all. Have the same with my peppers some years. 14 - 21 degrees, humidity around 84% Day 40 🌧️☁️🌤️☀️15 degrees, humidity 83% We listen to Roots Reggae, Tropicana is happy and quite busy with producing new roots, I guess. Don‘t understand when to stop low stress training. I think it’s enough now. She needs a rest. Day 41 🌧️⛈️🌧️🌧️ 15 - 19 degrees, humidity up to 89% We had rainfall today around 65 liters of water. I collected enough of it for the next weeks. Day 42 ☀️ 6 - 23 degrees. Humidity is falling. Tropicana enjoys the morning sun while she drinks and drinks and drinks…. Coffee. 😅
Tropicana flowers 🌞☀️🌤️🌦️🌧️ Plant is 15 cm high because of low stress training. The length is 31 cm. Day 36: Sun is shining, 15-23 degrees, high humidity. Tropicana gets two liters of pure rainwater. Spend the day in my veggie garden working. In the evening I brought some 🐞for Tropicana because I spottet a few lice. My mood changes drastically as I find spider mites eggs, first and second stadium. Don‘t overthink that and decide to defoliate the plant immediately. I prepare a tee out of the leaves which brings fast relaxation. My mood is much better now. Day 37 In the morning with better light I find more spider mites and decide to wash the plant with rainwater. Can‘t find after any more of these little killer dwarfs. I decide to bring more beetles and check the leafs more often. Temperature is felling under 20 degrees, it‘s raining and the humidity is 87%. Day 38 In the early morning I couldn‘t find any mites on Tropicana. Got to continue controlling this in the next weeks regular. I‘m sure they are still there somewhere hidden in a dark spot. 🌦️ 13 - 21 degrees and humidity is around 60-70%. Day 39 🌦️🌧️ Very rainy day. Just let Tropicana enjoy life and tie down the top one more time. 🐞 stay since some days. One on every plant. I think the mites are a result of their start inside and no hygiene at all. Have the same with my peppers some years. 14 - 21 degrees, humidity around 84% Day 40 🌧️☁️🌤️☀️15 degrees, humidity 83% We listen to Roots Reggae, Tropicana is happy and quite busy with producing new roots, I guess. Don‘t understand when to stop low stress training. I think it’s enough now. She needs a rest. Day 41 🌧️⛈️🌧️🌧️ 15 - 19 degrees, humidity up to 89% We had rainfall today around 65 liters of water. I collected enough of it for the next weeks. Day 42 ☀️ 6 - 23 degrees. Humidity is falling. Tropicana enjoys the morning sun while she drinks and drinks and drinks…. Coffee. 😅
Tropicana flowers 🌞☀️🌤️🌦️🌧️ Plant is 15 cm high because of low stress training. The length is 31 cm. Day 36: Sun is shining, 15-23 degrees, high humidity. Tropicana gets two liters of pure rainwater. Spend the day in my veggie garden working. In the evening I brought some 🐞for Tropicana because I spottet a few lice. My mood changes drastically as I find spider mites eggs, first and second stadium. Don‘t overthink that and decide to defoliate the plant immediately. I prepare a tee out of the leaves which brings fast relaxation. My mood is much better now. Day 37 In the morning with better light I find more spider mites and decide to wash the plant with rainwater. Can‘t find after any more of these little killer dwarfs. I decide to bring more beetles and check the leafs more often. Temperature is felling under 20 degrees, it‘s raining and the humidity is 87%. Day 38 In the early morning I couldn‘t find any mites on Tropicana. Got to continue controlling this in the next weeks regular. I‘m sure they are still there somewhere hidden in a dark spot. 🌦️ 13 - 21 degrees and humidity is around 60-70%. Day 39 🌦️🌧️ Very rainy day. Just let Tropicana enjoy life and tie down the top one more time. 🐞 stay since some days. One on every plant. I think the mites are a result of their start inside and no hygiene at all. Have the same with my peppers some years. 14 - 21 degrees, humidity around 84% Day 40 🌧️☁️🌤️☀️15 degrees, humidity 83% We listen to Roots Reggae, Tropicana is happy and quite busy with producing new roots, I guess. Don‘t understand when to stop low stress training. I think it’s enough now. She needs a rest. Day 41 🌧️⛈️🌧️🌧️ 15 - 19 degrees, humidity up to 89% We had rainfall today around 65 liters of water. I collected enough of it for the next weeks. Day 42 ☀️ 6 - 23 degrees. Humidity is falling. Tropicana enjoys the morning sun while she drinks and drinks and drinks…. Coffee. 😅
Tropicana flowers 🌞☀️🌤️🌦️🌧️ Plant is 15 cm high because of low stress training. The length is 31 cm. Day 36: Sun is shining, 15-23 degrees, high humidity. Tropicana gets two liters of pure rainwater. Spend the day in my veggie garden working. In the evening I brought some 🐞for Tropicana because I spottet a few lice. My mood changes drastically as I find spider mites eggs, first and second stadium. Don‘t overthink that and decide to defoliate the plant immediately. I prepare a tee out of the leaves which brings fast relaxation. My mood is much better now. Day 37 In the morning with better light I find more spider mites and decide to wash the plant with rainwater. Can‘t find after any more of these little killer dwarfs. I decide to bring more beetles and check the leafs more often. Temperature is felling under 20 degrees, it‘s raining and the humidity is 87%. Day 38 In the early morning I couldn‘t find any mites on Tropicana. Got to continue controlling this in the next weeks regular. I‘m sure they are still there somewhere hidden in a dark spot. 🌦️ 13 - 21 degrees and humidity is around 60-70%. Day 39 🌦️🌧️ Very rainy day. Just let Tropicana enjoy life and tie down the top one more time. 🐞 stay since some days. One on every plant. I think the mites are a result of their start inside and no hygiene at all. Have the same with my peppers some years. 14 - 21 degrees, humidity around 84% Day 40 🌧️☁️🌤️☀️15 degrees, humidity 83% We listen to Roots Reggae, Tropicana is happy and quite busy with producing new roots, I guess. Don‘t understand when to stop low stress training. I think it’s enough now. She needs a rest. Day 41 🌧️⛈️🌧️🌧️ 15 - 19 degrees, humidity up to 89% We had rainfall today around 65 liters of water. I collected enough of it for the next weeks. Day 42 ☀️ 6 - 23 degrees. Humidity is falling. Tropicana enjoys the morning sun while she drinks and drinks and drinks…. Coffee. 😅
Tropicana flowers 🌞☀️🌤️🌦️🌧️ Plant is 15 cm high because of low stress training. The length is 31 cm. Day 36: Sun is shining, 15-23 degrees, high humidity. Tropicana gets two liters of pure rainwater. Spend the day in my veggie garden working. In the evening I brought some 🐞for Tropicana because I spottet a few lice. My mood changes drastically as I find spider mites eggs, first and second stadium. Don‘t overthink that and decide to defoliate the plant immediately. I prepare a tee out of the leaves which brings fast relaxation. My mood is much better now. Day 37 In the morning with better light I find more spider mites and decide to wash the plant with rainwater. Can‘t find after any more of these little killer dwarfs. I decide to bring more beetles and check the leafs more often. Temperature is felling under 20 degrees, it‘s raining and the humidity is 87%. Day 38 In the early morning I couldn‘t find any mites on Tropicana. Got to continue controlling this in the next weeks regular. I‘m sure they are still there somewhere hidden in a dark spot. 🌦️ 13 - 21 degrees and humidity is around 60-70%. Day 39 🌦️🌧️ Very rainy day. Just let Tropicana enjoy life and tie down the top one more time. 🐞 stay since some days. One on every plant. I think the mites are a result of their start inside and no hygiene at all. Have the same with my peppers some years. 14 - 21 degrees, humidity around 84% Day 40 🌧️☁️🌤️☀️15 degrees, humidity 83% We listen to Roots Reggae, Tropicana is happy and quite busy with producing new roots, I guess. Don‘t understand when to stop low stress training. I think it’s enough now. She needs a rest. Day 41 🌧️⛈️🌧️🌧️ 15 - 19 degrees, humidity up to 89% We had rainfall today around 65 liters of water. I collected enough of it for the next weeks. Day 42 ☀️ 6 - 23 degrees. Humidity is falling. Tropicana enjoys the morning sun while she drinks and drinks and drinks…. Coffee. 😅