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Ahora si estamos actualizados growers!! ultima semana de crecimiento, numero 4 con 27 días. Decidí cambiar a 7L en lugar de 3,5L buscando que ensanchen un poco mas y me den un par de esquejer cada una para la seleccion. 4ª Semana 24-10-2018 Riego foliar de fitofotificante ecológico Superkukulus 2mlxL Riego con 1mlxL de Voodoo, 1mlxL de Sensi Grow A+B 1mlxL de Rhino Skin y 1mlxL de Tarántula. (En este riego habría quitado el Grow ya que para entrar en trasplante solo habría bastado con estimular con microorganismos y enraizante) 26-10-2018 Riego con 2mlxL de Voodoo y 2mlx10L de Root Stimulator de BAC Observaciones: A principios de semana se separaron para no hacerse competencia entre ellas por espacio, a los varios dias coloque las nuevas luminarias LEC 315w con 3100k a baja potencia, con el balastro regulable los coloco a 190w. Al siguiente dia el 26 realce el trasplante completo, descartando una Dinamed que se quedo pequeña, otra que tenia mancas y deformaciones y una Cándida CD-1 CBD también con deformaciones y espigamientos. Tome la segunda tanda de apuntes planta por planta, donde recojo información como, tamaño, carencias o excesos, ramificación, raíces.. todo lo que pueda reunir de cada planta. trasplantamos y vamos subiendo a potencia de la luminaria hasta el dia 1 de floracion que comenzaran a 315w de potencia. Se riegan a PH 6 con estimulador de raíces y voodoo. Comienzan a bajar las temperaturas por aquí y a la noche están a unos 18 grados, coloco un termostato para que funcione el extractor a media potencia mientras la temperatura no supere los 26 grados, aunque no supera mas de 24 sin tener puesta intracción. De nuevo gracias a los growers y a los creadores de esta plataforma que es un autentico regalo! me ayuda a organizarme y aprendo muchísimo de lo que veo en la comunidad. ¡¡¡Que no pare la maquina!!! ---- Now if we are updated growers !! last week of growth, number 4 with 27 days. I decided to change to 7L instead of 3.5L looking for them to widen a little more and give me a couple of sketches each for the selection. 4th Week 10-24-2018 Foliar watering of organic phytofetifier Superkukulus 2mlxL Irrigation with 1mlxL of Voodoo, 1mlxL of Sensi Grow A + B 1mlxL of Rhino Skin and 1mlxL of Tarantula. (In this irrigation I would have removed the Grow since to enter into a transplant it would have been enough to stimulate with microorganisms and rooting) 10-26-2018 Irrigation with 2mlxL of Voodoo and 2mlx10L of Root Stimulator of BAC Observations: At the beginning of the week they separated so as not to compete with each other for space, after several days I placed the new LEC 315w luminaires with 3100k at low power, with the adjustable ballast I set them to 190w. The next day the 26th full transplant, discarding a Dinamed that remained small, another that had mancs and deformations and a Candida CD-1 CBD also with deformations and stigmas. Take the second batch of notes plant by plant, where I collect information such as size, deficiencies or excesses, ramification, roots .. everything you can gather from each plant. we transplanted and we are going up to power of the luminaria until the day 1 of florescion that they began to 315w of power. They are watered to PH 6 with root stimulator and voodoo. Begin to lower temperatures here and at night are about 18 degrees, I set a thermostat to operate the extractor at half power while the temperature does not exceed 26 degrees, but does not exceed more than 24 without having put intracción. Thanks again to the growers and the creators of this platform, which is a real gift! It helps me to organize myself and I learn a lot from what I see in the community. Do not stop the machine!
Hello my grower friends. As @xii_xii_mrgreen suggested me, I am sharing with you the recipe for Marrakech butter. It's cannabis butter made with all the leftover waist, curing, and leftover grinders. Each time a leaf is filled with resin, I put it aside. After a few sessions, I have enough to make ganja butter. For this tour there are cultural leftovers loaded with THC and almost as much CBD. It is also a good technique to fully use plants grown outdoors that have more leaves than indoors. Ingredients and utensils I live in an area that produces a lot of butter. I chose the best: echiré butter. https://www. echirelebeurredefrance. fr/ I saw some at Harrods, KDW and Corte Ingles. I only visit the top floor of these stores. Otherwise, choose a good, greasy, yellow butter. Gauze or compresses filter the mixture finely so as not to find small pieces of grass in the butter. This recipe is only valid for real butter and does not work with vegetable butter. Preparation Before rolling the recipe you can boil your ganja for 5 minutes to “clean” it if it is dusty. It must then be dried for at least 2 days. I do not do this so as not to degrade the good stuff and when cooling the impurities remain at the bottom in the juice, the butter is on top. Recipe THC and CBD are activated by decarboxylating ganja. You have to put everything in the grinder first, there are other faster techniques, but the grinder produces a fine cut. I used a bigger one than in the photo. Place everything on a wire rack with baking paper for 40 minutes at 110°C in the oven. It smells great, watch out for your neighbors. At this stage you can set some aside to season your pizza. Estimate the quantity compared to what you put into a hit. It is not necessarily a good idea to put it in a simmering dish because it changes the taste a lot. I melt 4 times the weight of the butter leaves in 4 times the weight of the butter in water. So here for 35g of leaves I melt 140g rounded to 150g of butter in 600g of water in a stainless steel saucepan. Heat until the butter. Add the leaves and mix gently. Cover a tiny amount of broth. The water stays below and should not completely evaporate. This is very important otherwise the butter or the leaves are burnt. It is necessary that the grease begins to isolate on the surface. It takes between 2 am and 3 am. It smells much less good than in the oven and disgusting, which is why I do not recommend putting it in stewed dishes. Allow to cool to room temperature. When the soup is lukewarm it must be filtered. To facilitate demolding, I recommend that you put plastic film at the bottom of a fully concave bowl, put gauze or compresses to refine the filtration. It's also easier to press the rest of the leaves. The fats will float on the cooking juices. When the bowl is cold, put it in the fridge. The next day unmold. I got 92g of Marrakech butter. Potency should be tested on an empty stomach and adjusted in small quantities every hour. Use Butter is ready and can be consumed immediately. It is perfectly digestible but the taste is not very good. In the form of butter, the best is to spread it on bread with a slice of smoked salmon on top, a few drops of lemon and serve a glass of chablis. Very good also spread on bread to accompany oysters. Probably its green, grassy taste is reminiscent of seaweed. It loses some of its flavor mixed with chocolate and spread. You can melt a little bit of it in the tomato sauce of your pasta or the soysauce of your rice especially if you eat fish: soysauce water nuoc mam 30 seconds in the microwave, melt only after a little butter in the hot sauce and pour over your rice. You can use it in all hot or cold culinary preparations in place of regular butter if you don't use it all, cut it into individually wrapped portions in cling film and put all of these portions in a freezer bag in the freezer. It holds up very well. Tell me if it is not clear, I will make as many changes to adapt the translation. Bon appetit. M assisted by Mister Z.
Week 3 Day 1 8/26/2023 Water Change Day!! Added: 36 gallons of Water TPS SILICA GOLD-.5mil/Gal Root Drip- 1mil/Gal CALMag- .5mil/Gal GH FLoraMicro-4.2mil/Gal GH FlroaGro-3.8mil/Gal GH FLroaBloom-3.0Mil/Gal ORCA-.5mil/Gal She continues to look Amazing and to be doing an amazing job! Week 3 Day 2 8/27/2023 Topped her a little and took a little from the bottom. The PH was just a little high so I added 4mil PH down to get it to 5.86. Week 3 Day 3 8/28/2023 Topped her a little and just enjoyed her beauty. Week 3 Day 4 8/29/2023 Topped her a little, and started cleaning up the lower 1/3, I am starting with the fan leaves that are touching the clay and some of the lower, lower portion but leaving the stems for when I take clones. Week 3 Day 5 8/30/2023 The temp has been getting to 79-80 the last few days and I don't like it that high. I lowered the light to 29 inches and decreased intensity to reach the 350ppfd for the plants. By dropping the light it should also drop the temperature. I took a few bottom leaves as I start my clean up, leaving the lower stems for clone material for now. Week 3 Day 6 8/31/2023 Found out why the temp had been getting so high in my tent and my grow room, the controller for my other light for my other tent was malfunctioning and overheating. I guess this was the unknown contributing factor to the sudden increase in temp, how am I sure about this, because the light no work no more. I am working with Spider-Farmer Warranty since the light was under a year old, very sad day yesterday was to replace my SE 7000 on my breeding plant which was in week 9 of flower with a VS2000 I am thinking I am going to have to cut my losses. On a good note she looks Amazing full on Growth Spurt happening, I adjusted the PH up slightly to get it from 5.81, to 5.89. Tomorrow Measurements incoming. Week 3 Day 7 9/1/2023 She is looking beautiful this morning! I took off some lower leaves cleaning up the bottom 1/3 but I left some of the Stems because I know I am taking clones in a few weeks. She has grown 5 inches over this last week.
I topped her like a maniac and just fed 1 nutrient, best budz ever haha i could throw it at a window and it would crack
I topped her like a maniac and just fed 1 nutrient, best budz ever haha i could throw it at a window and it would crack
25.08.23-проведена масштабная дефолеация (примерно 40% листьев ) Продолжаю делать лст . Из проблем пш Корневой зоны 4 … вход 6.2 выход стабильно 4 пш и ниже ( Было принято решение промыть растение под проточной водой 40 литров и это не исправило ситуацию . Засола нет так как сток после промывки стал 20 ппм, после этого обильно пролил раствором слабой концентрации в 650 ппм! Незнаю как исправить ситуацию с кислым дренажом 26.08.23-горшок очень тяжелый и совсем не просох .. в этот день никаких манипуляций не проводилось Пш корневой зоны стабильно низкий 4-4.5 . Все равно растение выглядит счастливым хоть и немного отстань в росте на мой взгляд . Решил дать ей еще 2 недели вегетации затем 12/12
This week, I adjusted the duration of the daylight hours.
Sunday last day of week 11 expecting to cut it down fed banana, molasses, and honey for a final flush with ice, Friday final ice flush. In the dark for 12 hours then cut down for harvest
At the end of this week EC is at 3.0 so first thing to do next week there will be reservoir change. All goes well looks like the small POGP plant is maturing so probably about two more weeks for her. I spray them every second day with CannaCure or a hydrogen peroxide solution to be safe from the moldy buds. The SE7000 runs at 550 Watt and about 35cm from the canopy and is doing an astounding job. For anyone who is interested in obtaining this efficient and affordable light fixture here's the link: Also i included a unpacking recording of one of the packages Spider Farmer send me for the next grow, If you are interested in buying this 6" exhaust fan with filter here's the link: Thank you a lot Spider Farmer you guys rock 💚 That's it friends, I hope to see y'all next week.
Good day to all my friends and visitors here on GD. At the end of this week EC is at 3.0 so first thing to do next week there will be reservoir change. All goes well looks like the big Tropicanna plant is maturing so probably about two more weeks for her....better photographs will come next week. I spray them every second day with CannaCure or a hydrogen peroxide solution to be safe from the moldy buds. The SE7000 runs at 550 Watt and about 35cm from the canopy and is doing an astounding job. For anyone who is interested in obtaining this efficient and affordable light fixture here's the link: Also i included a unpacking recording of one of the packages Spider Farmer send me for the next grow, If you are interested in buying this 6" exhaust fan with filter here's the link: Thank you a lot Spider Farmer you guys rock 💚 That's it friends, I hope to see y'all next week.
Good day to all my friends and visitors here on GD. At the end of this week EC is at 3.0 so first thing to do next week there will be reservoir change. All goes well looks like the big Tropicanna plant is maturing so probably about two more weeks for her....better photographs will come next week. I spray them every second day with CannaCure or a hydrogen peroxide solution to be safe from the moldy buds. The SE7000 runs at 550 Watt and about 35cm from the canopy and is doing an astounding job. For anyone who is interested in obtaining this efficient and affordable light fixture here's the link: Also i included a unpacking recording of one of the packages Spider Farmer send me for the next grow, If you are interested in buying this 6" exhaust fan with filter here's the link: Thank you a lot Spider Farmer you guys rock 💚 That's it friends, I hope to see y'all next week.
Se observa ec estable durante toda la semana Se observa ph bajando progresivamente durante la semana hasta 5.5 el cual se corrige cuando se añade agua (20 litros cada 3 días) Se realiza cambio de la solución nutritiva el ultimo día de la semana 26/08/23 dejando los parámetros de EC en 1.5mS y PH en 6.2. Estos valores se pondrán en la tabla de la próxima semana
Week 4: Continued Growth and Training Hello dear Weed friends, welcome to my fourth weekly report on my exciting grow with four different strains: Lemon Gelato, Orange Sherbert, Apple Fritter and Bruce Banner. This week I learned a lot and continued to care for and promote my plants. I took the following steps: I applied LST (Low Stress Training) to all plants to improve their shape and let more light reach the lower branches. I topped the Apple Fritter several times, as it grows the fastest . I hope that this will result in many thick buds. I topped the other three strains only on the main stem to allow them more side branches. The plants look good, even though I sometimes doubt whether I am doing everything right. But I am confident that they will be even stronger and more beautiful in 1-2 weeks. My next goal is to repot the plants in larger pots in 2 weeks and attach a net in the tent. This should help me distribute the plants evenly and use the space optimally. I also want to avoid having such a mess in the tent as last time. That made harvesting very difficult. Another highlight this week was buying a new lamp: the Lumatek 300 Watt Pro Edition. This lamp is simply fantastic! It has a great illumination, a high efficiency and a cool look. It looks like a UFO! I am very happy with this investment and gave my old lamp to my brother. So it stays in the family. I water my plants as needed with 1 liter of water each, to which I add 100 percent of the recommended fertilizer schedule. I use all options of the fertilizer, which you can read in the fertilizer directory. I would also like to show you my timelapse video that I have been making since the first week. The video shows you how my plants have changed from week to week. It is really impressive to see how they have grown. I will update the video every four weeks and show you the latest video. I hope you enjoyed my report and are looking forward to the next weeks. See you soon!
Nightmare having 2 plants maturing nearly 3 weeks faster than the other 2
Ten days sence last post, more defoliation has been done. The stretch has stoped and frost on leafs is coming strong. 50 more days of buds getting bigger ... lets go.
8/25/23 - Day 73 - Another week down. We did a water change today. The buds are getting fatter and WAAAAAAY smellier. I have had a couple of times now where I lost a battle to the Skunk BOSS. I have had to reach in to move some buds around because they are too close to the light on some bud sites. You can see one of the buds up top, it has some white to it, I think that's due to being too close to the light. But once I move the buds around, I smell EXACTLY like a skunk. The smell is crazy strong. It's taking several full showers and it's still all over my fingers. Gloves will be an ABSOLUTE must when just reach in for a second. 8/28/23 - Day 76 - The buds are starting to grow even more, that the buds are growing buds out of them. That sounds weird but it's the only way to describe it. It looks like Romanesco. The buds are getting more dank, fatter, and more crystals are forming. 8/29/23 - Day 77 -I did some trimming today. I push some of the buds down and really got my arms in there today. All of the buds have gained so much mass to them when I squeeze them, they are really dense. I left a time laps video of me doing some late trimming, I was noticing some of the cannabis leaves were taking some of the light from the buds. 8/31/23 - Day 79 - The trichomes are still see-through and crystal clear. IM looking for a glossy-type look. My guess is still two/three weeks out. If you are looking for this experience, check out
Week 3 Day 1 8/26/2023 Water Change Day!! Added: 36 gallons of Water TPS SILICA GOLD-.5mil/Gal Root Drip- 1mil/Gal CALMag- .5mil/Gal GH FLoraMicro-4.2mil/Gal GH FlroaGro-3.8mil/Gal GH FLroaBloom-3.0Mil/Gal ORCA-.5mil/Gal She continues to be my Mutant! Week 3 Day 2 8/27/2023 Topped her a little and took a little from the bottom. The PH was just a little high so I added 4mil PH down to get it to 5.86. Week 3 Day 3 8/28/2023 Topped her a little and just enjoyed her individuality. Week 3 Day 4 8/29/2023 Topped her a little, and started cleaning up the lower 1/3, I am starting with the fan leaves that are touching the clay and some of the lower, lower portion but leaving the stems for when I take clones. Week 3 Day 5 8/30/2023 The temp has been getting to 79-80 the last few days and I don't like it that high. I lowered the light to 29 inches and decreased intensity to reach the 350ppfd for the plants. By dropping the light it should also drop the temperature. I took a few bottom leaves as I start my clean up, leaving the lower stems for clone material for now. Week 3 Day 6 8/31/2023 Found out why the temp had been getting so high in my tent and my grow room, the controller for my other light for my other tent was malfunctioning and overheating. I guess this was the unknown contributing factor to the sudden increase in temp, how am I sure about this, because the light no work no more. I am working with Spider-Farmer Warranty since the light was under a year old, very sad day yesterday was to replace my SE 7000 on my breeding plant which was in week 9 of flower with a VS2000 I am thinking I am going to have to cut my losses. On a good note she looks Amazing full on Growth Spurt happening, I adjusted the PH up slightly to get it from 5.81, to 5.89. Tomorrow Measurements incoming. Week 3 Day 7 9/1/2023 She is looking Mutanty this morning! I took off some lower leaves cleaning up the bottom 1/3.