So like I said. I don't follow directions to the T. Some said wait until 3 sets of true leaves come out to transplant, but I went ahead and just moved Ting 2 from plastic cup into 2 gallon cloth pot, using Fox Farm Ocean Forest. There's some leftover coco that I had from P4Ps blend that she is nestled in.
I noticed her growth slowed down just a tad compared to Ting 1, but Ting 2 is still showing healthy growth with a great color and additional leaves still coming in. Remember, Ting 2 was sown directly into the medium without paper towel since OG Ting 2 went down the drain on accident. So I'm not concerned that she's just a bit smaller than Ting 2.
They sit on the windowsill where they can get some tropical sun, but I do use supplemental lighting from a $35 4 head, 200 watt, LED grow light from Amazon. No high dollar lights over here. I'm just starting out and want to harness nature as much as possible for my indoor grow. I keep lights on an 18/6 schedule. I know some people do 24 hours, but IMO, plants need actual darkness to do their biological processes, and reach their full potential.
For watering, I use a spray bottle to mist and keep top soil moist, and I water directly around the seedling.
I'm impressed at how the Pot4Pot plant is quickly growing. For those unfamiliar with Pot4Pot it provides you with everything you need to grow autos. It came with coco, jiffy pellet, soil, diatomaceous stuff, and some growth hormone powder to mix into top soil. I picked the small 1/2 gallon kit. This plant already looks better than the one I tried to grow in December and officially died today. I am VERY curious to see how Pot4Pot grow will compare to some good old Ocean Forest.
Also wanted to note I've placed the pots in front of a window that gets fed tradewinds that have touched lush mountains and ocean spray. Totally romanticized what is just a breezy window, but for real, it's a mountain breeze which could contribute to a great tasting bud.