Heavy thunderstorms last night and half the day today, so they won't be ready to eat again for a few days. I went out to the site about an hour after it quit raining today and saw HUNDREDS of tiny little green grasshoppers feasting on my girls!!! I immediately sprayed them all down with pyrethrins, and did it again right before dark.
I've got the fan blowing across the pots to try to dry them out faster.
I started using TPS One (one part nute solution) the other day, and the plants seem to love it. Really growing well, but I'm glad I amended their soil with some happy frog fruit and flower granular fertilizer this time. They get fed whether it's too wet or not.
Sprayed for grasshoppers again this morning...hungry little fuckers...👺
It was a very cloudy day...but these girls are also just a couple of feet beneath 470w of 3000k LED's all day/every day, so it's always sunny.😎
@Njanne, Eh...unfortunately everything in my outdoor garden this summer was tall and spindly...grown under LED's, they are staying fairly short and have typical conifer form...a lot leafier than I like and considerably slower than all the rest. They'll have some fat 14-15" colas though...EVENTUALLY (FFT!$@%#^😑)
Yep...lesson learned...growing in summertime on the solar surface with unrelenting pestilence ain't no fun...I'm done with that.😖
But, besides the closet full of clones I produced from the outdoor grow this summer, I was also able to save the 9 autos I had going out there and have been finishing them in my tiny tent for a few weeks.. That will be another quarter pound or so, and it promises to be pretty tasty.👍