April 5th
- First day of the 2nd week above ground. Plants were watered early yesterday, and some dilute nutes were included. Rapid start & MediOne.
- “no Foliar Mist this morning due to the breakfast meal”
- 2nd and 3rd Nodes are being built as we speak
Apr 6
- a.m. foliar mist for the tent
- waiting a day to feed as the soil feels damp. Let it dry further
Apr 7th
- attempting to Re-Pot the Congo #3 x Bangi Haze this morning as the soil seems to be a solid plug. Air Holes around the perimeter over-nite, was a great suggestion, Thanx Growmie; but new Soil is where this is going. (ps there is another congo 3 seed in water just in case): done, video uploaded of the transfer
- a little leaf discolouration led to a bit of Cal/Mag being added to a small drink for the plants. 60-80ml per plant. Overall plant moisture is dropping.
April 10
- each plant looks much stronger and the crowns are solid green. Over-watering incident is drying out nicely. 100mls per plant was added this morning. CalMag & RapidStart are the only ingredients.
- fresh Congo #3 x Bangi Haze seed germinated and placed in Soil this morning ( insurance for the one that is struggling )
- Tues pm or Wed am, I am going to run a volume of 5.9/6.0 pH water through the pots, to get rid of this 7+ pH.
- foliar mist applied at lites-out. that is also on hold now till soil-flush.
That's the plan anyway cheers