Second week of flower, time to stretch!
Im very happy with the outcome so far, it is without worry that some tops are in shadow. Enough tops to go around, have to wait until after stretch to lollipop!
The lady all the way in the back, to the left, has either stunned growth or just slower than the other to go into stretch. However i will just play the waiting game, as i see no symptoms for a problem atm.
Last watering was 15/10
👽👉17/10 VPD is set to 1.2, but because of the function of my dehumidifier, it range from 1.1-1.3.
👽👉18/10 Waterday* They are real thirsty
First signs of pistils have shown!
I upped my nutes from EC1.36 to EC1.66
BioHeaven 2ML/L
BioGrow 1ml/L > 1.5
BioBloom 0.5ml/L >1.5
TopMax 0.5ml/L> 1
Calmag 0.3ml/L > 0.4
The ladies love it! Stretching and praying hands!
Impressed with the stretching. Not much to report, they just feeling the vibe.
👽👉21/10 Changed the lamp hanging system, to gain some more distance from light to canopy.
👽👉22/10 Thirsty ladies, but since i did not have time to water, i gave them 200ml each to survive another 24hours without feed.
👽👉23/10 Waterday*
I upped my nutes from EC1.66 to EC1.77
added 1ML/L Rootjuice to this feed
Bioheaven 2ML/L
BioGrow 1.5 ML/L > 2
BioBloom 1.5ML/L
TopMax 1ML/L
Calmag 0.4ML/L
Rootjuice 1ML/L