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Beginning of week... Well, I had to work late last night.. So, she wasn't watered for 24 hours.. I have been having to water/feed 2 to 3 times a day due to the media drying out.. The roots are insane in the cup.. Alot aLoT ALOT of fuckin roots.. This is my first cup grow that had this much roots.. So yeah, I could see her drinking like a mf.. Which she does.. She is happy and healthy... Besides the underwatering today.. I couldn't be more happy with the way this girl is growing. After 7 days of 12/12 and the tops are starting to form pistils.. Next week should be epic pistil growth by the way she's been growing so far.. Will update when she perks up from the underwatering.. Later that day.. Shit.. She perked up.. But not enough to show a full recovery pic.. I watered when I took the underwatered pic and before lights went out.. That was only about... 4 hours.. Usually the girlies perk up after about an hour or maybe 2.. I'm sure she will be fine in the AM.. Oh yeah I forgot to add in the veg cycle I was adding 1mL per L of water of Silica.. So that should have helped her build up a good immunity to my abuse.. This is the only hiccup so far in the grow.. No more stress! Will update on the issue in the AM with pics whether she fully recovered or not 24 hours after decovering she was underwatered... She perked back up.. I forgot to mention that I have been bending the tops to help the lower branches stretch up some.. I remember reading somewhere that is another form of LST, I believe. I'm pretty much just bending the top 2 - 3 nodes to point straight down.. Which is just enough to not snap the top completely off.. When I release the top she stays pointed pretty much at 90° away from the center of the plant.. A few more side branches have almost caught up to their main tops. I read that it kinda like tricks the plant into thinking she's topped 'in a way'.. I feel like it just stresses the branch upward from where the most bending is at.. And the side branches are not being stressed at all so they keep growing/stretching at normal speed, if not a little faster, while the top above the bend has been stressed and slows down, if not stops completely. Just my 2 cents on the dealio.. Just bend the main tops downward 180° from the center of the plant, so that when you release the tops, they stay bent over at 90° (or tied like LST) and let the bottom branches get all the light.. After a couple hours, the tops will have probably already pointed back upward..😁 The capacitor on my home AC went out.. Temps in the tent got up to 90° F.. Leaves were pointing upward.. Praying.. But also canoeing.. Luckily I checked google and youtube on how to fix it.. I fixed it in under 15 mins.. Got the temps back down to normal and just made sure I kept her good and watered thru the heat stress. She is good now tho. The pics for today were 6 hours after seeing the heat stress. When I say LST this week.. Its just bending the tops down as I stated earlier in the grow.. I even removed the ties that I did have.. I shouldn't have done that because the tops kinda bunched together.. Oh well.. Live and learn.. Shouldn't create any issues.. Its easier to water now.. i was using a 1 fl oz turkey baster that worked very well.. But also time consuming.. Now I can just pour straight out of the powerade bottle I use to mix and store nutes and water.. I never keep anything mixed for more than 2 or 3 days at the most.. I have just ordered a bunch of hydroponic stuff.. And organic stuff... I can't run both at the same time.. I don't know which to try first.. Im thinking try hydro first.. Then organics because I think organics MAY be where I end up but still wanna try hydro to see how it ends up.. Hmmm... Went ahead and lollipopped her and bent the main tops down.. One branch kinda snapped so I think it was pretty much supercropped lol whoops.. Didnt break the skin tho.. I dont really care for defoliating alot.. But I always end up doing it anyway.. I need to stop lol
Ho aggiunto 600watt led per questa settimana, la prossima saranno tolti. Ho iniziato anche a diminuire le ore di luce da 12-12 a 11-13, toglierò 30 Min al giorno fino ad arrivare a 10-14 3° giorno della 4° settimana di fioritura Ho dato 10ml di fosforo per pianta Iniziano a gonfiare i calici e la produzione di resina si intensifica 🤤 Le amo 4° giorno 4° settimana fioritura Tolte foglie prendi sole Tirato un po' di più i rami per miglior esposizione alla luce e più passaggio aria Grazie per l'attenzione stay tuned🤟🐵🤟
LST plant on left, Topped plant on right. Note I only topped once and LST for 4 days haven’t done one thing other than watering for several weeks now. These girls are about 10 days into flowering. My mind is made up on using mycorrhizae along with the Gaia Green and Rhizo Blast as these girls are on fire 🔥. The leaves are silky smooth sign of excellent transpiration and VDP. Consistency is key and I’ve been able to maintain night temps at 69F and day time at 80. RH fluctuating from 45-64 from light on/off. I’m waiting/debating on defoliating this week or the next.
13/05/2020 Ha comenzado una nueva semana; día a día aprendiendo del proceso, analizando las condiciones del clima. +Se sigue apreciando el desarrollo lento de la #3AutoLemonKix, una diferencia notoria con sus hermanas, pero se seguira insistiendo 💪 *El día de hoy 18/05/2020 se han regado 3 plantas en macetas de 11 litros: X2 Semillas Auto Lemon Kix= 500 ml[2mlKnactive+2mlDeeperUnderground+1ml/L ATAGrowth-C] PH 6.0 / EC=1.15 Tº=22 + Riego foliar [2mlxlitroKnactive+0.5MlDeeperUnderground] X1 Semilla Auto Tutankhamon= 500 ml[2ml/LKnactive+2ml/LDeeperUnderground+1ml/L ATAGrowth-C] PH 6.0 / EC=1.15 Tº=22 + Riego foliar [2mlxlitroKnactive+0.5MlDeeperUnderground] *El día de hoy se han regado 1 planta en macetas de 7 litros: X1 Semillas Auto Lemon Kix = 250ml [2mlKnactive+2mlDeeperUnderground+1ml/L ATAGrowth-C] PH 6.0 / EC=1.15 Tº=22+ Riego foliar [2mlxlitroKnactive+0.5MlDeeperUnderground] (Hasta el momento se esta ocupando Intraccion Pasiva + ventilador Pinza (Temperatura Controlada) QUE LES PARECE ?
🍨🌿🍦🍨🌿🍦🍨🌿🍦🍨🌿🍦🍨🌿🍦🍨 This girl put out some real amazing hues towards the end. Has a very pleasant aroma as well. She's on her last week in under light. I'll be harvesting this Beasty beauty next week. Gave Gelato a few good flushes over the last 10-12 days of plain RO, PH 6.5 With her initial flush done with a Flawless Finish soak. 🍨🍨🍦🍨🍨🍦🍨🍨🍦🍨🍨🍦🍨🍨🍦🍨🍨 ** Had some issues uploading her Trichome video. Eventually got it to post. Yay! Because we do 💚 them milky trichome forests. All is done for your appreciation of course. My fellow growmies make it all worthwhile. Eagerly waiting to indulge in this girl's fruity goodness. Good things come to those who wait patiently. 🍼💎🥛🍼💎🥛🍼💎🥛🍼💎🥛🍼💎🥛🍼 Until Gelato's harvest. Stay frosty 🥂
Very satisfied so far. This is the second week if you don't count the first week from seed to poping up! Only watered it twice in two weeks. My mix drains well but holds the right moisture for growth. Next week will be the real proof of genetic quality!
All is good in the tent. Should be smooth sailing to harvest. All plants are in full flower now and stretching has stopped. Time to fatten up girls! Still feeding 4x a day. EC at 700. Been turning up the wattage every few days. At 135w now. Two of the Charlotte's are further ahead by weeks then any other plant. Also the smallest out of the bunch. Ended up making a separate reservoir for them. Feed 3x a day. Took out big bud and added overdrive
Everything seems to be going alright, one of my plants has extremely shiny leaves almost like oily, and some odd shaped leafs but I’m very curious to see how things go when I switch to flowering considering these are all random bag seeds! Have been trying to look for signs of sex but still can’t see anything yet!
Start of week 7! Week 6 went really well. The Blue Dream has show the most signs of nute deficiency, but it hasn't gotten any worse. She's also very sticky, with dense buds that are starting to fatten up. This lady is on an 8 week schedule, removed big bud and added overdrive to the nute lineup.
We are starting flowering this week, the transition period was 24h of darkness from May 11th to 12th. A few days after changing the light time we noticed the first pistils appearing (May 18th), then we took two clones from the bottom and removed a few leaves from them.