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end of week 5 Buds have developed well and are more compact and nicely swollen. The smell becomes more and more intense. Sweet smell spicy Honey Cream: sweet smeel R. Gorilla: a bit spicy I hope the buds are getting even thicker now we see you next week Update: I have a slight deficiency in 2 of the 4 plants, very strange since all plants get the same conditions and nutrients. the gorilla on the bottom right shows no signs of nutrient deficiency. any Idea why? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Controller AC Infinity Pro - connector for the external light control, RJ-12 - 2 plugs with which I can control dehumidifier and humidifier on automatation. - 2 fans run 24/7, 1 Oscillating from spider farmer Light - 12/12 h | 2 x 200 Watt PPFD - 900-1000 µmol VPD - 1,3 - 1,6 week average RH: 55,1 % Temp: 22,9 ° VPD: 1,28 kPa
Pic was taken 2 days into the other week..all I can say that they are doing their thing have no complaints whatsoever....jus have to tighten up on feeding abit but results are great for the lil that's being done...have to work on increasing resin production and continue to dense up dem bugs Until next time happy growing
Pic was taken 2 days into the other week..all I can say that they are doing their thing have no complaints whatsoever....jus have to tighten up on feeding abit but results are great for the lil that's being done...have to work on increasing resin production and continue to dense up dem bugs Until next time happy growing
Pic was taken 2 days into the other week..all I can say that they are doing their thing have no complaints whatsoever....jus have to tighten up on feeding abit but results are great for the lil that's being done...have to work on increasing resin production and continue to dense up dem bugs Until next time happy growing
Mimosa Evo Clone doesn’t seem to like the new home and shows some yellowing on the tips. I assume that this might be some sort of Nitrogen toxicity but i keep a close eye on it. LST continues. Only Lemon Orange and Exotic Runtz have been topped and they will cover the most of the tent. They are going into Flowering end of this week.
Looking very good. Healthy roots
Looking very good. Healthy roots
Added a second scrog net for the taller plants last Friday. Constantly defoliating to increase light penetration but not trying to stress the plants. (Selective leaf picking) Plants loved the tea I have them last week. Visual improvements in every plant 2 days later. Top dressing later this week on 9/29: 5 tablespoons Gaia green 444 5 tablespoons Gaia Green 284 15 tablespoon Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings Light increased to 75%
Added a second scrog net for the taller plants last Friday. Constantly defoliating to increase light penetration but not trying to stress the plants. (Selective leaf picking) Plants loved the tea I have them last week. Visual improvements in every plant 2 days later. Top dressing later this week on 9/29: 5 tablespoons Gaia green 444 5 tablespoons Gaia Green 284 15 tablespoon Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings Light increased to 75%
29.09.2024 Honey Cream Indoor 1/2 grew with out complications so I toopt her and trains her lower leaves out to create a even canapé. The other had to much water an the leaves start curling so I just let her recover and then I can top her as well and start training her leaves out l.
29.09.2024 Honey Cream Indoor 1/2 grew with out complications so I toopt her and trains her lower leaves out to create a even canapé. The other had to much water an the leaves start curling so I just let her recover and then I can top her as well and start training her leaves out l.
A planta está reagindo bem ao treinamento, continuando a crescer de forma saudável. Durante o processo, acabei danificando algumas folhas, mas nada preocupante até o dia 23. Esta semana, reduzi a quantidade de nutrientes e reguei mais com água. Minha lâmpada de 240W está em 60%. Devo aumentar? Dia 24 apareceram os primeiros pistilos. 🌱
Die Überdüngung hat den Blümchen ganz schön zugesetzt, zum Glück sind es nur noch ca. 2 Wochen. Das Spülen der Erde hat etwas verzögert Wirkung gezeigt und die Mangelerscheinungen nehmen nicht weiter zu und die Blumen s weiterhin top im Saft und sehen gut aus. Leider Schimmel an Tag 47 und 48 der Blüte in zwei Buds (trotz niedriger Luftfeuchte 50%-55%) entdeckt. Evt. den Entfeuchter einmal zuviel vergessen zu entleeren. 27g Nassgewicht Verlust. Die drei anderen auf Verdacht geernteten Buds waren jedoch o.k. Also ab damit in den Cannatroll. Der Duft der Blumen begeistert bisher alle die mal riechen durften. Die Meinungen reichen von Zitrone bis hin zu Kirschlollies. :) Da die Headbuds zu Ende dieser Woche schon überraschend reif sind werde ich sie Morgen (beginn von Blütewoche 8) schon ernten. Die Unteren Buds können somit im vollen Licht noch etwas nachreifen und es kann nichts mehr so schnell etwas dem Schimmel zum Opfer fallen. Angegeben wird Frozen Black Cherry von Anesia mit 8 bis 9 Wochen. Daher werden die unteren Buds wohl auch noch ca. 1 bis 2 Woche benötigen.