LJ4Q23 Bolt II
SOP LJ4Q23 - 8-Plant SOG from Cuts
- 8 Plants - Single Colas - No Branches
- Harvest Lemon Jeffery (Narrow Leaf Phenos): 70±5 days
- Light Intensity - Ramp up from 200
- > 40 DLI, at 13 hour ScotoPeriod, will need MAX Light to Achieve
- Ramp Light Intensity to MAX ASAP (3 Weeks?)
- Lemon Jeffery handles HIGH LIGHT Well, even within 6” of Light @ ~1800 µMol/m2/
- The challenge will be achieving minimum 40 Mol/day, which in this setup requires 1000 µMol/m2/s @ 13 hour Scotoperiod
Start of Week: [ 2023-12-06, LJ4Q 8:B:1:1]
End of Week:
[ 2023-12-12, LJ4Q 14:B:1:7]
Flower Week 2 _______________________________
Environment Targets (Bolt II):
- Scotoperiod: [ 13, h] # Contiguous dark hours daily
- DayPeriod: [ 1900, 0600 +24h]
- TemperatureMax: [ 82, °F]
- RH: [ 70, %]
- VPD: [ 0.91, mS]
- LightIntensity: [ 850, µMol/m2/s]
- LightDistance: [ 16.5, “]
Bolt II Fertigation
- RLA Medium Chart, Week 2, EC: [ 1.7, mS]
- Primer A: [ 6.2, ml, gal]
- Primer B: [ 6.2, ml, gal]
- CalMag Fuel: [ 2.5, ml, gal]
- Silica Skin: [ 2.5, ml, gal]
- Lush Green: [ 2.5, ml, gal]
- Root Anchor: [ 2.5, ml, gal]
- Peak Bloom: [ 2.5, ml, gal]
Bolt II Fertigation
- RLA HYDRO Chart, Week 4, EC: [ 1.7, mS]
- Primer A: [ 8.5, ml, gal]
- Primer B: [ 8.5, ml, gal]
- Silica Skin: [ 4.25, ml, gal]
All Fertigation Add
- Plant Success:
- Microbelife Photosynthesis Plus: [ 0.5, ml/gal]
- Build-a-Soil:
- Quillaja20 Powder: [ 0.5, tsp/gal]
- South Cascade Organics:
- SLF-100
Wed Dec 6, 2023
LJ4Q 8:B:1:1
Thu Dec 7, 2023
LJ4Q 9:B:1:2
FOLIAR Application: Bolt
- CalMag Fuel: [ 20, ml/gal]
- Lush Green: [ 5, ml/gal]
Install Drain Tray
- [x] Install Irrigation Manifold
- [ ] Install Drain pump
Irrigation Install (When Drip Rings Obtained)
- [x] Connect manifold lines to each of 8 drip lines
- [ ] Calibrate Drip Ring delivery
Fri Dec 8, 2023
LJ4Q 10:B:1:3
- We had 500 ml Runoff from 360 X 8: 2880 total: 17% Runoff, which is a good number.
- Therefore - if we want to duplicate
Initial watering:
- Let’s start at nominal 110 ml/ event - 4x a day.
1.8 ml/sec, 110 ml: 61 Seconds, + 5 Sec -> Make it an EVEN MINUTE of irrigation.
- [x] Bring Reservoir Operational
- [x] Power Chiller
- [x] Install irrigation pump
- [x] Install circulation pump
Irrigation Approach
- We’ll use 1.7 ml/sec/line as the Baseline feed.
- If we water no more than the Saturation Volume daily . . .
- 440 ml/day, Max/Plant
- AirPot Size: [ 4400, ml]
- AirPot Saturation: [ 440, ml]
- @ 3.2 ml/sec: [ 137, sec] # Max Per Day
- Assume 10 Sec ‘Fill’ overhead Per Irrigation
HF Fertigation
- 4 Events/day
- 11 hour Irrigation 4x/day Frequency: 2.75 hrs
- First Irrigation 15 Minutes BEFORE Lights On
- @ 1.7 ml/sec, 60 sec/event, 100 ml/plant, 4 times a day
- 60 Seconds/event, 4X/day
EC 3.2 1.7 6.0 ml ml ml
Primer A 16.00 8.50 EC 3.2 1.7 6.0 gal total
Primer B 16.00 8.50 Primer A 16.00 8.50 51.00
Silica Skin 8.00 4.25 Primer B 16.00 8.50 51.00
Quillaja20 0.5 tsp/gal Silica Skin 8.00 4.25 25.50
King Crab 0.5 ml/gal
- Loaded ~ 6 Gallons, added another 1 to 1-1/2 to EC: 1.7
Program Irrigation Timer ( Start 15 minutes before Lights On - Time based on ~3ml/sec per line ADJUST When we have ACTUALS).
Delivery Max per Plant/day: [ 440, ml]
Delivery Frequency/Day: 4
Delivery Period: 2h, 45min
Delivery/Plant: [ 102, ml]
DeliveryDuration: 60s
Usage Expectations
- 800 ml/day
W 6 Gallons in the res, we’ve enough feed for 28 Days - probably need to mix less. ;-}
Fertigation Schedule
Initiate Irrigation Irrigation Complete
Event 0 18:45:00 18:46:00
Event 1 21:30:00 21:31:00
Event 2 00:15:00 00:16:00
Event 3 03:00:00 03:01:00

- [x] Resin Bloom: [ 20, ml, gal], [ 1.25, ml, 240, ml]
- [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 20, ml, gal], [ 1.25, ml, 240, ml]
- [x] Connect manifold feed line to Little Giant Irrigation Pump
FOLIAR Application: Bolt
- Solar Rain: [ 20, ml/gal]
Per Line Delivery, 2 Data Points: 1.87 ± 0.125 ml/sec
Let’s go with 1.8 and see . . .
Following the rules of Halves - the Pre-Drip ring flow rate was 3.2 per line.
With the rings - it’s about HALF, maybe a little more. SO -
Sat Dec 9, 2023
LJ4Q 11:B:1:4
- Left Irrigation pump connected to POWER instead of TIMER and drained 6 Gal of feed across 8 plants.
- I think they’re sufficiently watered . . . ;-}
- Gorilla Grow Tent HELD all the water until I could shop vac it out this morning during the grows scotoperiod.
- Will report on results after lights on @1900
Lessons Learned (SOP)
- Some might call this common sense, not an SOP…
Saturday Tasks
- [x] Refill Res, RLA Hydro Chart @ EC: 1.7 mS, 3 Gal (11.4 Litres)
- [x] Primer A: [ 25.5, ml]
- [x] Primer B: [ 25.5, ml]
- [x] Silica Skin: [ 12.8, ml]
- [x] Quillaja20 Powder: [ 1.5, tsp]
- [x] SLF-100: [ 15, ml]
- [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 18, ml]

- [x] Tidy Grow Room
Install Irrigation Drain system
- [x] Obtain 10’ of 1/4” - 3/8” red tubing for runoff drain
- [x] Install sump and catch bucket
- [x] Externalize power cord - power up - verify operation
- [x] Externalize waste hose output in 2-1/2 Gal Dark plastic reservoir
Sun Dec 10, 2023
LJ4Q 12:B:1:5
LightIntensity: [ TBD, µMol/m2/s]
DLI13: [ TBD, Mol/m2/d]
Need to get to 40 DLI baseline, which at 11 hours of light is 1037 µMol/m2/s @ 11 hours/day
Mon Dec 11, 2023
LJ4Q 13:B:1:6

Lighting Plan
- Increase PPFD 10% until we’ve achieved [ 1000+, µMol/m2/s]
- Increasing light intensity will increase nutrient needs and runoff.
FOLIAR Application: Bolt
- Solar Rain: [ 20, ml/gal]
- Silica Skin: [ 20, ml/gal]
Still looking for vigor. The girls still look like they’re enjoying a slumber party. ;-|
Evaluate Runoff
- After doubling irrigation time ( 1 min -> 2 min), we should have some runoff to evaluate.
- IFF NOT: Double Irrigation Time to 4 min
- ELSE: evaluate - estimate 10%/min, ~320 ml
LightIntensity: [ 850, µMol/m2/s] # The sooner we get to full light, the better. ;-}
- 440 ml/day
- 44 ml, runoff/day
- [x] Actual: [ 500 , ml]
We also had an extra 5 or so minutes of feed verifying pump yesterday. Will measure again Tuesday.
height range: [ 10, 6, 9.5 avg]
- [x] Increased Irrigation Interval to 3 minutes.
Tue Dec 12, 2023
LJ4Q 14:B:1:7
Irrigation Interval: [ 3, min]
Irrigation Delivery per Event: [ 100, ml]
Events per Day: 4
Total per day per plant: [ 400, ml]
Total per day delivered: [ 3200, ml] # < 1 Gal
- We target 10-15% runoff, so we’re looking for 380 - 440 ml runoff per day.
- IFF we have MORE than 380 - 440 ml’s
- [x] Reduce Irrigation Time to 2:30 (from 3:00)
- IFF we have LESS than 380 ml runoff
- [ ] Increase Irrigation Time time to 3:30, Re-evaluaute WEDNESDAY
- [x] Measure Runoff
- [x] Amt: 600, ml
- Total Run was 14 minutes. We’re using 100ml/min as the guideline, but believe it’s closer to 30-50 ml/min.
***TUESDAY NIGHT - LAST PICTURE FOR WEEK (Hopefully DRY and Praying)!***
Changed Irrigation from 3 min to 2:30.