I cleaned out the reservoir and switched from Veg to Bloom nutrients on day 36. My 35% Hydrogen Peroxide arrived, and that definitely makes a difference with keeping the reservoir cleaner longer, although I am still cleaning it maybe every 10 days or so, just a quick 2 min scrub with bleach/water, and then i run it through the pump and lines as well, then run plain water through it before hooking it all back up. The ONLY water I have used from my well this grow has been to clean my reservoir, everything else has come from my dehumidifer. I am now using some Cal Mag, Maxi Bloom, AND some Liquid Kool Bloom. I am running an EC of about 1450. My runoff from Coco is coming in around 1490 EC. Not seeing any issues with the ladies, just worried I may have waited a little too long to switch from Veg to Bloom Nutes, although I was adding about 25% Bloom for the past week or so. I guess we will see here soon if she gets some bigger flowers. Thanks for checking me out, and Blaze On!