Planties are getting bushier :3
This week we focused on LST, providing as much light so smaller tops could reach the size of bigger ones.
We raised the light cause NL started showing signs it didnt like being close to the light, but also saw some other issues, tips of canna leafs started to yellow, about a week and a half ago we fed them some nutrience, home made organic and also a mix. So now im not really sure from what caused the yellowing tips. Nutriante deficiancy? Nutrient burn? Light?
Taking now a closer look, to see upcoming signs that would make this situation clearer.
Apart from yellowing leafs, the smell(rrrlll goood) becomes more noticable, its nice coming to the tent, feels like youre high from growing nature :=)
We topped speedy chille and took of yellowing leafs, she really liked it and is now growing 4 tops