***I’m not sure why but it’s only letting me put 100 growing plants, but I actually harvested 180 plants in three separate rooms of about 300 sqfeet almost each, running in at 350 g per plant ***
Given her being my first grow, I don’t really have anything to compare to but me and my plants have gone through a lot this year.
Definitely going to need filters with this one, for the strong scent.
10 out of 10 would recommend this strain. I tried some fish fertilizer through some of the early growth and everytime I did, I would notice the plants beginning to burn so I completely stopped it, I learned organic is the best way to go if I’ll ever be using fertilizer again. This is the only way I would’ve learned it through experience!
I didn’t think I can make it all the way through with my harvest, but ever since I got on Growdiaries everybody has helped me tremendously with every question I had, without the site my whole to harvest would’ve went to shit along time ago. Haha I really can’t thank my Growmies here enough for all their support. Every time I thought about giving up I would have uplifting comments assuring me my plants we’re doing fine.
A message to all nee growers. Don’t be afraid of failure. Ask questions. I don’t know when my next grow will be but when, or if I decide to grow again, I’ll definitely document it on the best possible weed growing platform.
Cheers friends!