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*я так понял, что т.к я начинаю считать вегу от первого трёхлистника я должен выгрузить сюда всё, что было до него и текста мне крайне мало выделено, инфа в фото 👽
23 июля: Отправил семки на проращивание между ватных дисков в контейнер, в полотенце, в шкаф. (всегда так делаю, считая эти две, статистика прорастания 5/6)
24 июля: Проверил семки — проросли, купил новый кокос Canna "Professional Plus", сделал горшки, пробуферизировал кокос (указано в графе «удобрения»), посадил малышек
26 июля: Малышки вылезли наружу, прошлые циклы (3) всегда лампу сразу ставил, щас решил попробовать после того как скинут каску, да и в целом первый раз пробую 2 растения в 5л, раньше делал 1 в 12л
27 июля: Первый день от каски, но жёлтый, пофиксил поливом жёлтый цвет ростков, разобрался с VPD
28 июля: Пофиксил «длинную ножку» кольцеванием вытянутого стебля и присыпанием кокосом
30 июля ‒ 7 августа: Активное наращивание корневой системы, питается очень активно на конец этого этапа (12 дней) вход 750ppm, выход 511ppm, полив — 1/1 по 1л на растение, в дренаж уходит 600мл, круглосуточно температура 28-30°С, оч жарко и никак не сбить, держу влагу 70-80%, по VPD выходит как надо 0.9-1.2kpa
8 августа (1 день вегетации): Сформировался первый, полноценный трёхлистник, вегу я начинаю считать с него. Планирую делать 21 день вегетации и переводить, но буду смотреть по растениям.
10 августа (3 день вегетации): Убавил света на диммере, показалось, что давлю светом (новые листы не тянулись к свету), теперь тянутся, до конца веги выкручу на 100% и с предцвета докину ещё 150w. Обратил внимание, что у Coffee Creamer x 50 Dragons уже запах есть (15 день от каски) 😉 Температура/влажность/VPD — в целом стала днём более менее стабильной 27.4°С 72%, но при этом было 31°С при 80% и было 29°С при 40%, короче неприятные по VPD штуки происходят, поэтому и даю Revive при каждом поливе.
13 августа (6 день вегетации): Вот и настал тот день, когда стали видны корни с низу горшка. С микроклиматом всё не стабильно по прежнему, но пока я не сплю стараюсь контролировать его в пределах 27°С 70% влажности, но удаётся не всегда, надеюсь наконец-то на днях наклею светоотражающую плёнку на окна и в комнате станет попрохладнее, просто открывать окно вообще ни чем не помогает, а наоборот добавляет 1-2°. Добавил сегодня кокоса обоим малышкам по семядоли, пропылесосил окошки бокса и в самом боксе. Лампа стоит в 50см, 75% на диммере, по 220ppdf на растение.
14 августа (7 день вегетации): Ласт день первой недели, ласт полив первой недели (указан в графе удобрения), полив в режиме 1/1, вход — 1л на растение 803ppm, выход — 600/550мл 736ppm.
16 августа (9 день вегетации): Coffee x Dragons пахнет всё сильнее и сильнее. Был полив сегодня, вход=выход 799ppm, поливаю по прежнему 1/1 по 1 литру на растение. + заклеил окна в руме светоотражающей плёнкой, стало на градусик прохладнее 😄
18 августа (11 день вегетации): Приподнял лампу, прибавил света на диммере, сейчас по 300ppfd. Подстриг листья, которые лежали на кокосе, у обоих малышек. Полив немного с засолом сегодня, вход 744ppm, выход fruitgum/lemontree 807ppm, creamerdragons 765ppm. Жарко и перепады VPD постоянные, растения об этом сигнализируют, но я к сожалению не могу скинуть температуру на веге, т.к упадёт влажность. Корни уже отовсюду лезут, с низу горшка, с боков, с субстрата вверх)))
20 августа (13 день вегетации): Думаю переводить на 18 день веги, через 4 дня, на некст день после полива, 24 с утра полью, вечером сделаю дефолиацию, повешу вторую лампу и выставлю таймеры на 12/12. Полив сегодня, был по 1.5л и чуть меньшей концентрацией — Вход 723ppm, Выход: fruitgum/lemontree 776ppm 1л дренаж, creamerdragons 744ppm 800мл дренаж.
21 августа (14 день вегетации): Последний день второй недели, в честь этого чуть подрезал листья, которые лежали на кокосе, полив по планам завтра 💚
22 августа (15 день вегетации): Начало третьей и для этих малышек по совместительству последней недели вегетации. Чуть подрезал малышек, опять бесстрессово по паре листьев и следуя таблице третьей недели — убрал пока с рациона Voodoo Juice, добавил Rhino Skin, начал с 1мл/л и снизил дозу B-52 и Revive до 1мл/л. Так же поставил вент на вторую мощность, думаю уже пора, но пока по прежнему в стену направлен, на растения не направляю. Полив сегодня такой — Вход: 658ppm. Выход: fruitlemon 600мл дренаж / 676ppm, creamergragons 900мл дренаж / 654ppm
24 августа (Семнадцатый день вегетации): Последний день Веги у малышек, вечером переставил лампу на 12/12, спят с 00:00 до 12:00, бодрствуют с 12:00 до 00:00 соответственно)
Пьют отлично, вход = выход, 643ppm, думаю ещё две-три недели буду на grow базе, но буду добавлять bud ignitor, где больше содержание pk (фосфор/калий), нежели n (азот) и постепенно перейду на bloom базу. На днях накину вторую лампу, стричь наверное пока не буду, подстригу на седьмом дне.
August 26 / 2 days 12-12 / 31 days from the casque:
Preparations for color are over, I'll tell you what happened:
1. I put the second lamp, so far on the minimum dimmer, it turns out ~320ppfd, I will slowly unscrew it as it grows).
2. I put a more powerful vent on the air, while I'm afraid to direct directly into the plants, so powerfully repel the flow of air from the wall of the box
3. The air conditioner works almost non-stop now (on the last photo indicators)
4. playing with concentrations, today's watering is like this:
- Water 4L (104ppm)
- Rhino Skin 1.5ml/L
- Bases 2ml/l
- Bud Candy 2ml/l
- Sensizym 2ml/l
- Revive 1ml/l
Input: 678ppm / pH Perfect
FruitLemon - 1.3L drainage / 624ppm
CoffeeDragons - 1l drainage / 584ppm
August 29 / 5 days 12-12 / day 34 from the casque:
Lazy yesterday was something to write, so today's report for yesterday, a little trimmed the leaves that were lying in the coconut and huge burdocks covering the light, but without fanaticism, a couple of leaves, fanaticism will add on day 7 from the transfer.
Watering yesterday is as follows:
- Water 4L (120ppm)
- Rhino Skin 2ml / l
- Bases 2.5ml / l
- Bud Ignitor 2ml/l
- Bud Candy 2ml/l
- Sensizym 2ml/l
- Revive 1ml/l
Input: 852ppm / pH Perfect
FruitLemon - 1.3l drainage / 621ppm
CoffeeDragons - 700ml drainage / 621ppm
Sept. 1 / 8 days 12-12 / 37 days from the casque:
1. P1000 100w set to 75% of dimmer.
2. XS1500 150w set to 25% dimmer.
FruitLemon - 520ppfd
CoffeeDragons - 565ppfd
Plant feeding:
Coffee Creamer x 50 Dragons is not enough 2L anymore, increased it to 3L, I will be setting up auto watering soon, if you are reading this and you had experience setting up auto watering for 2 plants in 5L containers on coconut, please post how you did it ^^.
Input: 794ppm / pH Perfect
FruitLemon - 1.3L drainage (from 2 liters) / 652ppm
CoffeeDragons - 1.5L drainage (from 3 liters) / 676ppm
In addition to the auto irrigation I will soon put a charcoal pot, because the smell is getting stronger and stronger, but... the most interesting thing is that FruitLemon does not smell at all so far, but CoffeeDragons already smells interesting, the smell is very much like dark oolong, like roasted tea.
And another piece of news, for the first time encountered pests - soil mosquitoes, but I have already read, figured out where they came from (because of 31℃, 80% humidity, coco with biota and organic-mineral fertilizers), what are dangerous (sudden wilting of plants, poor growth and yellowing of leaves, with a strong infestation of a significant part of the plant can die), well, to prevent this from me, I have already bought and waiting for the delivery of the drug from them).
September 4 / 11 days 12-12 / 40 days from the casque
During these past three days I finally figured out how to water in a circle without moving the pots and how to drain both drains completely without taking anything apart in the box and without spilling the drainage into the box
CoffeeDragons switched to daily watering, as watering it once every two days it is already dry by the morning of the second day, which is very bad and can lead to hermaphroditism, I do not need it, so I water every day and waiting for my auto irrigation))))))
I made today cleaned FruitLemon, and that something it is quite bushy and small, will be chupa-chups poltnom I hope, but what is the fun that it is already straight sugar, but does not smell at all.
And CoffeeDragons on the contrary, smells like coffee, but the sugar is not very visible yet, I decided to trim it already on 21 days from the transfer as planned
Today watered CoffeeDragons, so I will write his watering, as the compote I make a single 10L now for subsequent watering.
- Rhino Skin 2ml/l
- Sensi Grow A+B Base Coco 2ml/l.
- Bud Ignitor 2ml/l
- Big Bud 1ml/l
- Bud Candy 2ml/l
- Sensizym 2ml/l
- Revive 1ml/l
Input: 1010ppm / pH Perfect
CoffeeDragons - 1.3L (from 3 liters) / 722ppm
September 7 / 14 days 12-12 / 43 days from the casque
Nothing new to tell, just mowing, watering, caring, the process from pre-bloom to bloom is going as it should, ovaries have formed and are swelling, watching
Watering: Input = Output (1070 ppm)
14 September / 21 days 12-12 / 50 days from the casque
Today it's three weeks since the light shift, trimmed the babies, did something like lollipopping, it's training where the bottoms are cleaned, cleaned a lot, but at LemonFruit , for example, left a lot because it's bushy inside.
As I caught salting earlier, today I washed bushes, weak compote, base with sugar (Bud Candy) and reanimator (Revive).
After rinsing I watered with full compote:
- Rhino Skin 2ml/l
- Sensi Grow A+B Base Coco 2ml/l
- Big Bud 1ml/l
- Bud Candy 2ml/l
- Sensizym 2ml/l
- Revive 1ml/l
Input: 768 ppm / Base pH Perfect
FruitLemon - 2L / 792ppm
CoffeeDragons - 2.7L / 792ppm
Learning to use a macro lens, first photo is 15x, second photo is 30x, but I will improve :)
18 September / 25 days 12-12 / 54 days from casque
FruitLemon isn't flowering at all and CoffeeDragon is trying to take over its shade, so I'm thinking about what to do with it, so far I've pruned it to get more light, but ideally I'd like to move it somewhere to give CoffeeDragon a full space.
But CoffeeDragon is very drunk and is already sprinkling sugar all over the place, but the smell is still not strong with the same coffee aroma, FruitLemon on the other hand does not smell at all yet.
Learning to use a macro lens is in full swing xD
I water FruitLemon once every 2 days with the same 2 litres, CoffeeDragon already 2 times a day, 3 litres on rising and 2 litres 2 hours before shutting down.
The compote looks like this:
- Rhino Skin 2ml/l
- Sensi Grow A+B Base Coco 1.5ml/litre
- Big Bud 1ml/litre
- Bud Factor X 0.2ml/litre
- Bud Candy 2ml/litre
- Sensizym 2ml/litre
- Revive 1ml/litre
Input: 716 ppm / Base pH Perfect
FruitLemon - 1050ml / 716ppm
CoffeeDragons - 1.8l / 779ppm
22 September / 29 days 12-12 / 58 days from Casque.
I will write shorter point by point as there were a lot of things:
1. Hanging the lamps higher, because CoffeeDragon was already starting to bump into the lamp, the lamps are still 100w 100% on the dimmer and 150w 75% on the dimmer, I think in a week to screw up to 100%.
2. I bought a 980ms³ (1 photo), hoping that there will be no more conversations with my wife about the smell, and it turned out that way, the smell of cannabis we defeated, but since I grow exclusively Cali genetics, when I open the tent the smell is fierce xD
3. FruitLemon has finally started to flower, we are watching, mentally and financially preparing to buy a 100x100x200 tent and transport the babies there.
4. Looked like rust on some leaves, I'm sure it was due to a single application of TastyTerpens, saw it the day after I added it, removed it and didn't add any more, the problem hasn't progressed.
5. On feeding - FruitLemon switched to daily feeding on waking 2 litres today, output is even 751ppm 1l in the drain, but CoffeeDragon has salt from somewhere, I think because I watered 3 litres in the morning with drainage output ~50%, but in the evening 2 litres with drainage ~20%, so probably salinity, in the evening I will rinse and switch to 3 litres twice a day, output 898ppm 1.5l.
26 September / 33 days 12-12 / 62 days from the Casque
Nothing big or interesting has happened in these days :)
FruitLemon is slowly gaining, CoffeeDragon is giving off unreal smells, still coffee in the general background, but if you rub the sugar leaves you can smell creamy fruit and nut caramel, so far the most unusual and tasty cannabis smell I've come across.
7 Photo - more about it, CoffeeDragon has a stabilised mutation in its genetics - Weedleaf or in Russian - buds on leaves, and we can see it
28th September / 35 days 12-12 / 64 days from casque
Since the babies are 5 weeks old today, I thought I'd do an unscheduled photo shoot and talk a bit about their smells.
CoffeeCreamer x 50Dragons
The original coffee smell is gone, the general smell is now warm fruity-grassy, I don't know how else to describe it, when you rub the trim your fingers are very sticky and smell somewhere like nutty-creamy caramel, closer to the inflorescence it smells like fresh strawberries.
Fruit Gum x The Lemon Tree
As it's just starting to become sugary, it's hard to tell from the smell, but you can smell a light, light lemon scent, not pungent but in the background.
7 October / 44 days 12-12 / 73 days from casque
Yesterday there were some temperature anomalies, VPD dropped a bit, 26°C and 39% humidity, but it didn't last long, now I close all the internal doors, only turn on the dehumidifier at night, the radiators in the hall are also turned off, so during the day stable 24.4°C and 44% humidity, and at night I turn on the dehumidifier and get 22°C and 40% humidity.
I also had a moment when the box started to inflate from the inside = the ducting is not pulling out, I closed a window which is a passive inflow and the problem was solved.
I made FruitLemon haircut yesterday, the baby is very nice, but lags behind specifically so for 3-4 weeks of feelings, but the world is not without good people, agreed with a friend who will bring the box for the time of drying, so this problem also solved, or rather even made an advantage of the problem and candy :)
Fucking with watering, I spend 3 hours on it from 12 to 15 and 3 hours from 20 to 23, which of course I'm not happy about, I want more privacy, so next cycle will be 100% on automatic watering
According to the ppm figures, the small ones always have more output than input, but I'm sure it's because I measure the total drainage when everything drains + something leaks into the drainage during watering, in general I'll think about how to put it in order, there are no blocks or defs on the bushes and that's the main thing.
11 Oct / 48 days 12-12 / 77 days from casque.
So CoffeeDragon looks like my fattest bush since I started grooming, and FruitLemon is the most unusual in terms of cone structure, so I'm definitely happy with Ukhta Genetics.
On the 8th I switched CoffeeDragon to Overdrive, two weeks on it + a week of rinsing and harv, drying will be in another box, as I said before, FruitLemon is still not quite understanding how to calculate, watch this
Daytime VPD perfect 1.53 kpa, at night between 1.33-1.36 kpa, catch the neuron on VPD calculation -
They are also fed by permanent salting at +50-100 from the drain, but again I think these numbers are wrong, because if there was salting the pH would rise, and I check it periodically and there is 6.2, pH perfect after all.
I'm so high on these little ones that watering hours are no longer a problem for me, so I've set up a mestina, I feel like Bart in a tree house, just chilling :))
Have a great weekend everyone! ❤️
16 Oct / 53 days 12-12 / 82 days from casque
I pruned FruitLemon, it is already bushy and small, trimmed leaves and upper fan leaves should be enough for transpiration, so everything in moderation, but now the light goes straight to the crown.
I don't know how to photograph it to make it look nice, but Chupa Chupa Chups is growing very nicely.
I tried to take some with a macro lens, but it didn't turn out so well, I guess I'd make a surgeon and a macro photographer out of myself :D
Yes, and everything is somehow in a heap and transparent and milky, and amber trichomes, so I still keep copedracon as in the passport (9 weeks) + 1 week (in doubt).
All photos on macro lens - coffee creamer x 50 kites.
And there is nothing more to add, I would tell you about the diet, I haven't raised this topic for a long time, at the moment the diet looks like this:
- Rhino Skin 2ml/l
- Overdrive (coffeedragon) / Big Bud (fruitlemon) 1ml/l
- Bud Factor X 0.5ml/l
- Tasty Terpenes 1ml/l
- Bud Candy 1ml/l
- Sensizym 1ml/l
- Sensi Bloom A+B Base Coco 1ml/l.
FruitLemon - 467 ppm 2 litres once a day on waking
CoffeeDragon - 505 ppm 3 litres twice daily on waking and 3-4 hours later.
FruitLemon - 520 ppm 1350ml discharge
CoffeeDragon - 541 ppm 1450ml drainage
23 Oct / 60 days 12-12 / 89 days from casque
Last CoffeeDragons photo set before harv, I switched them to water (100ppm/6.2pH) today.
I didn't keep her to 70 days as I had planned earlier for several reasons, first of all the bottoms are shrinking, which bothers me (but it's not mould, I checked carefully), secondly, according to the passport 9 weeks, so I'll keep her to 9 weeks, and of course I'm tired, I say for the thousandth time, next cycle with auto irrigation 100%.
The little one is delicious, I have no doubts at all about its killability and deliciousness, because about a month ago I chipped the lower branches, gave Kent to smoke the bottoms and they were wiped out, what will happen to me (I don't smoke today, 24th day) I'm afraid to imagine :D
Ahead of me - drying in another box, I will dry with branches to preserve a large number of terpenes, and curing in glass jars with bovedas.
FruitLemon in turn will booze, but very slowly, but will be left alone in a box under 250w, I hope the process will go faster
The fertiliser section shows the current watering pattern for FruitLemon, it's still standing for at least 3 weeks.
This baby is still standing for 3-4-5 weeks, I'll keep it until it's done, I left it under a 250w 100% 100% bulb on dimmer, climate - 1.58 kpa (22.5°C / 42%), so it's standing buzzed to the max
- Rhino Skin 2ml/l
- Big Bud 1ml/l
- Bud Factor X 0.15ml/l
- Tasty Terpenes 1ml/l
- Bud Candy 1ml/l
- Sensizym 1ml/l
- Sensi Bloom A+B Base Coco 1ml/l
516ppm / 6.2pH.
2l once a day on waking
552ppm / 6.2pH
1.3l discharge
Last 2 photos - ppfd on top and in the middle of the bush
I'll tell you my dating story:
I've been grooving for a while (4 cycles) but I don't go round and round, when I start something I want to be the best at it!
My first cycle I grew a Strawberry Cheesecake Auto from BarneysFarm and as I smoke more than half my life I realised I had picked up something wrong, then there were two cycles of Cali - 'Fresh Pressed Runtz' from Purple City Genetics and 'Tarts' from Exotic Genetix and now I have two Ukhty's.
And I am ready to say that it is pure pleasure, from price/genetics to care/flavour/visual, in time I will add yield parameters, how to report dry and smoky, how to heal, at this stage I give it 20 out of 10 - that is how much I liked it.
And yes, I'm one of those guys who shit on Ukhta just because I was sceptical about a Russian breeder, oh that Russian mentality :D
But having tried it myself - now I recommend Ukhta with confidence, it's the best offer in terms of availability/price/quality!
27 Oct / 64 days 12-12 / 93 days from cask.
Here comes the "X"arvest day for the Coffee Creamer x 50 Dragons baby, everyone says harvest is a holiday and I'm sad and nervous about the process, but here I am all done and now it's like "the holiday comes to us too″ ^^
Yesterday, on the last day of the flush, the output numbers were 155ppm / 6.2 pH, so I consider the flush a success.
As soon as I cut the scrogg net the baby fell to the sides, greeeease, final weight will definitely write after drying.
About 10-14 days, as I dry the branches whole to retain a greater number of terpenes, I do the trimming before putting the cones in tins.
So I took the liberty of writing down the results ahaha
As I get high all the time, those who have gotten high agree with me that there is a noticeable effect in the form of 'changes in the sense of time', there are specific lapses in time, and I sleep a lot, 14-15 hours a day.
In the end I got 180g of selected, cut by American wills stone sheesh, a big jar of cut and popcorn (how much I didn't count) for further extraction of the isik (I'll do it today-tomorrow). In the end, I'm definitely happy with the result, as Fruit Gum x The Lemon Tree will definitely give more than 50g, which means I got more than 1k1 according to the grams per watt system.
I'm on the sober time, already 28 days of cleanliness and peace of mind, but on Friday the picking is coming to an end and I've already krapalnul, dried and thrown the lowest and you know what I tell you? The smell is just unreal, even after drying it doesn't smell like freshly cut haulm, it smells like Twix and I'm not exaggerating, it's caramel biscuit chocolate.
4 November / 72 days 12-12 / 101 days from Casque
The baby is flowering and smelling, let's see how much it will yield in the end, not the most yielding strain apparently, but exclusive, only on Eu, today I switched to overdrive, 2 weeks from today on it, rinse and harv, around the 20th of November.
14 Nov / 82 days 12-12 / 111 days off the casque
Sunday will be two weeks on overdrive, which means from Monday I'll be moving the baby to flushing, I think 5-7 days of flushing and welcome harvest, drying with branches too.
I want to try not even branches but the whole bush, but I'm not sure it will work because the trunk is twisted, but as I'm not in a hurry to go anywhere, I think to give 1-2 days of darkness and no water for a few days before harvest, I think it will be possible to drain the substrate, dig it up and cut it off completely.
+ I used to be afraid to do this drought and darkness manipulation because of the risk of mould, but I have 35% humidity, will be 30, so I think I can afford this experiment ^^
Rhino Skin 2ml/l
Big Bud 1ml/l
Bud Factor X 0.5ml/l
Tasty Terpenes 1ml/l
Bud Candy 1ml/l
Sensizym 1ml/l
Sensi Bloom A+B Base Coco 1ml/l
511ppm / 5.9pH
2l once a day on waking
552ppm / 6pH
1.3l discharge
22 November / 90 days 12-12 / 119 days from the helmet
Penultimate day of flushing, today's output is 110 ppm / 6.2 pH, so tomorrow I finish the last 2 litres of 70 ppm prepared and in the drought (darkness) for two days to completely take the child out of the coconut and dry full bush.
Although the baby is small, but the cones are noticeably stone dense, more than the trunk in weight and it is very noticeable when you shake the trunk left and right, so I think I take my grams per watt))
From the beginning of the seedlings to harvest CoffeeDragon I had a 100w bulb and gradually cranked out on the dimmer and from the beginning of colour to harv FruitLemon is 150w and also gradually cranked out, even if you take 250w, although so much was even at the peak, CoffeeDragon gave 180 stones, without popcorn and trim, FruitLemon will definitely give 70))
I was not quite lucky with this bush and it turned out to be a dwarf, though very beautiful (the blackest bush at flowering and the most trichome), it also took 3 weeks longer than Coffee Creamer x 50 Dragons, which is also not good, the structure of the cones is very unusual, they turned out not stone, but not fluffy, weightless, as an experience I am satisfied with the result, as a verdict of experience - I will not make more than 2 bushes in a tent 60x60.
Smoke-report Fruit Gum x The Lemon Tree:
Apparatuses of consumption: spliffs.
Taste: there is a distinct smell of lemon, but not from the shop, but like a confectionery additive, sweet, also feel fruity-diesel notes, the smell is very fresh, moderately sweet.
Effect: very pleasant high effect, no dullness in the head, you realise that you can communicate with other people (usually a problem for me from indica), you want to be in motion, but after a couple of hours (I smoke very little now, 2-3 spliffs a week) the effect goes to sitting and lying creativity. Basically today was the first time I smoked it more or less cured (2 weeks) and here I finished a report I couldn't finish and had been putting off for a couple of weeks xD
Thanks everyone for watching me grow! I'll be back in February, UKHTA's Fish Scale S1 is next in line!
26 Nov / 94 days 12-12 / 123 days from casque
It's the day of ‘X ’arv part.2 for the little Fruit Gum x The Lemon Tree, by the end of it full blackened due to the temperature of 18°C, as planned - I managed to dig it up to hang to dry as a whole bush, washed the bush completely to 70ppm
In a couple of weeks we'll see how much it gives)
Root as we see is worse than in cofedracones and accordingly the bush is smaller in this there is a direct connection, but because of what it eventually happened this is another question and there are several versions:
1 - caffeadracones crushed frutlemon;
2 - because of genetics.