The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Una ceppa meravigliosa, expert seeds fa un lavoro incredibile e magnifico. Dalla germinazione fino al raccolto le piante sono cresciute sane e forti. Purtroppo non potrò assaggiare il risultato, perché non potrò risultare positivo al thc per molto tempo. Infatti mi butterò sulla cbd. sono davvero molto soddisfatto.
Left them alone this week except for a watering. First strong one I gave them. Found a mushroom in my soil a couple days later. Think I might have disturbed him because he died on me.
Left them alone this week except for a watering. First strong one I gave them. Found a mushroom in my soil a couple days later. Think I might have disturbed him because he died on me.
Great Harvest, colors, smell, taste and bag appeal are all there . Finished exactly when they said it would . You dont need cold to achieve purple colors . Thanks 420 FastBuds
Great Harvest, colors, smell, taste and bag appeal are all there . Finished exactly when they said it would . You dont need cold to achieve purple colors . Thanks 420 FastBuds
*Increased PPM from 550 to 650 *Will probably start flowering in a week once I get my tent set up. *They were looking kinda droopy maybe cold weather and to much water.
*Increased PPM from 550 to 650 *Will probably start flowering in a week once I get my tent set up. *They were looking kinda droopy maybe cold weather and to much water. *Need to transplant.
Topped Gelato #1 on day 30. Upped to 2ml/1ml FP/PT on the last water, will be repotting to final 5 gal pots over the next weekend.
Hello growers day 36 with the hulkberry auto and she is still hulking out I think she’s stopped stretching fully in flower now there are bud sites everywhere she is doing very well a beautiful plant very excited to see the buds fattening up that it until next week be safe and happy growing ✌️🏻
Hello growers day 29 with the Tropicana cookies auto she is struggling to get light I think my other plants are to big for her so Iv started the other 2 seeds I got from pev and there looking better already iv got them in a little tent and they are thriving I will add pics of them next week until then be safe and happy growing ✌️🏻
edding Cheesecake: ein Leckerbissen für Geist und Körper. Ein Hybrid mit Wurzeln in Asien, Afrika, Europa und der USA. Unvergleichlicher Geschmack und Wirkung. Weiter oben im Wedding Cheesecake-Stammbaum sind die OG Kush, die Granddaddy Purple und die Purple Urkel von der Westküste der USA sowie die beliebtesten Sorten von Sensi Seeds – die Hindu Kush, die Big Bud und – beide Seiten der Familie beeinflussend – die Durban, die wirksame, reine Sativa aus Südafrika. Die feminisierten Wedding Cheesecake-Hanfsamen von White Label zeigen die gewünschten Eigenschaften von 5 Zuchtgenerationen. Ein komplexes, intensives Geschmacksprofil, eine unglaubliche Harzbildung sowie große, dichte Buds an einer robusten, kompakten, schnell blühenden Pflanze. Die feminisierten Wedding Cheesecake-Hanfsamen wachsen in einem Gewächshaus oder draußen in einem warmen, sonnigen Klima, bevorzugt mit einer relativ niedrigen Feuchtigkeit. In Innenräumen unter Lampen gedeiht diese Sorte jedoch am besten. Als schnell wachsende, pflegeleichte Sorte kann die Wedding Cheesecake sogar von Einsteigern kultiviert werden. Die wichtigsten Faktoren für diese Variante sind viel Licht und wenig Feuchtigkeit, um ihr Blütenpotenzial zu maximieren. Züchter sollten auch berücksichtigen, dass der Duft dieser Sorte ab Beginn der Blüte zunehmen kann, sodass ein gutes Belüftungssystem wichtig ist. Das komplette Zuschneiden der Zweige für ein enges Aneinandersetzen (auch Lollipopping genannt) wird nicht empfohlen. Das enge Aneinandersetzen und ein guter Ertrag sind möglich, indem kleine Klone mit der Sea of Green (SOG)-Methode zum Blühen gebracht werden. Durch Beschneiden/Topping der Hauptstämme größerer Pflanzen lässt sich die Anzahl der Austriebe und der Gesamtertrag steigern. Die Wedding Cheesecake verdoppelt bei der Blüte ihre Größe, wobei einige Pflanzen um 150 % wachsen. Ab und zu verdreifachen Exemplare ihre Größe in der Blütephase. Die White Label Wedding Cheesecake blüht schnell und kräftig und bildet massive, schwere Blütendolden in der oberen Hälfte des Hauptstammes und der Zweige. Kleinere, aber dennoch gleich dichte und harzige Blütentrauben befinden sich an den unteren Nodi, sodass an den kompakten Pflanzen erstaunlich wenig freier Platz vorhanden ist. Die Blütenkelche sind sehr harzige Kugeln, in der Regel mittelgroß, mit langen Blütenstempeln, die sich während der Reife manchmal pink statt orange verfärben. Die Kombination aus großen Buds mit mittelgroßen Blütenkelchen und üppigen Trichomen und langen Blütenstempeln verleihen den Hauptblütendolden der Wedding Cheesecake ein einzigartiges Aussehen, das zur selben Zeit flauschig und funkelnd ist. Nach der Ernte bleiben die Buds groß, fest und klebrig durch das Harz. Wenn sie aufgebrochen (oder nicht vorsichtig behandelt) werden, riecht man das tolle Terpenprofil aus dem Wedding Cheesecake-Stammbaum. Die stärkste Komponente stammt von der Cheese – einer grandios intensiven Skunk mit starken, süßen Beerennoten – in Kombination mit starken Zitrus-, Erd- und Holznoten von anderen berühmten Vorfahren. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass White Label Wedding Cheesecake eine extrem starke Wirkung hat und selbst von erfahrenen Konsumenten mit Bedacht eingesetzt werden sollte. Beim ersten Mal ist es ratsam, einen oder zwei moderate Testzüge zu machen und dann kurz zu warten, wie stark die Wirkung ist. Das High dieser Sorte erzeugt in jeder Dosis das typische warme, positive und anregende Gefühl. In mittleren bis hohen Dosen kann die Wirkung von starker, kontemplativer vollständiger Körperentspannung bis hin zu einer überschwänglichen, die Kommunikation fördernden und kreativen Stimmung und sogar psychedelischen Momenten reichen.
oct 5. water ph'ed at 6.3 No nutrients at this point. Maybe next week.oct 14. megacrop 0.6gr/litre ph'ed at 6.24. about 150 ml oct 19. megacrop 0.6gr/litre ph'ed at 6.24. about 150 ml oct 23. megacrop 0.6gr/litre ph'ed at 6.24. about 100 ml oct 26. megacrop 0.6gr/litre ph'ed at 6.24. about 100 ml or less
I made some extract and made some edibles and added it to the diary! This diary may get a little unorthodox because they’re in the jungle down the centre line but will still document as much as I can and get close ups of the bud sites and buds as time goes on! Shouldn’t be too challenging but it’s a challenge lol it’s all doing great though! Better than I expected!
I made some extract and made some edibles and added it to the diary! This diary may get a little unorthodox because they’re in the jungle down the centre line but will still document as much as I can and get close ups of the bud sites and buds as time goes on! Shouldn’t be too challenging but it’s a challenge lol it’s all doing great though! Better than I expected!
I made some extract and made some edibles and added it to the diary! This diary may get a little unorthodox because they’re in the jungle down the centre line but will still document as much as I can and get close ups of the bud sites and buds as time goes on! Shouldn’t be too challenging but it’s a challenge lol it’s all doing great though! Better than I expected!
I made some extract and then made some gummies I’ve added the outcome in all running diaries She’s doing amazingly although I’d like her to be a little taller in that corner, hopefully during transition she shoots up to canopy level but all in all no complaints! I’ve turned them to 12-12 yesterday so awaiting bloom to activate! I’m using bud blood on this girl and all the other back row plants and bud ignitor on my front row plants to see what has the best outcome to start bloom!
I made some extract and then made some gummies I’ve added the outcome in all running diaries She’s doing amazingly although I’d like her to be a little taller in that corner, hopefully during transition she shoots up to canopy level but all in all no complaints! I’ve turned them to 12-12 yesterday so awaiting bloom to activate! I’m using bud blood on this girl and all the other back row plants and bud ignitor on my front row plants to see what has the best outcome to start bloom!
I’ll start by saying I’m NOT using both bud blood and bud ignitor in one solution, I am using bud blood on the rear runt plant and bud ignitor on the front one to test the outcome of them individually to see the best results! I tied down and defoliated twice in the week and have switched to 12-12 yesterday so they’re transitioning now and should be in bloom by week 7! I made some extract them made some gummies successfully I might add and added the photos in the diary!
I’ll start by saying I’m NOT using both bud blood and bud ignitor in one solution, I am using bud blood on the rear runt plant and bud ignitor on the front one to test the outcome of them individually to see the best results! I tied down and defoliated twice in the week and have switched to 12-12 yesterday so they’re transitioning now and should be in bloom by week 7! I made some extract them made some gummies successfully I might add and added the photos in the diary!
I’ll start by saying I’m NOT using both bud blood and bud ignitor in one solution, I am using bud blood on the rear tropicanna poison plant and bud ignitor on the front one to test the outcome of them individually to see the best results! I tied down and defoliated twice in the week and have switched to 12-12 yesterday so they’re transitioning now and should be in bloom by week 7! I made some extract them made some gummies successfully I might add and added the photos in the diary!