So, starting this week off with some TOP-ing news. The girls were topped, but only 5/7. 1x Purple Punch and 4x Honey Cream. The two Triple G's and one Purple Queen are struggling a bit with growth. I don't know what's wrong with them, because the other are growing like crazy. And those 3, eh, I don't know. If you know what could be causing the restricted growth, hit me up or leave a comment down below. 🙏🏻😁
I will apply a foliar spray with Green Explosion from TOP CROP and add some humic and fulvic acid to boost the root development and to kickstart the photosynthesis. So they start to eat 💪🏻😁
Rather than that, no other problems are present. The temp. is a bit high, 30⁰C but they are taking it like champs. Silica really does work wonders. 😅🙏🏻
I applied a full 3L feed for each plant, so the soil gets all wet through and plants can start growing new root shots. More roots, more fruits. 🌱
I'm planing on vegging them for 2-3 more weeks, so in total 5-6 weeks in vegetation. They have to come back from the shock that was caused by Topping. Every plant has around 6-8 new shots as you can see from the pictures. And this means more main "stems" or better to say more bud sites. 😎
I changed the MH bulb from 250W to 400W and will increase the wattage further to 600W in 2 weeks. They need more light. 😁☀️💡
Technical upgrade: 🎥
I bought a WiFi security camera. 😁 The thing is awesome. 😧 I can check the temp. any time and see the girls any time from anywhere on my phone. And I payed only 25€ for it 🤷🏻 It's a 1080P, 360⁰ camera. Any one should invest in some gadgets that make their job easier. 💪🏻
Ending this week with a smile 😉