78 dias de vida hace dos semanas que empezaron la floración la 1051 esta mucho mas avanzada que sus hermanas han sacado un lado genetico más sativo y van a tardar mucho mas en cogollar en general esta todo bien, ha sido temporada de lluvias, tormentas y hay una humedad constante el clima no ayuda, en el mediterraneo siempre en final de temporada vienen lluvias y hay que pelear con el tiempo para poder sacar buenos resultados y evitar plagas
Solid nugs throughout. Smells great. Looks like a solid haul.
Been flushing after a bit of leaf tips showing signs over over feed. Hit with typhoon and now tap water until I decide to harvest.
Realicé la que yo creo será la última poda, quedó un tercio de la parte inferior completamente sin brotes ni hojas. Próximamente aplicaré guano de ave y hummus para luego regar de forma alterna con agua y melaza
Just another week of vegging and feeding, waiting to make sure the last remaining plant I have is female. I think the male parts would have shown already if it was male, but you never really know until flip time. I’m planning on up-planting the remaining plant I have to a 7 gallon fabric pot and flipping it to 12-12 because I don’t have tent space for a massive beast of a photoperiod. Excited to see if this one is female (which I really think it is fingers crossed!).
Very good plant it liked when I topped it not to picky smells like garlic right now I’m happy with it and I’ll update when I finish drying the rating may go up after I smoke it
I'm excited for this one, really skunky smell and lovely buds. Hey growth was right on point with a auto and having her under 24 hours if light a day really fattened up her flowers. She grew with zero stretch between nodes and stacked nothing but nice colas. I would definitely recommend this strain for anyone looking for a fast turnaround of fat resinous buds. Cheers.
Its really goin fast In every grow i see better results Couldnt be more happy Start to feed the girls
It’s been a couple weeks since my last post. I’m currently in the middle of the first week of flushing. She looks like she’ll be ok.
Welcome back to week 3 of this grow diary! Just like the other plant this one is unfortunately presenting with an interveinal chlorosis and also at the end of the week it started developing some brown spots mainly at the leave edges. I’m not really sure what’s going on but I suspect it’s a magnesium deficiency that’s the only thing making sense to me. I had slight problems with adjusting my watering volume and frequency to this new substrate. I overwatered a bit last week because the substrate apparently has a higher water holding capacity. Immediate actions: Less watering, corrugated cardboard under planters for insulation from cold tiles, checked soil PH (slurry test), ordered Epsom salt (should take about a week to arrive) for foliar application. I’m pondering flushing the substrate so that I can be sure it’s not caused by excess of other nutrients and lockout. But since I noticed that the substrate holds water a little bit to well for my taste this could also backfire and further worsen symptoms. Unsure on how to proceed, guess I’ll have to wait for the Epsom salt and try if a foliar spray improves the status of my plants :( Let me know if you have any input on the matter!
Arranca la segunda semana de 12/12 aún no hay signos de sexo, sigo dándole nitrógeno fuerte, cambiandole la solución 1 vez a la semana El 15 de febrero será un mes desde la germinación
It was finally time to harvest her, what good times we had with her. Amazed with how beautiful this plant is, how easy to manage and train and how rewarding Orange Hill Special is. So we said our thanks and goodbye, thanked her for all the joy she gave while growing her. I realize more and more how I love growing them even more than the end-product. It takes my mind of all going on for a while, in my miniature jungle world in the attic. Im sure all of you just sometimes sit there and watch them, in wonder, dreaming away with a good buzz on, watching them wave in the wind of the fans. So with a heavy hart I apologize, play them their last music, sit with them and feel them and smell them, watch the glistening of the cristals. In the end we had 209 gram dried Orange Hill Special, I will know the total of the grow, in a few days, since the final big whopper still has to dry: my XtraKush, be sure to check the harvest of that one *in couple of days) and see a one-dollar seed outperform two 10 dollar seeds. I probably go over 500 grams for the total grow, which would be 1.6 grams per watt. Big success! Consider an SP-3000 for your next light, you won't be disappointed! Check for the latest discounts! Thank you @MarsHydroLED for letting us try out your light, it made this successful grow possible! Greetings and all the best! Thank you to our friends here, our followers and the whole Growing Diaries community for just being there. Big Hug, Sunshine and BioBuds
Giorno 70 Tutte le piante sono state raccolte e tra un mese aggiornerò il diario con le foto delle cime essicate. Sono molto contento perché certi odori mi hanno colpito e non vedo l'ora di sentirli in fumata. Grazie a chi ha commentato e ha lasciato un like. Un altro giro è appena iniziato. Ci vediamo di là 💪🖐️❤️