Number 1
Number 1 is browning out her hairs and putting on crystal. Seems to be another few weeks to go yet.
Number 2
Fall colours, purple, black, brown yellow.
A real treat to the eyes. She smells sweet and dripping with resin. No real strong pot smell, and no amber trichomes yet. She is close to getting the axe! The super mutant needs the lumens!
Super Mutant
This thing is huge.
This thing is hungry.
This thing is loaded with buds as big as my arms. If every plant was like this, I'd need 1 crop a year. Some of these buds look like they're going to be 2 ozs each!
Mammoth monster!
Out of these 3 seeds, looks like I got 3 phenos. Although my light is awesome, I think it concentrates blue and red to different areas, making the plants grow at different rates.
Number 1 and the super mutant are very similar in structure, except for size. Number 2 was the last to germinate and first to flower. It has a different smell, structure and look. It was from a single promo pack of the NL. The other 2 were from the same package.
Will number 2 make it until next week, or will it be a harvest?