The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Salute everyone! We have a liftoff! Since this is my first grow i spent the last month at least in research, tents, lights, strains, nutrition (omg), growing medium, watering, temp, humidity and so on! Total overload. When i got my tent and seeds, it was time to visit my local grow shop, and the nicest of people who happens to be the owner, reassured me that im going to be fine. And thats my plan. Read some diaries here and I’m really looking forward to engage with the community! Today is 01/09 - the day it begins. Seeds are in the soil. 01/09 - morning Implanted the seeds at night and turned the light at 20% power about 50cm away from the surface and turned the vent to around 25% The himidity dropped to 55%. so I’ve decided to turn off the vent for now. Now the humidity is around 65% which i would like to keep thru seedling/veg stage 03/09 - midnight Full 48 hours has passed since the seeds were planted. No signs of life so far. 03/09 - 70 hours after planting the germinated seeds in the soil 2/3 have srouted. The third one didn’t have a root when planted, but was cracked open, so i guess she’s lagging a little. Tomorrow morning will switch the lights to 18/6. 25% of power. 04/09 - 84 hours after planting All three girls are up. Switching light to 18/6 (25% power) Installed a go pro to shoot a time lapse. 05/09 - morning Seems that nothing changed overnight. Compared my plants with a day by day progress reference i found on the web. So i decided to help the plants and remove the shell of the seed. Seems went well. Only plant 1 managed to remove only one half, second half is glued. 05/09 - afternoon After removing the shells i noticed that the cotyledons are glued together by the residue on the seed. Performed a microsurgery (neurosurgeon wanabe) Attached. Finally the plants are free and exposed to the light
In the second Week i started to give them a few nutrients. Maybe a bit too much, as you See in the last 2 Videos. Since its very cold (-5°C) in Germany i've put a heating cable losely around the pots to Heat Up the soil a bit.
A few waterdrops and the Permanent Marker is Happy for now
After Week 1 in the eazyplug, i've transplanted the Permanent Marker into a bigger Pot
After Week 1 in the eazyplug, i've transplanted the Permanent Marker into a bigger Pot
Now we're Back on Track. I've started to her to the Side, to form her. The Permanent Marker is a Hybrid which IS very clear Here. Long branches without enough flowerstems. I tie the main's for a good 90 degree to go in the Kind of sog direction. And, what i learned from Carl Kushman: Break the inside carefully of your stems. It will make the plant stronger. Believe me. Just feel small balls inside the stems and crush every other. With that technic you can Control the growing
After topping and now warmer days, the Permanent Marker rises Back Up and started the Turbo.
In the second Week i started to give them a few nutrients. Maybe a bit too much, as you See in the last 2 Videos. Since its very cold (-5°C) in Germany i've put a heating cable losely around the pots to Heat Up the soil a bit.
In the second Week i started to give them a few nutrients. Maybe a bit too much, as you See in the last 2 Videos. Since its very cold (-5°C) in Germany i've put a heating cable losely around the pots to Heat Up the soil a bit.
OMFKG!!!!!! I've been vía for a few weeks and this doll has exploded! 💣💣💣💣 I've never seen such a big growth in all this time! "My preparation with hydroponic cultivation is paying off the hours of study." ...unfortunately his mastodons have given him some small burns... but I'll know how to get it back.
Now we're Back on Track. I've started to her to the Side, to form her. The Permanent Marker is a Hybrid which IS very clear Here. Long branches without enough flowerstems. I tie the main's for a good 90 degree to go in the Kind of sog direction. And, what i learned from Carl Kushman: Break the inside carefully of your stems. It will make the plant stronger. Believe me. Just feel small balls inside the stems and crush every other. With that technic you can Control the growing
Vienen muy lindas, por ahora solo estirandose sin formar mucho las preflores, al final de la semana que viene planeo hacer defoliacion y poda de bajos
Fin de la première semaine,on commence la 2 ème avec enthousiasme Les filles se portent bien, que de l'eau minérale pour le moment, fausse alerte pour la triploid, elle avait seulement un cotylédons coupé en deux ! Placez dans la grande tente de croissance 1m5x1m5, sous un mélange de lumière mars hydro et Sayon , un bon réglage d'humidité relative de 70% pour une température plus stable de 23-24°c le jour et 18-19°c la nuit , interaction et extraction d'air plus ventilation au top Premier arrosage avec plagron power roots
Wir schreiben die vierte Woche der Wachstumsphase. Letzte Woche hatte ich erst das Gefühl es verschlimmert sich, dann hat es sich scheinbar verbessert. Ich bin mir ehrlich gesagt noch nicht 100% sicher was jetzt das genaue Problem ist bzw was den Pflanzen fehlt. Sind sie jetzt von einem Cal/Mag Defizit in eine Überdüngung geraten? 🤔 Oder sind es wirklich einfach nur die kleinen Töpfe..? Naja die Pflanzen sind mittlerweile auf jeden Fall jeweils zu viert in ihren 15l Töpfen (Endtöpfe), haben also jeweils ca 3,75l Substrat,... mit der üblichen Mischung + Biotabs Palette ( leider finde ich hier keine Auswahlmöglichkeit zu Mengenangaben von Feststoff.-/Streudünger wie g/l(Substrat) ) Außerdem haben sie eine schöne BoomBoom Spray Dusche bekommen, fantastisches Zeug - ich liebe es und die Pflanzen lieben es noch viel mehr. Der Topf mit den Automatics steht jetzt hinten links.
Our Rainbow Sherbet of course from Zamnesia like all my plants has been the territory of realization for an exceptional mainfolding. After a topping that would seem very premature at the second internode (But that in autoflowering is also appropriate to delay flowering) I managed very well to make the lateral branches grow parallel to the ground. They form a T with the main stem that comes out of the ground a little. It seemed like it should be low, some joker even joked about it and instead it is becoming a nice little monster. It made the lateral branches start and all that then worked with a successful main lining on which I made the only mistake of leaving a little too much stuff at the bottom that I am cleaning up little by little as I understand that it will not see much light or will not produce satisfactory flowers. The main stem that runs parallel to the ground is very beautiful to look at and is from the main lining manual. The structure created with mainfoldindg, mainlining, topping and lst vari is very pleasant, the plant is at medium internodal distance and flowers quickly so it is a plant on which I would feel like recommending these techniques that it is true that they can slow down the harvests but they give a satisfaction to the sight and an unparalleled fun in making them. We are still using soil, fertilizers and all the additives recommended by Plagron 100% organic. We are still in the early flowering program that maintains the same additives Power Roots, Sugar Royal, Pure Zym and adds the flowering stimulant Power Buds. Obviously the basic fertilizer is now Alga Bloom. The Green Sensation hero of the late flowering will arrive and at the same time it will be time to remove power roots and a week later the enzymes. (The plant left to grow straight and straight ahead of time has been taking it for a while) ---- Decide on the right soil and calculate your fertilization schedule according to your soil on the official website. -- Try a seed of this variety that drives us crazy.. ---- Zamnesia Description //A cross between Pink Guava, Sunset Sherbet and a hint of ruderalis, Rainbow Sherbet Auto offers a wide range of flavors, effects and more. This 70% indica-dominant strain reaches considerable THC levels (24%) and is suitable for both experienced growers and those taking their first steps in the world of cannabis cultivation. All the best that mother nature has to offer is on ----
Hey guys ! What a blast ! 10 days drying at 55-60% RH and 15-18°c. 45gr/plant. 3 plants, 2 differents phenos 1 pheno is realy Kushy, with specials notes that remind me some sort of GMO terps, with no real notes of permanent marker. The second one definitly have permanent in it, smells realy special, like medical products. Thing smoke realy nice, realy terpy
Hey guys ! What a blast ! 10 days drying at 55-60% RH and 15-18°c. 45gr/plant. 3 plants, 2 differents phenos 1 pheno is realy Kushy, with specials notes that remind me some sort of GMO terps, with no real notes of permanent marker. The second one definitly have permanent in it, smells realy special, like medical products. Thing smoke realy nice, realy terpy
Hey guys ! What a blast ! 10 days drying at 55-60% RH and 15-18°c. 45gr/plant. 3 plants, 2 differents phenos 1 pheno is realy Kushy, with specials notes that remind me some sort of GMO terps, with no real notes of permanent marker. The second one definitly have permanent in it, smells realy special, like medical products. Thing smoke realy nice, realy terpy
Día 8 (20/01) Subo a DLI 20 Elimino la cúpula de humedad y oriento el ventilador para que les llegue una ligera brisa que fortalezca el tallo Hago un riego de unos 30 ml en la maceta de 1 Litro Día 9 (21/01) Se ve saludable y se empiezan a formar las primeras hojas reales! Día 10 (22/01) Desarrollo esperado para el día 10 Día 11 (23/01) Sigue desarrollándose bien. Las raíces se asoman la parte inferior de la maceta Riego con 100 ml H2O RO Día 12 (24/01) Buen aspecto y desarrollo Día 13 (25/01) Riego con 50 ml H2O RO Día 14 (26/01) Hoy procedemos a trasplantar a las chicas a su maceta definitiva de 6 litros con la siguiente mezcla: Substrato PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE BIOTABS estrategia de cultivo de "Solo agregar agua", donde todos los nutrientes están premezclados en la tierra: SILICIUM FLASH 5 g/L de sustrato STARTREX 5 g/L de sustrato DOLOMITA 2 g/L de sustrato (ya que riego con H2O RO) MYCOTREX 5 g en el agujero del trasplante BIOTABS: 1 unidad a 10 cm de profundidad Se llena la maceta con las manos (limpias) y rompiendo los trozos de sustrato más gruesos, para que el sustrato esté aireado y esponjoso, sin presionar Se coloca una maceta vacía para que quede la forma perfecta de la maceta donde están las plántulas Se llena hasta arriba, y se hace un 1er riego muy lentamente con 0,75 Litros de H20 Osmosis RO Después de que el sustrato haya compactado y bajado de nivel (algo normal), se vuelve a rellenar con la mezcla de sustrato + nutrientes de BIOTABS hasta el borde Se saca la plántula de su maceta actual (bonitas raíces 😍) y se coloca en la maceta final Se vuelve a regar 0,5 L H2O Osmosis (RO) y se coloca en el armario ajustando la luz a DLI 25 El riego total es de 1,25 Litros H2O Osmosis (RO) A ver como reacciona al trasplante! Se aplica BoomBoom Spray 5 ml/L para ayudar con el estrés del trasplante! 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -