This is towards the end of last week.
The BB crosses are doing excellent. They have all gone through some extreme temps with intense temp and RH fluctuations. I’ve concluded that the plants 1 week behind experienced too much heat on this one day when some things came up and I wasn’t around to get them out of the hot sun in time, and they were stunted by excessive heat over 90F. The others didn’t show much signs of stress at all. I’m not giving up on the little ones, but I am giving them a large amount of grace and understanding. They can just continue to grow and do their best. Maybe they will come back into full speed in a week or so. Maybe not. At least I will grow them out to learn what happens. From now on I will be extra careful with all stimuli my seedlings are receiving.
Showing sone other plants of same age, some of which are photoperiods that began flowering about a month and a half early, with 15 hours of daylight! Why?
My first guess is some form of extreme rodelization. I did notice on both A-Trains that they each had a node with two pollen sacks developing as well as the burst of female bracts. So I nicked off the pollen sacks right away, and I’ve been putting them under a light for the nights to hopefully reveg them. Either way, a fun anecdote for some new knowledge and experience! I’m sure they would bud out Fat! Seeing how much they did in 2-3 days! But maybe there’s other elements at play.