Easy to grow. Only issue I ran into was the other strain being a male. If I grew this strain alone I would’ve filled out the tent with just this strain the yield would’ve reflected that. Keep in mind if the other plant didn’t get the chop this yield would be almost double. I will grow this cut again.
Probabilmente il topping del ramo apicale non è stata la migliore cosa per me, mi servirà di lezione per la prossima estate.
Harvest report for New York Turbo Diesel. Breaking ground to harvest was 84 days. Wet weight was 186 grams Dry weight =37g Power used for 12 weeks. 246.3Kw used on lighting. £73.89 at £0.30 a Kw Average 2.932 Kw a day =146 Watts power an hour during lights on. Dry weight from this grow. #1 49g #2 37g #3 46g #4 39g #5 51g #6 52g Total 273g True g/W = 273÷146=1.87g/W This was one great grow and there are a few strains I'm really considering running again straight away. This strain is one that I want to grow again but give her more space to flourish. She has grown decent solid buds absolutely coated in trichomes. One thing I have learnt during this grow is that the idea of cramming 9 autos into my tent was a stupid idea and trialling it with 6 plants was wise.
Hello growers, I haven't shown you my plants for three weeks, I'm ashamed, I don't know what they are like, I let one dry and it weighs 5.68g, which is ridiculous... The second is still blooming and I have the impression that nothing will happen to it. .
All 6 chopped after 48 hours dark. The old rainwater brought some wicked Col ours out and there’s plenty of buds bleeding purple. Loved these and they’ve been nice and straightforward. I did give them a bit of a hard time with under and over feeding but there still looks a decent amount of really dense bud there. Will add some better pics and weights when it’s ready. Now hanging at 55F and 65RH not the temps and humidity in the video 😂. Happy New Year 💚
I didn't make life easy for my autos... topped 2x, repotted 1x, several defoliations, bad water stress for 2 weeks, moved to another tent... I couldn't hope for a miraculous harvest but I'm not complaining at all: in only 10 weeks from seed to harvest, not far from 58g dry, with dense and frosty nuggets, and a nice smell that fills my room as soon as I open the jars 🤩 I won't wait long for the smoke test 👌
At the end of week 3 I topped one of the strawberry cough they are all looking good and starting to veg I’m all caught up with the grow diary’s and will add at the end of every week. I’m in Australia and did start a little late into the season but hope to get a decent grow in they will be at my brothers once transplanted and he has a few aswel that I will add into the grow log nothing but sun and water only use a little thrive that’s from Bunnings that I get from my pops shed. They will be in a nicer cleaner soil when transplanted into veggie beds and will have chicken poo as a nutrient source first time ever using chicken poo so see how it goes. Will keep the grow log updated and hopefully everything goes all well for the travel and transplant for the plants in the next few days