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1. LABS - I suggest using distilled water for the entire process ( no chlorine or chloramine). I also suggest the type of rice product shown ( 1/2 cup), it has red, brown, white, and black rice blended together. You get the benefits of each type. 2. Take the rice that was used in making the rice rinse for labs and boil it in 3 cups of water for 30 mins. Strain the rice out. Add 1 TBSP molasses per 300 mls. Use 300 mls of the above mixture during your watering cycles. It contains starches, b vitamins, aminos, trace minerals, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and some nitrogen. The ppm’s are not higher than 200 ( if using distilled water). This is ONLY used if your plants are healthy. If your plants are sick…this will NOT help them. It will make stuff worse!!! The Hulk-Berry got a new home. 1 tsp 7-3-1, 1/2 tsp 0-12-0, 1/2 tsp Langbeinite, 1 TBSP 2-2-2, 3 TBSP 4-3-3, worm castings, recharge (1/32 tsp) into the soil ( Mother Earth). The 3 RuntZ are coming back from slow growth at the outset. I added LABS, Lentil SST, Photosynthesis Plus to the media. I did a foliar spray with recharge. 24-36 hours later the leaves exploded with growth and height. I added ZERO nutrients!!! I only used natural inputs and bacteria to get the root zone back in order. 11-3. Things are all in check! The LABS, SST’s and Rice wash have gotten the 3 RuntZ back on track. The Hulkberry is in full swing. I think I can get to 3 feet by flower time with the Hulkberry 11-5 All is well today!!! Everyone is very happy after the cal-mag, Photosynthesis Plus, kelp bath
1. LABS - I suggest using distilled water for the entire process ( no chlorine or chloramine). I also suggest the type of rice product shown ( 1/2 cup), it has red, brown, white, and black rice blended together. You get the benefits of each type. 2. Take the rice that was used in making the rice rinse for labs and boil it in 3 cups of water for 30 mins. Strain the rice out. Add 1 TBSP molasses per 300 mls. Use 300 mls of the above mixture during your watering cycles. It contains starches, b vitamins, aminos, trace minerals, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and some nitrogen. The ppm’s are not higher than 200 ( if using distilled water). This is ONLY used if your plants are healthy. If your plants are sick…this will NOT help them. It will make stuff worse!!! The Hulk-Berry got a new home. 1 tsp 7-3-1, 1/2 tsp 0-12-0, 1/2 tsp Langbeinite, 1 TBSP 2-2-2, 3 TBSP 4-3-3, worm castings, recharge (1/32 tsp) into the soil ( Mother Earth). The 3 RuntZ are coming back from slow growth at the outset. I added LABS, Lentil SST, Photosynthesis Plus to the media. I did a foliar spray with recharge. 24-36 hours later the leaves exploded with growth and height. I added ZERO nutrients!!! I only used natural inputs and bacteria to get the root zone back in order. 11-3. Things are all in check! The LABS, SST’s and Rice wash have gotten the 3 RuntZ back on track. The Hulkberry is in full swing. I think I can get to 3 feet by flower time with the Hulkberry 11-5 All is well today!!! Everyone is very happy after the cal-mag, Photosynthesis Plus, kelp bath
This bean is during me CRAZY 🤣🤣🤣 I had some slow growth with my RuntZ, but they are on the go. This strain —- I gotta get the conditions right for it. It seems to prefer less water and more heat?? I am not flowering this strain until I can take 5-6 Clone’s off of it. It’s been feed SST, LABS, bacteria, fungi, rain dances. Just isn’t responding like I assumed, but I am taking responsibility for the issues, NOT the cultivar. 11-3 And……we are back in the game!!! The inputs began showing the effectiveness. Leaves are larger, no stretching. The bean just took a second to “kick” in gear with some added help. This is going to be a very long VEG…we are talking 4-5 months before I flower this. I want multiple clones off this strain so my summer grow outdoor is going to be SICK ( 6 ft tall ladies).
The tiny potter is doing good for a mutt autoflower. She has started to grow. I will likely just let her grow straight up. The tiny cbg is still alive in the one picture you can see it. When I get more I will try again one day. The northern lights in the mix is from seedsman. The air tube makes a huge difference. She is in a corner under my Mars Hydro FC4800 light in my autoflower room. Thank you Mars. 🤜🤛🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
☘️04/11 - Empieza su tercera semana en Etapa de crecimiento. ☘️Su crecimiento es muy notorio de una semana a otra, esta creciendo fuerte y su desarrollo es muy bueno. Esta creciendo de forma correcta sin ningún problema. ☘️Este diario es para participar en el sorteo de "Best Rarest & Smallest Pot by seedman". ☘️Esta es su última semana en Etapa de crecimiento, ya el 09/11 comienza en Floración. ☘️Estos días seguiré subiendo más imágenes de como viene.
Bonjour les amis, Je viens tout juste de faire mes photos et vidéos, ça va faire 1 semaines que j'ai commencé à leur mettre de l'engrais (pro organic) mais apparemment mes fifilles ne le supporte pas elles commencent à me faire des taches (marron jaune). Du coup je les est mis en rinçage et après je leur mettrais du purin d'orties fait maison. J'espère vraiment qu'elles vont se remettre d'à plomb, je serai vraiment triste 😥 si je les perds. Je vous dit à plus tard les amis, Bonne journée à tous 🙂👍👍👍
D-42 : The plants looks good, except one that seems to suffer a bit of light burn. Last week I put the ATS 300w PRO at 30cm from the canopee. So I decided to move up the light 10cm more. It seems to be ok now. The flowers doesn't seems to grow that much but if I compare with the photos of the last week, in fact they do ! D-44 : Ok ok ! Clearly, it seems that it wasn't a light burn but a nutrient defficiency. The 3 plants have the same problem. In fact, I didn't give them enough nutrient on each watering. And more, I think I didn't water them enough neither.... It was ok untill the flowering stage start. I assume plants are starving during this stage. Here you can see that it's my really first grow !! So I decided to double water and double nutrient per liter. Just wait and see a couple of days what happened now. Does the damaged leaves will recover ? Or will they just get a litle more green and concentrate energy on new leaves ? I don't know ! Wait, roll one (or two...) and see ! D-47 : Second consecutiv watering with nutrient. I also set the net to guide the growing flowers...
Alors aujourd'hui je fais du BHO et pour vous remercier de votre fidélité je vais vous montrer ma méthode (que j utilisé dans le passé (j ai depuis acheter du matériel un peut plus professionnel ;) Alors pour tous sa il vous faudra =1..2 seringue de 300ml ou plus dispo sur mamazon = des filtres à café (NON BLANCHIE !!!) =des colier de serrage pour fixer les filtres. = et bien sûr du gaz (butane et en général je prend du gaz filtrer 12x pour éviter les saleté qu il peut y avoir dans certain gaz . =et enfin il vous faudra un bol pour récupérer tous le nectar^^ (J UTILISE DES MOULES A GÂTEAUX EN SILICONE (rien qui accroche) Mais si vous utilisez un extracteur en plastique et ou un moule en silicone il faudra absolument prendre du butane et non pas DME =CAR LE DME ENMENE DES PARTICULES DE SILICONES EY DE PLASTIQUE LORS DU GAZAGE Voilà voilà je vais commencer et prendre des vidéo au fur et à mesure que je vais poster pour vous montrer . Après 1heure de dégazage vous aurez une fine couche ai fond qu il va falloir travailler pour y faire rentrer de l air (ne t inquiète pas j vais poster une vidéo se soir ou tu pourra voir comment faire..) Le crumble est je pense la seul sorte de bho que l on peut faire sans trop d équipement (pour le reste il faudrais evaporatrice rotative ou autre etc ) Avec le crumble c est votre main qui fais le travail = l objectif est que l air touche toute les partie de la patte comme sa le gaz sort et l air oxyde les trichome etc etc