Day 10:
They have been growing nicely. Beautifull green leafs, no deficiencies or stress.
I did some Defoliation and I'm planning to top some plants but not all of them since they make nice main colas as well.
Also nice roots so far, will let those grow for another 1-3 days before repotting them into 7L pots.
While doing that I will add some new clay for beneeth the pots to have a good run-off. I will add some mycorizza as well to improve the roots and
I will water them again with lots of Regulator(anti-stress) and Rhyzotonic( root stimilator).
Some days after that, they are ready to get pushed into flowering. Sativas like to grow twice and sometimes even more in size.
So the size which they are at the end of this week will be enough.
So at the end of this week you will see them being in 7L pots and in a bigger grow space under lots of lamps.
There are like 3-5 plants not growing nicely. Might have to kill them. I'm not going to waste time,energy,nutrients on those if they don't grow in size in a couple of days.
So might end up with just 235 plants.
Il update again at the end of this week.
Day 14:
I almost finished the rest of the grow room. I still need to adjust and replace the lamps some more and other things.
Did many defoliation below the plants. Thoose branches are never going to preduce nice and thick buds anyways. Such a waste of energy and nutrients.
Because of the removing of branches and leafs, They get a better airflow and better exposure of light as well.
So for now they look a little bit ugly haha and not so bushy anymore, but they will grow into fine looking ladies.
I kept 5 or 7 branches each plant and some bigger plants I even topped because I don't want them to stretch alot.
Another reason is that I want bigger stems. If other plants that didnt get topped, not improving stems I can still top them until the end of week 1 of flowering.
I'm putting them into flowering, by putting the lightschedule to 12hours of light and darkness. It will take a few days before they start preflowering.
The first buds will be seen in like 10-14 days.
Untill next week!