Day 70- Switched to plain ph’d water mid-week, they have now had 2 waterings with plain water. Probably going to be 2 more in the upcoming week.
Did a big defoliation mostly to help ease the final trim when it comes, but to also allow for a little more trichome development as she uses up the remaining nutrients. It’s been a much cooler week so I have been gradually increasing the light intensity to get a final push for some weight. Running at about 95% intensity at the moment with the tent hovering around 79-81 degrees freedom units.
Checking trichomes daily with my 30x jewellers loupe, mostly cloudy now, some amber popping up, but mostly on the leaves. I’m watching my other strain as well, hoping the timing will be right for both to come down. I’m not in a rush, really want to maximize these buds, they are already very hard, and they will be decent producers.