I don’t know how to rate her. Cholrothilda’s growth was disappointing, but as written she wasn't nursed in my crib, so maybe she was stressed too much in her early days.
Compared to her growth, harvest is quite good still. Should be something around 30–40 g when dried. Not much, but the quality looks, smells and touches very promising. Completely sticky, with a nice, somewhat decent citrus-like smell that will not leave your fingers for a long time.
She did much better than her sister who produced only the tiniest popcorn buds I’ve ever seen which do not have any real substance at all. And who did not look like Cannabis but rather like some twiddly herb.
I also cannot really say if the extra spectrum lights helped. I think I noticed her buds growing more when I turned on FIR for longer, but she behaved different than any of her predecessors. The lights did not ruin the harvest as a synopsis.
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2 months ago