Here I am again, I've been neglected this diary for 3 weeks so I made a fast update on the last 3 weeks, not so detailed unfortunately.
Today is day 58, some leaves are yellowing and I don't understand what it could be. It seems a Phosphorus deficiency but there are also this strange rusty spots on some leaves on top of the plant. From what I know in case of deficiencies the first leaves to suffer should be the ones in the bottom part of the plant but I don't know. I upped the calmag a little because the rust spots could indicate calmag deficiency. Learning something new everyday with this hobby, I just hope I manage to stop the problem because in my previous grow I had a similar problem and didn't managed to stop it so in harvest time all the leaves were basically dead.
Anothe detail I'm not happy about is the not so even canopy I created. I think I started LST a little too soon and therefore deformed a little too much the plant. Next time I'll try to top for the first time.
Other than the problem I mentioned the buds are stacking up really really nice and they smell amazing. Real frosty buds it seems as you can see from the video. I hope I'm doing good :D