The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
ROYAL QUEEN CBG AUTO ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS Week #7 Overall Week #2 Flower This week she had tremendous bud growth her buds have white hairs all over them she's a interesting looking plant. Stay Growing for your loved ones with health issues!! Stay Growing!! Royal Queen Seeds Royal Queen CBG Auto
7/25 Did two videos this morning. One where I was only going to water the 3 gallons I had mixed up but it's going to be very hot this week. Didn't want to make the same mistake as last time so I watered everything AT LEAST A GALLON. I need to bump up the volume during these really hot, humid days abd it doesn't get worse then this. Things are getting dusty. Found an inch worm and some minor pest damage. Once it cools down ill spray something. Also noticing small nitrogen deficiency that takes a leaf and moves up the plant a little bit. I'm going to need to start nutes this week. I'll keep this updated. Went back over around one and everything was looking fantastic! Took a few pictures and defoliated a few leaves. UPDATE: I GOT A MESSAGE FROM DAD SAYING MY PLANTS LOOKED DROOPY. I HADNT MADE IT OVER FOR MY NIGHTLY INSPECTION BUT HAVING WATERED YESTERDAY I WAS THINKIBG OF SKIPPING IT. GOT THERE AND SAW THE FIRST 10TH PLANET DROOPY. ALL THE TENTH PLANETS LOOK RELATIVELY THE SAME BUT ONE OF THEM IS MY "CANARY IM A COAL MINE" AS IT DROOPS WAY BEFORE THE OTHERS. THE TWO BLUE CHEESES IN 20S THAT DRY OUT FASTER GOT TWO GALLONS AS DID MY 10TH PLANET CANARY AND MY BIG BLUE IN THE 50. ITS BEEN 90S AND SUNSHINE AND ITS ONLY GOING TO GET HOTTER. I HAVE THINGS GOING ON IN THE MORNING SO I WONT HE ABLE TO WATER. I NOTICED MORE NITROGEN DEFICIENCY RISING IN THE BLUECHEESE THAT DRINKS ALL THE WATER. OBVIOUSLY ILL NEED TO ADD NUTES SOONER THAB LATER CONSIDERING IM IN FLOWER BUT THE PLANTS ARE STILL A NICE GREEN AMD ONLY LOSING VERY FEW LEAVES. I ACTUALLY SAW A COUPKE BURNT LEAF TIPS ON A COUPKE PLANTS AFTER I WATERED WITH THE KELP ME/YOU. THIS SOIL IS AWESOME. WHAT IS THIS? WEEK 16 AND STILL GOING STRONG. WHEN I DO DECIDE TO START NUTES ILL TEST IT ON THAT BLUE CHEESE THATS FURTHER IN SENESCENCE. I TOOK A QUICK VIDEO ILL UPLOAD TOMORROW. 7/26 Had a bear come around my cage and getting into out bird feeders. Bent the iron shelerds hook all the way to the ground! Getting AMMONIA now to try and keep him away. Bags were heavy this morning but it's going to be really hot again. It'll be on the 90s the next few days so I need to be very careful. After we get through this I'll do an app of BT. Garden looks fantastic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lants are looking FANTASTIC this morning. Soil is still damp this morning and bags are heavy as hell. They look super happy. Obviously my watering situation depends on the weather. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be the hottest days so I wanted to make sure the plants had sufficient water before this. I'll let them dry out totally before watering again. There's another four lined plant big somewhere that sat there and destroyed another leaf. I'm AT LEAST spraying with BT after this heat wave. Supposed to rain a little today with thunderstorms. I haven't got my supports up yet but if i need to I coukd throw my tarps up real quick. Don't think I'll need to though. These are some tough freaking plants and I am super proud of how they've turned out thus far. UPDATE: WENT BACK OVER AND RE APPLIED BLEECH TO THE RAGS AND ON THE PERIMETER OF MY CAGE. I TACKED A FEW MORE DRYER SHEETS UP. REASON I DID THIS WAS BECAUSE WEVE BEEN GETTING HORRIBLE THUNDER STORMS WITH TORRENTIAL RAIN. THE WEATHER MAN HAD BEEN WRONG SEVERAL TIMES WARNING OF THUNDER STORMS AND WE WOULDNT GET SHIT. THIS TIME IT WAS PRETTY BAD. TOOK A SHORT VIDEO. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE HOTTEST DAYS TODAY AND TOMORROW. I DIDNT NOTICE ANY BREAKAGE AND I DONT SEE ANY ON MY CAMS. IM SURE ITS NOT THAT MUCH RAIN AND THOSE NAHS WILL DRY OUT SOON. I NEED TO GET MORE PH DOWN AND DECIDE WHAT IT IS IM GOING TO DO FOR NUTES IN FLOWER AND MAKE UP MY MIND. 7/28 Huge thunderstorms all day yesterday and through the night with high wonds. Plants made it through unscathed despite the lack of a trellis. Today is supposed to be the hottest of these days. I think the hear wave ends today. I really need to get my supports up. I'm super lucky to not have had any breaks during the storm. I have a couple of videos I did but I didn't upload them earlier and now that I'm back in the woods I doubt they'll upload now. I'll give it a shot. If not I'll put them up tomorrow. OH! I found that four lined plant bug that had been fucking up my leaves and squished him. Well I hope it was him. If not I killed a sibling at least. UPDATE: JUST WOW. This morning all drooped over from the storm went over at 4 and its still 90 and they seem to have grown sic inches and jumped forward WAY more into flower. I am amazed. I'll upload a photo or two but I took a video I'll put up tomorrow. Super stoked. Oh and you can give me a red smile face for not using nutes every week @growdiaries but you point out the deficiency then I'll fix it. 7/29 Plants looking fantastic this morning. UPDATE: PLANNED ON NOT GOING TO THECGROW TOMOGHT SEEING THAT IT HAD RAINED SO HARD AMD THAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO GET RAIN TONIGHT. I GET THERE AT ABOUT FIVE AND MY CANARY AND A FEWCOTHERS WERE DROOPING! IT WAS IN THE 80S ALL DAY. I GAVE EACH PLANT A GALLON OF WATER. THE GROW BAGS ON THE TEO WORST PLANTS WERE SUBSTANTIALLY LIGHTER THAN THE REST. I HOPE IM NOT OVERWATERING. THE PLANTS SEEMED TO PICK BACK UP AFTER WATERING BUT ILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW TO UPLOAD MY PICTURES AND VIDEOS. I NEEDED TO ADD TEMPORARY SUPPORTS TO A COUPLE DIFFERENT PLANTS. IM CERTAINLY GLAD I GOT THE URGE TO GO OVER. WHAT A CHANGE IN A FEW HOURS 7/30 Plants are really growing fast and transitioning quick to flower. We got almost no rain so I'm glad I watered like I was supposed to even though the bags had some heft to them. I'm noticing more pest damage. I'm thinking a bt spray tonight might be beneficial. I'll look through what I've got on hand. I may just give them an application of spinosid but we'll see. I still need to move things and put my supports up. Medical problems have slowed me down. UPDATE: Went to check the plants around 3 and they looked great. Bags were still heavy and a little bit moist. I think with the added rain some of the plants may have been overwatered. I should have only watered tue bags that felt light. There is only one plant now that looks a little overwatered and even that is looking good. I found some more minor pest damage. Winds were fairly high. I wondered about my trellis netting but it hadn't been sanitized and my plants are very healthy so I decided to wait. I watched them dance like willows in the wind. I know it won't be like that with big ol colas on them but for right now it's working out just fine. Goal for next week is to move the front row back and move things around to better utilize space, possibly spray for pest and add supports for final flowering after I get the plants situated how I want them. If I do it right I may be able to lst some. Also took a 2 minute video but I cant upload until tomorrow. 7/31 I'm wondering about my watering habits. This morning I watered a couple blue cheese and purple punch plants with just a half gallon as they were light and looked drooping. I'm wonderingvif I'm overwatering. Some plants still seem heavy while others are light? I think the plants may have been overwatered due to the torrential rain and my taking less time hand watering. Hopefully I won't come home from this doctors appointment to wilted plants but I really doubt it. 10th planet requires far less water than the two other strains. Even specific phenos require more water and its difficult with the different size containers but im working with what ive got. I need more ph down and I've gotta get these plants supported. These are some massive plants. Store was closed. Dispensary was opened. Showed my buddy the video then it started raining. By the time I got there the plants looked horrible. Everything was droopy but a couple were really bad. A few weren't bad at all. Actually the one in the ten needed it. I think I just need to give more water at a time and document how I water each plant individually. I also need to take into consideration the weather. Hard to do when it's so unpredictable. I'll wait for them to dry out and then I plan to start low doses of big bloom and grow big but I need to wait for them to dry out first. Then next watering they'll get some nutes. It's sunny now so I may go check my plants. I may also put a fan out for a while on the bags. That might help them out.
I’m facing with heat and humidity so high…and i am ordering dehumidifier on the wayyy🚗can’t wait for my babies let me hear your voice so comment me please anything you want
7/25 Did two videos this morning. One where I was only going to water the 3 gallons I had mixed up but it's going to be very hot this week. Didn't want to make the same mistake as last time so I watered everything AT LEAST A GALLON. I need to bump up the volume during these really hot, humid days abd it doesn't get worse then this. Things are getting dusty. Found an inch worm and some minor pest damage. Once it cools down ill spray something. Also noticing small nitrogen deficiency that takes a leaf and moves up the plant a little bit. I'm going to need to start nutes this week. I'll keep this updated. Went back over around one and everything was looking fantastic! Took a few pictures and defoliated a few leaves. UPDATE: I GOT A MESSAGE FROM DAD SAYING MY PLANTS LOOKED DROOPY. I HADNT MADE IT OVER FOR MY NIGHTLY INSPECTION BUT HAVING WATERED YESTERDAY I WAS THINKIBG OF SKIPPING IT. GOT THERE AND SAW THE FIRST 10TH PLANET DROOPY. ALL THE TENTH PLANETS LOOK RELATIVELY THE SAME BUT ONE OF THEM IS MY "CANARY IM A COAL MINE" AS IT DROOPS WAY BEFORE THE OTHERS. THE TWO BLUE CHEESES IN 20S THAT DRY OUT FASTER GOT TWO GALLONS AS DID MY 10TH PLANET CANARY AND MY BIG BLUE IN THE 50. ITS BEEN 90S AND SUNSHINE AND ITS ONLY GOING TO GET HOTTER. I HAVE THINGS GOING ON IN THE MORNING SO I WONT HE ABLE TO WATER. I NOTICED MORE NITROGEN DEFICIENCY RISING IN THE BLUECHEESE THAT DRINKS ALL THE WATER. OBVIOUSLY ILL NEED TO ADD NUTES SOONER THAB LATER CONSIDERING IM IN FLOWER BUT THE PLANTS ARE STILL A NICE GREEN AMD ONLY LOSING VERY FEW LEAVES. I ACTUALLY SAW A COUPKE BURNT LEAF TIPS ON A COUPKE PLANTS AFTER I WATERED WITH THE KELP ME/YOU. THIS SOIL IS AWESOME. WHAT IS THIS? WEEK 16 AND STILL GOING STRONG. WHEN I DO DECIDE TO START NUTES ILL TEST IT ON THAT BLUE CHEESE THATS FURTHER IN SENESCENCE. I TOOK A QUICK VIDEO ILL UPLOAD TOMORROW. 7/26 Had a bear come around my cage and getting into out bird feeders. Bent the iron shelerds hook all the way to the ground! Getting AMMONIA now to try and keep him away. Bags were heavy this morning but it's going to be really hot again. It'll be on the 90s the next few days so I need to be very careful. After we get through this I'll do an app of BT. Garden looks fantastic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lants are looking FANTASTIC this morning. Soil is still damp this morning and bags are heavy as hell. They look super happy. Obviously my watering situation depends on the weather. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be the hottest days so I wanted to make sure the plants had sufficient water before this. I'll let them dry out totally before watering again. There's another four lined plant big somewhere that sat there and destroyed another leaf. I'm AT LEAST spraying with BT after this heat wave. Supposed to rain a little today with thunderstorms. I haven't got my supports up yet but if i need to I coukd throw my tarps up real quick. Don't think I'll need to though. These are some tough freaking plants and I am super proud of how they've turned out thus far. UPDATE: WENT BACK OVER AND RE APPLIED BLEECH TO THE RAGS AND ON THE PERIMETER OF MY CAGE. I TACKED A FEW MORE DRYER SHEETS UP. REASON I DID THIS WAS BECAUSE WEVE BEEN GETTING HORRIBLE THUNDER STORMS WITH TORRENTIAL RAIN. THE WEATHER MAN HAD BEEN WRONG SEVERAL TIMES WARNING OF THUNDER STORMS AND WE WOULDNT GET SHIT. THIS TIME IT WAS PRETTY BAD. TOOK A SHORT VIDEO. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE HOTTEST DAYS TODAY AND TOMORROW. I DIDNT NOTICE ANY BREAKAGE AND I DONT SEE ANY ON MY CAMS. IM SURE ITS NOT THAT MUCH RAIN AND THOSE NAHS WILL DRY OUT SOON. I NEED TO GET MORE PH DOWN AND DECIDE WHAT IT IS IM GOING TO DO FOR NUTES IN FLOWER AND MAKE UP MY MIND. 7/28 Huge thunderstorms all day yesterday and through the night with high wonds. Plants made it through unscathed despite the lack of a trellis. Today is supposed to be the hottest of these days. I think the hear wave ends today. I really need to get my supports up. I'm super lucky to not have had any breaks during the storm. I have a couple of videos I did but I didn't upload them earlier and now that I'm back in the woods I doubt they'll upload now. I'll give it a shot. If not I'll put them up tomorrow. OH! I found that four lined plant bug that had been fucking up my leaves and squished him. Well I hope it was him. If not I killed a sibling at least. UPDATE: JUST WOW. This morning all drooped over from the storm went over at 4 and its still 90 and they seem to have grown sic inches and jumped forward WAY more into flower. I am amazed. I'll upload a photo or two but I took a video I'll put up tomorrow. Super stoked. Oh and you can give me a red smile face for not using nutes every week @growdiaries but you point out the deficiency then I'll fix it. 7/29 Plants looking fantastic this morning. UPDATE: PLANNED ON NOT GOING TO THECGROW TOMOGHT SEEING THAT IT HAD RAINED SO HARD AMD THAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO GET RAIN TONIGHT. I GET THERE AT ABOUT FIVE AND MY CANARY AND A FEWCOTHERS WERE DROOPING! IT WAS IN THE 80S ALL DAY. I GAVE EACH PLANT A GALLON OF WATER. THE GROW BAGS ON THE TEO WORST PLANTS WERE SUBSTANTIALLY LIGHTER THAN THE REST. I HOPE IM NOT OVERWATERING. THE PLANTS SEEMED TO PICK BACK UP AFTER WATERING BUT ILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW TO UPLOAD MY PICTURES AND VIDEOS. I NEEDED TO ADD TEMPORARY SUPPORTS TO A COUPLE DIFFERENT PLANTS. IM CERTAINLY GLAD I GOT THE URGE TO GO OVER. WHAT A CHANGE IN A FEW HOURS 7/30 Plants are really growing fast and transitioning quick to flower. We got almost no rain so I'm glad I watered like I was supposed to even though the bags had some heft to them. I'm noticing more pest damage. I'm thinking a bt spray tonight might be beneficial. I'll look through what I've got on hand. I may just give them an application of spinosid but we'll see. I still need to move things and put my supports up. Medical problems have slowed me down. UPDATE: Went to check the plants around 3 and they looked great. Bags were still heavy and a little bit moist. I think with the added rain some of the plants may have been overwatered. I should have only watered tue bags that felt light. There is only one plant now that looks a little overwatered and even that is looking good. I found some more minor pest damage. Winds were fairly high. I wondered about my trellis netting but it hadn't been sanitized and my plants are very healthy so I decided to wait. I watched them dance like willows in the wind. I know it won't be like that with big ol colas on them but for right now it's working out just fine. Goal for next week is to move the front row back and move things around to better utilize space, possibly spray for pest and add supports for final flowering after I get the plants situated how I want them. If I do it right I may be able to lst some. Also took a 2 minute video but I cant upload until tomorrow. 7/31 I'm wondering about my watering habits. This morning I watered a couple blue cheese and purple punch plants with just a half gallon as they were light and looked drooping. I'm wonderingvif I'm overwatering. Some plants still seem heavy while others are light? I think the plants may have been overwatered due to the torrential rain and my taking less time hand watering. Hopefully I won't come home from this doctors appointment to wilted plants but I really doubt it. 10th planet requires far less water than the two other strains. Even specific phenos require more water and its difficult with the different size containers but im working with what ive got. I need more ph down and I've gotta get these plants supported. These are some massive plants. Store was closed. Dispensary was opened. Showed my buddy the video then it started raining. By the time I got there the plants looked horrible. Everything was droopy but a couple were really bad. A few weren't bad at all. Actually the one in the ten needed it. I think I just need to give more water at a time and document how I water each plant individually. I also need to take into consideration the weather. Hard to do when it's so unpredictable. I'll wait for them to dry out and then I plan to start low doses of big bloom and grow big but I need to wait for them to dry out first. Then next watering they'll get some nutes. It's sunny now so I may go check my plants. I may also put a fan out for a while on the bags. That might help them out.
7/25 Did two videos this morning. One where I was only going to water the 3 gallons I had mixed up but it's going to be very hot this week. Didn't want to make the same mistake as last time so I watered everything AT LEAST A GALLON. I need to bump up the volume during these really hot, humid days abd it doesn't get worse then this. Things are getting dusty. Found an inch worm and some minor pest damage. Once it cools down ill spray something. Also noticing small nitrogen deficiency that takes a leaf and moves up the plant a little bit. I'm going to need to start nutes this week. I'll keep this updated. Went back over around one and everything was looking fantastic! Took a few pictures and defoliated a few leaves. UPDATE: I GOT A MESSAGE FROM DAD SAYING MY PLANTS LOOKED DROOPY. I HADNT MADE IT OVER FOR MY NIGHTLY INSPECTION BUT HAVING WATERED YESTERDAY I WAS THINKIBG OF SKIPPING IT. GOT THERE AND SAW THE FIRST 10TH PLANET DROOPY. ALL THE TENTH PLANETS LOOK RELATIVELY THE SAME BUT ONE OF THEM IS MY "CANARY IM A COAL MINE" AS IT DROOPS WAY BEFORE THE OTHERS. THE TWO BLUE CHEESES IN 20S THAT DRY OUT FASTER GOT TWO GALLONS AS DID MY 10TH PLANET CANARY AND MY BIG BLUE IN THE 50. ITS BEEN 90S AND SUNSHINE AND ITS ONLY GOING TO GET HOTTER. I HAVE THINGS GOING ON IN THE MORNING SO I WONT HE ABLE TO WATER. I NOTICED MORE NITROGEN DEFICIENCY RISING IN THE BLUECHEESE THAT DRINKS ALL THE WATER. OBVIOUSLY ILL NEED TO ADD NUTES SOONER THAB LATER CONSIDERING IM IN FLOWER BUT THE PLANTS ARE STILL A NICE GREEN AMD ONLY LOSING VERY FEW LEAVES. I ACTUALLY SAW A COUPKE BURNT LEAF TIPS ON A COUPKE PLANTS AFTER I WATERED WITH THE KELP ME/YOU. THIS SOIL IS AWESOME. WHAT IS THIS? WEEK 16 AND STILL GOING STRONG. WHEN I DO DECIDE TO START NUTES ILL TEST IT ON THAT BLUE CHEESE THATS FURTHER IN SENESCENCE. I TOOK A QUICK VIDEO ILL UPLOAD TOMORROW. 7/26 Had a bear come around my cage and getting into out bird feeders. Bent the iron shelerds hook all the way to the ground! Getting AMMONIA now to try and keep him away. Bags were heavy this morning but it's going to be really hot again. It'll be on the 90s the next few days so I need to be very careful. After we get through this I'll do an app of BT. Garden looks fantastic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lants are looking FANTASTIC this morning. Soil is still damp this morning and bags are heavy as hell. They look super happy. Obviously my watering situation depends on the weather. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be the hottest days so I wanted to make sure the plants had sufficient water before this. I'll let them dry out totally before watering again. There's another four lined plant big somewhere that sat there and destroyed another leaf. I'm AT LEAST spraying with BT after this heat wave. Supposed to rain a little today with thunderstorms. I haven't got my supports up yet but if i need to I coukd throw my tarps up real quick. Don't think I'll need to though. These are some tough freaking plants and I am super proud of how they've turned out thus far. UPDATE: WENT BACK OVER AND RE APPLIED BLEECH TO THE RAGS AND ON THE PERIMETER OF MY CAGE. I TACKED A FEW MORE DRYER SHEETS UP. REASON I DID THIS WAS BECAUSE WEVE BEEN GETTING HORRIBLE THUNDER STORMS WITH TORRENTIAL RAIN. THE WEATHER MAN HAD BEEN WRONG SEVERAL TIMES WARNING OF THUNDER STORMS AND WE WOULDNT GET SHIT. THIS TIME IT WAS PRETTY BAD. TOOK A SHORT VIDEO. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE HOTTEST DAYS TODAY AND TOMORROW. I DIDNT NOTICE ANY BREAKAGE AND I DONT SEE ANY ON MY CAMS. IM SURE ITS NOT THAT MUCH RAIN AND THOSE NAHS WILL DRY OUT SOON. I NEED TO GET MORE PH DOWN AND DECIDE WHAT IT IS IM GOING TO DO FOR NUTES IN FLOWER AND MAKE UP MY MIND. 7/28 Huge thunderstorms all day yesterday and through the night with high wonds. Plants made it through unscathed despite the lack of a trellis. Today is supposed to be the hottest of these days. I think the hear wave ends today. I really need to get my supports up. I'm super lucky to not have had any breaks during the storm. I have a couple of videos I did but I didn't upload them earlier and now that I'm back in the woods I doubt they'll upload now. I'll give it a shot. If not I'll put them up tomorrow. OH! I found that four lined plant bug that had been fucking up my leaves and squished him. Well I hope it was him. If not I killed a sibling at least. UPDATE: JUST WOW. This morning all drooped over from the storm went over at 4 and its still 90 and they seem to have grown sic inches and jumped forward WAY more into flower. I am amazed. I'll upload a photo or two but I took a video I'll put up tomorrow. Super stoked. Oh and you can give me a red smile face for not using nutes every week @growdiaries but you point out the deficiency then I'll fix it. 7/29 Plants looking fantastic this morning. UPDATE: PLANNED ON NOT GOING TO THECGROW TOMOGHT SEEING THAT IT HAD RAINED SO HARD AMD THAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO GET RAIN TONIGHT. I GET THERE AT ABOUT FIVE AND MY CANARY AND A FEWCOTHERS WERE DROOPING! IT WAS IN THE 80S ALL DAY. I GAVE EACH PLANT A GALLON OF WATER. THE GROW BAGS ON THE TEO WORST PLANTS WERE SUBSTANTIALLY LIGHTER THAN THE REST. I HOPE IM NOT OVERWATERING. THE PLANTS SEEMED TO PICK BACK UP AFTER WATERING BUT ILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW TO UPLOAD MY PICTURES AND VIDEOS. I NEEDED TO ADD TEMPORARY SUPPORTS TO A COUPLE DIFFERENT PLANTS. IM CERTAINLY GLAD I GOT THE URGE TO GO OVER. WHAT A CHANGE IN A FEW HOURS 7/30 Plants are really growing fast and transitioning quick to flower. We got almost no rain so I'm glad I watered like I was supposed to even though the bags had some heft to them. I'm noticing more pest damage. I'm thinking a bt spray tonight might be beneficial. I'll look through what I've got on hand. I may just give them an application of spinosid but we'll see. I still need to move things and put my supports up. Medical problems have slowed me down. UPDATE: Went to check the plants around 3 and they looked great. Bags were still heavy and a little bit moist. I think with the added rain some of the plants may have been overwatered. I should have only watered tue bags that felt light. There is only one plant now that looks a little overwatered and even that is looking good. I found some more minor pest damage. Winds were fairly high. I wondered about my trellis netting but it hadn't been sanitized and my plants are very healthy so I decided to wait. I watched them dance like willows in the wind. I know it won't be like that with big ol colas on them but for right now it's working out just fine. Goal for next week is to move the front row back and move things around to better utilize space, possibly spray for pest and add supports for final flowering after I get the plants situated how I want them. If I do it right I may be able to lst some. Also took a 2 minute video but I cant upload until tomorrow. 7/31 I'm wondering about my watering habits. This morning I watered a couple blue cheese and purple punch plants with just a half gallon as they were light and looked drooping. I'm wonderingvif I'm overwatering. Some plants still seem heavy while others are light? I think the plants may have been overwatered due to the torrential rain and my taking less time hand watering. Hopefully I won't come home from this doctors appointment to wilted plants but I really doubt it. 10th planet requires far less water than the two other strains. Even specific phenos require more water and its difficult with the different size containers but im working with what ive got. I need more ph down and I've gotta get these plants supported. These are some massive plants. Store was closed. Dispensary was opened. Showed my buddy the video then it started raining. By the time I got there the plants looked horrible. Everything was droopy but a couple were really bad. A few weren't bad at all. Actually the one in the ten needed it. I think I just need to give more water at a time and document how I water each plant individually. I also need to take into consideration the weather. Hard to do when it's so unpredictable. I'll wait for them to dry out and then I plan to start low doses of big bloom and grow big but I need to wait for them to dry out first. Then next watering they'll get some nutes. It's sunny now so I may go check my plants. I may also put a fan out for a while on the bags. That might help them out.
Respect for all of you, brother farmers! masters and beginners! thank you again for gathering on the pages of my diaries! we carry out our work with dedication and live on ambition! Come on guys....We have almost reached the end of this umpteenth harvest, the colors and aromas are something enchanting, dense flowers and liter glue
Another good week come and gone. A couple of the girls needed nutrients so I add some general hydroponics blend into those that needed them. Didn't seem to make much difference yet. But they are getting into late flower. The purple lemonade, without a doubt, has the best smells out of the crew. Actually lemonade smelling. Plus the color makes this worth exploring more. I'm not a fan of autos but I might do her again 😂 Dimmed to 80% Here are the lights details: Medic Grow Mini Sun-2 150W LED Model: MN150-022 Spectrum mode: V1 Efficacy: 2.8 umol/J Thanks for stopping by! You can find the light on Grow Diaries: You can find the light on Medic Grow's website:
Another good week come and gone. A couple of the girls needed nutrients so I add some general hydroponics blend into those that needed them. Didn't seem to make much difference yet. But they are getting into late flower. This Gorilla Cookie is my girl in this tent. She's doing well and hopefully will start turning more. Looks like she'll go the longest out of the crew. Dimmed to 80% Here are the lights details: Medic Grow Mini Sun-2 150W LED Model: MN150-022 Spectrum mode: V1 Efficacy: 2.8 umol/J Thanks for stopping by! You can find the light on Grow Diaries: You can find the light on Medic Grow's website:
Another good week come and gone. A couple of the girls needed nutrients so I add some general hydroponics blend into those that needed them. Didn't seem to make much difference yet. But they are getting into late flower. She's still holding on. Losing all her fan leaves, starting to lose sugar leaves. Not looking good. She needed more nutrients and gave them but didn't seem to help much. We'll see otherwise she's getting chopped first Dimmed to 80% Here are the lights details: Medic Grow Mini Sun-2 150W LED Model: MN150-022 Spectrum mode: V1 Efficacy: 2.8 umol/J Thanks for stopping by! You can find the light on Grow Diaries: You can find the light on Medic Grow's website:
Another good week come and gone. A couple of the girls needed nutrients so I add some general hydroponics blend into those that needed them. Didn't seem to make much difference yet. But they are getting into late flower. Orange sherbet isnt great right now. No real smell and not looking great. Not sure but prolly too small of a pot. Dimmed to 80% Here are the lights details: Medic Grow Mini Sun-2 150W LED Model: MN150-022 Spectrum mode: V1 Efficacy: 2.8 umol/J Thanks for stopping by! You can find the light on Grow Diaries: You can find the light on Medic Grow's website:
Getting the chop tomorrow all resin glands are milky with a few ambers on the buds. Not had a single problem
last week, neglected fertilizers. The result - old leaves turn yellow and die.
So this was my first autopot grow i could have made the plants way bigger but anyway the plants were in perfect health and the buds are rockhard I have also grown another forbidden fruit wich i handwatered in coco and turns out massive buds chek that diary out its insane