The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Not surprised one bean didn't pop, they're 14 months old.. 4/5 aint bad! Using the trusted paper towel method. I tried floating water cup last time and only had 70% success. I have my tent hooked up with several ESP8266 and ESP32 devices to automate the lights, fans, heaters and even nutrient dosing!
week three flower everything looks fine so far :D eight days after defoliation I water them with 1.5l every 48h the light I use was set to 80% and it hangs 80cm away from the tops both gorillas had thrown a few balls, but I removed them as soon as I saw them, I will keep watching them!
week three flower everything looks fine so far :D eight days after defoliation I water them with 1.5l every 48h the light I use was set to 80% and it hangs 80cm away from the tops both gorillas had thrown a few balls, but I removed them as soon as I saw them, I will keep watching them!
week three flower everything looks fine so far :D eight days after defoliation I water them with 1.5l every 48h the light I use was set to 80% and it hangs 80cm away from the tops
week three flower everything looks fine so far :D eight days after defoliation I water them with 1.5l every 48h the light I use was set to 80% and it hangs 80cm away from the tops
I'm back! I'm sorry for taking such a long break. It wasn't planned! We had to buy weed off the street, just like old times! What a shame. We have moved and I finally have room for a new tent, this time for 3 plants! Plus matching lights. Unfortunately the exhaust is still missing, but nothing smells at the moment. So I'm waiting for the next pay cheque for that. I have Royal Queen Seeds to thank for sponsoring the seeds. I've been looking forward to trying this strain for a long time. This is my first grow using only Bio Tabs fertiliser. I've been wanting to try their range for a long time because I'm convinced it's best to use as little liquid fertiliser as possible - most of it is water and that means more weight, more transport costs and more packaging. The Just Add Water plan is also very attractive to me as I am very busy at the end of the year. So thank you for your generous sponsorship! I'm following the Just Add Water strategy as described here: I really liked the fact that Mycotrex is a granulate and doesn't create as much dust as other organic stimulants. As a substrate I tried the T.A. light mix - you can see a little video of it in my pictures above. I wanted an organic light mix without the peat - I know peat is great to work with, but it's also really bad for the environment, so I'd encourage everyone to try peatless mixes! Everything is now moving into the next phase, and if the plan works, there will be no work for me after next week - apart from watering. I'm so excited!
Probably 2-3 weeks left, giving them nutrients almost every watering. They started to smell really nice, very frutiy. Hopefully this lasts after curing (:
week three flower everything looks fine so far :D eight days after defoliation I water them with 1.5l every 48h the light I use was set to 80% and it hangs 80cm away from the tops both gorillas had thrown a few balls, but I removed them as soon as I saw them, I will keep watching them!
week three flower everything looks fine so far :D eight days after defoliation I water them with 1.5l every 48h the light I use was set to 80% and it hangs 80cm away from the tops both gorillas had thrown a few balls, but I removed them as soon as I saw them, I will keep watching them!
Semaine 2 - Croissance Cette semaine, je suis satisfait de l’évolution de ma plante. Après la transplantation, qui avait nécessité une coupe et égalisation des racines ainsi qu’un topping, elle a bien repris. On observe une belle masse racinaire qui s’est redéveloppée, ce qui est encourageant. Il y a eu quelques signes de stress, ce qui était attendu, mais la plante est repartie correctement. J’ai effectué une légère défoliation pour aérer la structure et favoriser la croissance des branches secondaires. J’ai également ajusté légèrement les nutriments pour accompagner la reprise vigoureuse du système racinaire. Pour l’instant, je ne compte pas prolonger la croissance trop longtemps. L’idée est de laisser la plante gagner encore un peu en vigueur et développer quelques branches secondaires supplémentaires avant de passer à l’étape suivante. On continue de suivre son évolution tranquillement, mais pour le moment, les résultats sont encourageants. À suivre ! Week 2 - Vegetative Growth This week, I’m pleased with how my plant is progressing. After the transplant, which involved trimming and equalizing the roots as well as topping, it has bounced back nicely. The root mass has redeveloped well, which is encouraging. There were some minor signs of stress, as expected, but the plant is recovering properly. I performed a light defoliation to improve airflow and encourage the growth of secondary branches. I also adjusted the nutrients slightly to support the vigorous regrowth of the root system. For now, I don’t plan on extending the vegetative stage for too long. The goal is to let the plant gain a bit more strength and develop a few additional secondary branches before moving on to the next stage. We’ll continue to monitor its progress steadily, but so far, the results are promising. Stay tuned!
Poor babies! They've definitely had a rough start. I'm fairly certain now the issue has been too much moisture in the soil. I believe there are a few factors that have had an impact: 1) Obviously, giving them too much water. In the first week I gave 90ml into their 1 litre pots over two waterings. I thought this was okay because the top soil was completely dry between waterings. Someone suggested that seedlings don't need additional water for the first 10 days so I'll try that next time 2) Feedback I've had is that my soil mix is quite heavy @ 63% soil, 25% Coco, 6 % perlite + 6% vermiculite. In future I'll increase the perlite portion to about 40% 3) Also, I just noticed that the plastic pots I'm using have very small drainage holes. I think this has caused moisture to accumulate at the bottom of the pot. Yesterday I pushed my finger all the way to the bottom of the pot and it is much wetter at the bottom than at the top. So yeah, tough start. But they're still growing, albeit very slowly. I trust they'll survive.
For the next 2 weeks, I think I'll continue to shape it and wait for a stronger root system to develop. Day 34 3 liters of water with a pH of 6.3 and 240 ppm. PowerZyme-6ml Root Complex-6ml TNT Complex-12ml
the last week of the growth i will switch them end of the week to 12/12 this grow tent isnt that big so i have to keep them a little bit smaller
Vegetativo 13-12-2024 al 19-12-2024 13-12-24 Se nota demaciado la evolucion de la planta y se ve sana solo que empezo a manifestar un problema investigare el tema. 16-12-24 Quite la red ya que la planta se estiro mas, y tambien me informe mas sobre el tema LST Y ScrOG lo andaba aplicando de manera incorrecta, Se requiere poda y enredar la planta las primeras semanas de vegetacion entre la red, ademas sigo notando ese problema en las hojas que manifiestan algun problema, yo creo que es por sobrefertilizar, tratare de disminuir la dosis de nutrientes en el siguente cambio de solucion nutritiva. Se agrega agua (7500ml) solamente sin abonos bajando el EC a 1.1 y el PH se ajusto de 6.4 a 6.0. 17-12-24 Investigando un poco note una ligera pigmentacion en los tallos de color morado, pense que era normal pero investigando a fondo es una manifestacion fisica de la planta para pedir un poco mas de fosforo, tambien las hojas se empezaban a picar con pequeños puntos como si se oxidaran de color cafe, espero se corrija esta deficiencia, la tonalidad de las hojas amarillas disminuyo un poco., agrego 3 ml de FLORABLOOM 19-12-24 Se empieza a ver mejoria en las hojas, probablemente fue exceso de algun fertilizante, la proxima semana tratare de regular mas el ph y los nutrientes. Parametros Utilizados Temperatura del ambiente 23 C° Extraccion de aire 4 pulgadas Humedad 65% Potencia de la lampara 100% Ec Original 0.4 Ec Nutriente 1.8 Ph 6.0 Horas de Luz 18/6 VPD Range 1.0 kPa
Total Days: 70 Flower: 31 Vege growth is stopped or very slow at this point. Might eke out another inch or two. I'll raise the lights as far as they can go soon (only 3-4" for the 650w light on right), but with the higher operating RH%, I've yet to see any pistil burn. The light cycle shift to accomodate the painters definitely stressed 2 plants. One was removed. The second i am retardedly going to keep. I stripped off lower weak buds that had the nanners. Pruned a few weak axilla, too. The nearby plant pistils are lily white, so it should be fine. The pistils will be changing color soon, so that will no longer be a good way to assess the risk going forward. Meh, I know it was caused by light stress, so any seeds not selfed I'll probably keep them. Overall, I'm relatively happy with development. Need to adjust some procedures in next cycle and maybe a few more tweaks in winter 2025-1. Second irrigation went well, but i did find a partially clogged emitter. Probably a plastic bit from hold-punching. With 8 emitters per pot, the overkill makes it irrelvant and the pot wasn't the slowest to finish. A few emitters has some roughly milled inlets. I'll inspect them all over the next couple weeks and replace some as needed. Just realized my new dehum was glowing in my tent the entire time. Luckily the display was facing away but now has a cardboard flap blocking it. If it was fine before, it's even safer now. Photons had to bounce of a wall and travel 5' before it could hit any plant. ----- Early update before end of week upday: So, I've been procrastinating replacing the irrigation setup. It's slowly gotten worse each year (3rd ongoing), but never had the dripper devolve into a dribble. I've been hand-watering 1 or 2 pots the last week or so. Replacing the mini sprinkler heads only fixed 1 of the problem-pots. Think the fittings are leaking on the one that did not improve. All the pvc is gone. All the 1/4" manifolds and tubing are gone. The per plant adjustable nonsense is the worst idea ever as all it does is cause pressure changes and endless tweaking of all the little sprinklers, because changing one impacts all the others, or a speck of dirt might cause a new imbalance that requires adjustments etc - Fucking nightmare of useless repetitive behaviour. Still have the 3/4" ID lead-in, heavy duty, 450psi graden hose with ball shut-off valve and pressure regulator. That is now connected to a 3/4" wye with two 1/2" irrigation tube adapters attached to each end. This forms a loop around the pots with a 1/2" tee per pot that leads to a gate shut-off valve and eight 2-gph pressure compensating emitters - 96 in total. Will do first test run on Sunday. The great thing is that this is all plug and play when I switch to injectors. That'll require some sort of pvc manifold and check valve at the utility tub, but otherwise just connect hose, and it's golden. That's the next step. I'll also re-incorporate the wifi-enabled solenoid valve at that point. Getting rid of the 55-gallon reservoir and pump would be nice. One less thing to maintain (rez) and less things that can break down (pump / powerhead). ------ Sunday Test Flawless first run. Time will tell if they are resistant to clogging, but optimistic at this point. 18psi operational pressure at the irrigation loop. Didn't even need the regulator. The mesh strainer at the pump intake doesn't have the typical, small air-bubble, so the last setup was letting a little air in. The last setup was fatally flawed. Pressure compensating emitters for the win. They didn't even squirt wildly as the air was expelled from empty tubing on first run. Took ~4mins or so. Some pots finished a bit sooner, but that's because they don't drink as much per 24 hours. I can live with that kind of waste. I'll get the timing down to reduce water usage even further. I don't need to wait for every pot to exhibit runoff as that is beyond 10% runoff needs. Might be able to get 4 fertigations before refilling reservoir instead of 3. We'll see. I don't like the minimum ~12-15 gallons sitting over night. It fouls the reservoir faster at low volumes. Anyway, super geeked. They better not clog easily, lol....
Haven’t been updating lucky this grow is on auto pilot. All I’ve done is use the vegbloom line and si until week 6. Everything is just about done I’m flushing now. The gorilla chem need another week she is still being fed. Going to harvest all hit her this week!
Week 12 has ended and the girls got an extremely decent purple buds.
Welcome to week 2 day 2! Started the day with transplanting as the roots were showing - as Said 20L/5gallon pots Unfortunately one ripped so I gotta use one 7L again. Started the transplant with .4g of microbes per liter and got them all 1L for the transplant.
🌱 Day 1 of Week 3 Flowering 🌸 Week 3 of flowering has officially begun, and everything is going great! 🌿 The plants are hitting their stride, and the early bud development from last week is starting to pick up momentum. Pistils are becoming more prominent, and you can see the flowers beginning to take shape—it’s a beautiful transformation. Maintaining a consistent environment remains a top priority. Light levels are steady, nutrients are dialed in, and humidity is staying in the optimal range to support healthy growth. 💡💧 Airflow is spot-on, keeping the canopy fresh and ensuring no excess moisture builds up around those forming buds. 🌬️ The plants are strong, vibrant, and progressing exactly as they should at this stage. It’s exciting to think about how much they’ll develop in the coming days as we move deeper into the flowering stage. Stay tuned for more updates as these beauties continue their journey! 👀 #GrowDiary #Day1Week3Flowering #CannabisCultivation #FloweringStage #BudDevelopment #GardeningJourney 🌱