[DAY 64] - 3/8/2022
- Lamp 40 cm from the center of the canopy (20 cm from the top) and 100% dimmer (144 watt);
- TEMP. 30°/31° - RH 40-50%;
- EC 1.7 - PH 6; started with EC 1.7 and after 24 hours EC is 1.95;
- 73 cm height;
- LST on 4 branches to open the canopy;
- Removed some damaged leaves;
- Added new PH down: CANNA PH DOWN BLOOM (instead PH DOWN by GHE). I prefer GHE, it seemed more effective;
- Let's see what happen this week, I want to see big flower by the end of this week; next one I'll add Bloombastic again;
- A lot of leaves with yellowed tips, I hope it is not suffering excessively the temperatures.
[DAY 65] - 4/8/2022
- Lamp 40 cm from the center of the canopy (20 cm from the top) and 100% dimmer (144 watt);
- TEMP. 30°/31° - RH 50%;
- EC 2 - PH 6; tomorrow I add lighter solution to keep EC to 1.7;
- In the last couple days I noticed plant drank less than usual, the half. I guess it was very stressed due defoliation, but seems to be recovering well.
- Today I did bit defoliation and in the coming days I let the plant rests, then we'll see if another defoliation is still needed. I don't want to exaggerate.
[DAY 66] - 5/8/2022
- Lamp 40 cm from the center of the canopy (20 cm from the top) and 100% dimmer (144 watt);
- TEMP. 31°/32° - RH 60%;
- EC 1.7- PH 6; tomorrow I add lighter solution to keep EC to 1.6;
- Did a growquestion about some brown spots on some leaves: https://growdiaries.com/grow-questions/49286-brown-spots-on-some-leaves.
[DAY 67] - 6/8/2022
- Lamp as yesterday;
- TEMP. 31°/32° - RH 60%;
- Plant is having problems. It is drinking little and I believe it drinks very few nutrients. For this reason I did a DWC change and added a lighter solution (EC 1). Despite this, the EC is continuing to rise. I hope it recovers soon! If tomorrow it continues to rise, I try to further dilute the solution.
- Added a new better quality video.
[DAY 68] - 7/8/2022
- Lamp as usual;
- Temp. 31°/32° - RH 60%;
- EC still rising, that's the reason why I added 2 l. demineralized water to bring EC to 1.1;
- Solution in DWC at the moment has this composition: Silicate 0.25 g/l - Calmag: 0.25 ml/l - A: 0.8 ml/l - B: 1.6 ml/l up to EC 0.94 - Bloom stim. 0.5 ml/l and Bloombastic up to EC 1.05.
[DAY 69] - 8/8/2022
- Lamp as usual;
- Temp. 32° - RH 50%;
- EC 1.2, almost blocked all day long. Added 2 l. dem. water to lower EC a little bit;
- I guess plant is drinking about 2 l. of solution / day, good!
[DAY 70] - 9/8/2022
- Lamp as usual, I'm planning to lower it near the tallest bud (from 20 cm to 15 cm) to reach better the lower bud sites
- Temp. 30° - RH 50%;
- Last day of this week, some problems last days.