The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
MrJones Black Berry OG 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹GOALS🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 🌞Drying Environment - 62/65F & 60% RH should take about 10 to 14 days to dry. 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 📝 PRE-HARVEST REPORT- Currently the buds are in curing totes and will trim up on Friday or Saturday / Purchased a Trim Bag will see how it goes. 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 ▶️ Friday - 04.30.21 /Just feeding H20 PH 6.2 ▶️ Saturday - 05.01.21/Just feeding H20 PH 6.2 ▶️ Sunday - 05.02.21 / Harvested plants today, and boy they looked amazing! ▶️ Monday - 05.03.21 / 1 Week into the drying process, the plants are being kept within environmental scope. ▶️ Tuesday - 05.04.21 / Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Wednesday - 05.05.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Thursday - 05.06.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Friday - 05.07.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Saturday - 05.08.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Sunday - 05.09.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Monday - 05.10.21 / Start of Week 2 in the Dry Tent Moving Along Nice and Slow Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Tuesday - 05.114.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Wednesday - 05.12.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Thursday - 05.13.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Friday - 05.14.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Saturday - 05.15.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Sunday - 05.16.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Monday - 05.17.21 / Moved the buds into drying/curing totes with stems on for a week- Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Tuesday - Currig, Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH, and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Wednesday - 05.19.21/ Removed the buds from the steams and continuing to cure in the totes. Planning to trim on Friday or Saturday. ▶️ Thursday - 05.20.21/ Removed the buds from the steams and continuing to cure in the totes. Planning to trim on Friday or Saturday. 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 📜 Cultivar Information - We have created this strain by crossing the best Black Domina available with Very Berry and our own Lost Coast OG Kush, this plant produces large colas with a super intense sweet berry flavor with a sweet-smelling aroma that varies from fruit and berries to sweet candy. This lady offers tight internal stacking giving a perfect structure for those super heavy colas, which is perfect for growth both indoors and out, if grown outside she is fairly resistant to mold and powdery mildew which is a real bonus with such large colas. 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹
Only 2x struggling.. Ill give them this week to recover-then ill be using that space for the new critical orange punch auto & 3 watermelon zkittlez auto barney's farm.. Anyways all buckets water was replace with fresh h2o & nutes before 9AM. Took off some branches & leaves.... Not to much!! 5/5 the 2 critical orange punch autos that are doing so well are both receiving liqui cannabiz local south african brand.. With a touch of... Not telling
26.04.21 so Woche nummer 6 hat begonnen und ich habe heute an gelato #1 und #2 ein paar Blätter entfernt und die Pflanze gelato #1 ein wenig auseinander gespreitzt so das die buds ein wenig mehr Luft bekommen morgen nehm ich mir dann die anderen beiden vor, ein paar Blätter weg für mehr Luft Ach ja und unterm netzt hab ich heute noch die vergilbten und vertrocknet Blätter entfernt war auch ne gute hand voll aber is ja eh nur unnötiger Ballast für die pflänzchen und zum Geruch kann ich nur sagen der limoncello Duft der anfangs da war ist nicht mehr so kräftig dafür erinnert mich der Geruch an eine berühmte eismarke Ben &...... Und zwar 1 zu 1 cookies&cream 😂😂😂 was mich natürlich heute dazu animierte gleich nen becher zu kaufen..... 27.04.21 hab es heute zeitlich leider nicht geschafft gelato 41 #3 und #4 leicht zu entblättern und ein wenig auseinander zu ziehen um den buds Luft zu machen, hab das jetzt auf morgen verlegt, dafür ist mir aber aufgefallen das gelato 41 #2 anfängt ihre stigmas zu Karamell Farbe zu wechseln😵😵😵😵 Sie ist viel früher dran als die anderen und ich habe nur mein anbau Zelt zum trocknen ich hoffe das die anderen auch langsam hinter her ziehen das sie alle zeitgleich fertig werden sonnst is die eine sicherlich drüber übern Zeitplan beim Schnitt und mehr amber als die anderen von den trichomen her naja muss ich wohl durch..... 28.04.21 so heute hab ich es geschafft gelato 41 #3 & #4 ein wenig von blättern zu befreien damit auch die buds mehr Luft haben war auch ca 1 1/2 Hände voll Blatt Werk bin soweit zufrieden fürs erste.... 29.04.21 heute war nix los im Zelt hab den Pflanzen beim wachsen zu geschaut und mal die ganzen buds begutachtet ob irgendwas an Krankheiten oder schimmel anwesend ist aber war nix da läuft würde ich sagen die ganze arbeit zählt sich aus denke ich mal Ach ja und unter den Töpfen im video das ist mein buddy sein name ist barney und er wollte auch mal hallo sagen normaler weise darf er nicht ins Zelt aber heute war ich nicht aufmerksam genug sonnst sitzt er immer ganz brav mit seiner Freundin vor dem Zelt wenn es auf ist und begutachtet alles von aussen obwohl die beiden manchmal eher so wirken als würden sie gucken das ich ja nix verkehrt mache.... 30.04.21 heute stand nix an, hab das Gras schon fast wachsen gehört so gut finde ich den Fortschritt. Die Rechte Seite meines Zeltes sind die buds eher kürzer dafür aber mächtig fett und die linke Seite naja die ist eher länglich aber auch fett vom Umfang her nur länger, dafür is die rechte seite mehr kompakt und die linke Seite baut grad erst die dichte auf is aber auch schon gut fest.... 01.05.21 heute war mal wieder giessen dran 4,5 L für alle 4 Ladys wollte heute eigendlich noch mal von unter dem netz an die Blätter ran und ein paar entfernen hab es aber mal wieder nicht gepackt zeitlich werd ich also morgen machen..... 02.05.21 hab es heute Geschafft wieder ein paar Blätter zu entfernen dabei sind mir diese hässlichen goldfarbenen Blätter aufgefallen heut morgen war es noch ganz wenig und 12 Std später is fast alles an dem einem bud befallen werde morgen die Ladys mal durch spülen mit Ph 6,5 und schauen was passiert. Hab extra drauf geachtet heute Temperatur im Zelt war heute genau 24, 8 in der Nähe des buds bemessen rh liegt tagsüber bei 47% nachts bei 57% und die Nacht Temperatur liegt bei 16,9.....
I think she is all set now But I could have waited one more week But I ran out of soil foxfarm ocean forest And some other stuff which makes me Recycle this pot and transplant red poison auto who is right now flowering very fast and good so it is the end for sweet Gelato our first sweet Gelato from sweet seeds Thanks a lot guys for helping me out. Thanks a lot grow diaries for all your support blessings and lets get this girl harvest alright my dudes will be uploading more content soon at the mean time we will be showing you the bud quality against Quantity and hopefully you will see how STRESS this girl was for an auto we know now that they are good for LST and HST better than any other techniques and just some auto like the ones you mix with thai Legendary genetics will grow very fast and recover very good reason why its better to apply fimming to autos that can run fast over recovery because without that gap you Cant use those techniques since the plant wont allow you its genetics are going to get STRESS and wont yield as much as it is supposed to But other than that is the real fact that this lady was under phlizon lights 600W And sadly we found out those are not Full spectrum lights so we are Very eager to join contest and try to win With the support of the whole community So we can continue to grow and show The world ah educational and real Pot smokers team all active in all social networking to point out this is love For all the world back and forth Thanks a lot please join me Please like share Comment Leave your thoughts I do appreciate every single one Hope you guys have a happy growing and happy harvest as well Enjoy SuMMer will come soon Are you ready?
I think she is all set now But I could have waited one more week But I ran out of soil foxfarm ocean forest And some other stuff which makes me Recycle this pot and transplant red poison auto who is right now flowering very fast and good so it is the end for sweet Gelato our first sweet Gelato from sweet seeds Thanks a lot guys for helping me out. Thanks a lot grow diaries for all your support blessings and lets get this girl harvest alright my dudes will be uploading more content soon at the mean time we will be showing you the bud quality against Quantity and hopefully you will see how STRESS this girl was for an auto we know now that they are good for LST and HST better than any other techniques and just some auto like the ones you mix with thai Legendary genetics will grow very fast and recover very good reason why its better to apply fimming to autos that can run fast over recovery because without that gap you Cant use those techniques since the plant wont allow you its genetics are going to get STRESS and wont yield as much as it is supposed to But other than that is the real fact that this lady was under phlizon lights 600W And sadly we found out those are not Full spectrum lights so we are Very eager to join contest and try to win With the support of the whole community So we can continue to grow and show The world ah educational and real Pot smokers team all active in all social networking to point out this is love For all the world back and forth Thanks a lot please join me Please like share Comment Leave your thoughts I do appreciate every single one Hope you guys have a happy growing and happy harvest as well Enjoy SuMMer will come soon Are you ready?
I think she is all set now But I could have waited one more week But I ran out of soil foxfarm ocean forest And some other stuff which makes me Recycle this pot and transplant red poison auto who is right now flowering very fast and good so it is the end for sweet Gelato our first sweet Gelato from sweet seeds Thanks a lot guys for helping me out. Thanks a lot grow diaries for all your support blessings and lets get this girl harvest alright my dudes will be uploading more content soon at the mean time we will be showing you the bud quality against Quantity and hopefully you will see how STRESS this girl was for an auto we know now that they are good for LST and HST better than any other techniques and just some auto like the ones you mix with thai Legendary genetics will grow very fast and recover very good reason why its better to apply fimming to autos that can run fast over recovery because without that gap you Cant use those techniques since the plant wont allow you its genetics are going to get STRESS and wont yield as much as it is supposed to But other than that is the real fact that this lady was under phlizon lights 600W And sadly we found out those are not Full spectrum lights so we are Very eager to join contest and try to win With the support of the whole community So we can continue to grow and show The world ah educational and real Pot smokers team all active in all social networking to point out this is love For all the world back and forth Thanks a lot please join me Please like share Comment Leave your thoughts I do appreciate every single one Hope you guys have a happy growing and happy harvest as well Enjoy SuMMer will come soon Are you ready?
I think she is all set now But I could have waited one more week But I ran out of soil foxfarm ocean forest And some other stuff which makes me Recycle this pot and transplant red poison auto who is right now flowering very fast and good so it is the end for sweet Gelato our first sweet Gelato from sweet seeds Thanks a lot guys for helping me out. Thanks a lot grow diaries for all your support blessings and lets get this girl harvest alright my dudes will be uploading more content soon at the mean time we will be showing you the bud quality against Quantity and hopefully you will see how STRESS this girl was for an auto we know now that they are good for LST and HST better than any other techniques and just some auto like the ones you mix with thai Legendary genetics will grow very fast and recover very good reason why its better to apply fimming to autos that can run fast over recovery because without that gap you Cant use those techniques since the plant wont allow you its genetics are going to get STRESS and wont yield as much as it is supposed to But other than that is the real fact that this lady was under phlizon lights 600W And sadly we found out those are not Full spectrum lights so we are Very eager to join contest and try to win With the support of the whole community So we can continue to grow and show The world ah educational and real Pot smokers team all active in all social networking to point out this is love For all the world back and forth Thanks a lot please join me Please like share Comment Leave your thoughts I do appreciate every single one Hope you guys have a happy growing and happy harvest as well Enjoy SuMMer will come soon Are you ready?
I think she is all set now But I could have waited one more week But I ran out of soil foxfarm ocean forest And some other stuff which makes me Recycle this pot and transplant red poison auto who is right now flowering very fast and good so it is the end for sweet Gelato our first sweet Gelato from sweet seeds Thanks a lot guys for helping me out. Thanks a lot grow diaries for all your support blessings and lets get this girl harvest alright my dudes will be uploading more content soon at the mean time we will be showing you the bud quality against Quantity and hopefully you will see how STRESS this girl was for an auto we know now that they are good for LST and HST better than any other techniques and just some auto like the ones you mix with thai Legendary genetics will grow very fast and recover very good reason why its better to apply fimming to autos that can run fast over recovery because without that gap you Cant use those techniques since the plant wont allow you its genetics are going to get STRESS and wont yield as much as it is supposed to But other than that is the real fact that this lady was under phlizon lights 600W And sadly we found out those are not Full spectrum lights so we are Very eager to join contest and try to win With the support of the whole community So we can continue to grow and show The world ah educational and real Pot smokers team all active in all social networking to point out this is love For all the world back and forth Thanks a lot please join me Please like share Comment Leave your thoughts I do appreciate every single one Hope you guys have a happy growing and happy harvest as well Enjoy SuMMer will come soon Are you ready?
Day 68 - April 18, 2021 (Day 1 - Week 3 Flower) Kicking off day 1 of week 3 in flower. Worked on Canopy for F1, F4, F5, F8 most of the day. Ladies were thick. Starting to see some flowers forming. :) Inspected each closely and all are female with no signs of hermis. Remounted camera for timelapses and shouldn't have anymore movement on future videos. Foliar Spray (9:00PM): * ~1 Gallon RO Water (EC 0.05) * 5ML Liquinox Iron & Zinc * 5ML CalMag+ per Gallon * 0.5ML Mills Nutrients Vitalize per gallon * PH 5.85 * EC 0.64 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 8:45PM * 1.87 EC * 6.05 PH (Reducing PH ~6.0) * 73.22F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-82F (79F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-70% (69% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-80% RH (Lights Off) ~1353PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~680PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 69 - April 19, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 8:45PM * 1.49 EC * 6.19 PH * 73.94F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-82F (79F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (72% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-80% RH (Lights Off) ~1269PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~720PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 70 - April 20, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 8:45PM * 1.87 EC * 6.19 PH * 73.40F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-82F (79F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (72% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-80% RH (Lights Off) ~1260PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~700PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 71 - April 21, 2021 Pushing on the envelope on humidity. Dumidifier should be ready for pickup mid next week at the lastest barring any delays. In a worst case scenario, I'll turn off co2 and exchange air in the room until I can get dehu setup. Overall, been busy and haven't done much in the room. Just watching the growth, think we should be at the end of stretch, maybe one or two days to go. F7 has really been reaching up. Also recived my Jack's Nutrients today. Will finish out this grow with Mills Nutrients and will give Jack's a go on next run. Pretty excited to compare. Mixed 50-gallons nutrient solution: ** 40-gallons RO Water ** 10-gallons Tap Water (In replace of Cal-Mag+) *** RO + TAP water base ~0.38 EC ** 0.5 ML Mills Nutrients Vitalize (per gallon) ** 10.0 ML Mills Nutrients Basis A & B (per gallon) ** 8.0 ML Mills Nutrients C-4 (per gallon) ** 1.73 EC Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 8:45PM * 1.89 EC * 6.26 PH * 73.94F / 23.3 Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-82F (79F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (72% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-80% RH (Lights Off) ~1288PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~710PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 72 - April 22, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 8:45PM * 1.89 EC * 6.19 PH * 73.94F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-80F (78F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (72% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-80% RH (Lights Off) ~1325PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~660PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 73 - April 23, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 9:30PM * 1.77 EC * 6.19 PH * 73.58F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-88F (75F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (72% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-80% RH (Lights Off) ~1300PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~730PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 74 - April 24, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 9:30PM * 1.77 EC * 6.19 PH * 73.94F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-82F (79F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (72% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-80% RH (Lights Off) ~1350PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~680PPM CO2 (Lights Off)
MrJones VIPARSPECTRA XS1000 LED 📜 SUMMARY - I have been given the opportunity to run the next generation of LED lights by VIPERSPECTAR, the XS1000! I set up a Stealth Cabnient and moved 3 Cream Manderain Auto XL.s under these lights, the cabinet set up is automated with WIFI light controllers, and INKBIRD Temperature and Humidity Controllers, I am very excited about this opportunity! Specs and Discount Codes Listed Below. 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹WEEKLY GOALS 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 🌞Environment - 80F and 55%Humidity - using Humidfyer as needed. 💧 Feeding - Feeding with FOOP Canna Organic Nutrient Line 🍃Training / Super Cropped - and put 2 plants into a training hoop. 🕷️ IPM - Will be using Green Cleaner" 1 OZ per Gallon, and CannControl from Mammoth alternating between product each month for Integrated Pest Management. 💡 Vegetation & Flower (new) Viparspectra XS-1000 Release on March 15th. 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 📜 Week 10 and the buds continue to get bigger and fatter, the entire run is mostly on autopiolt, the tops of the plants are to close the lights, but not much I can do - I may move the lights and the plants over to my closet since I harvested the plants out of them today. 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 ▶️Monday 04.26.21 / Feeding about 20 ounces ▶️Tuesday 04.27.21 / Feeding about 20 ounces ▶️Wednesday 04.22821/ Feeding about 20 ounces ▶️Thursday 04.29.21 / Feeding about 20 ounces ▶️Friday 04.30.21 / Feeding about 20 ounces ▶️Saturday 05.01.21 / Feeding about 20 ounces ▶️Sunday 05.02.21 / Feeding about 20 ounces not much going on just the buds are fattening up! 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 VIPARSPECTRA XS1000 LED 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 Amazon US: XS1000 10% off: in10MrJones XS1500 5% off: in15MrJones XS2000 5% off: in20MrJones XS4000 5% off: in40MrJones Amazon Canada XS1000 10% off it10MrJones XS1500 5% off: it15MrJones XS2000 5% off: it20MrJones XS4000 5% off: it40MrJones
66 Days of flowering...harvest time!
Because of the start I had I ended up having to use all 3 seeds. Only 2 germinated. The lemon pie went from seed to harvest in 93 days. This was the only plant that I had any real problems with during the grow. I accidentally broke one of my colas shortly after I topped her, so instead of 6 mains I only had 5. She also looked very sorry for herself for a long time, like she was being over watered. Anyway she went from a duck to a Swan. Turned out with some real nice colour to her, she could have really done with another week in the tent to hit her full potential.
Day 70 of flower, the leaves are starting to fade thanks to the flush. If some Amber trichomes shows up i Will chop next week at day 77, by now the trichomes are almost all cloudy. The smell Is citrus-like and very strong. Dulcis in fundu i expect an heavy yield by the cookies looking at those buds.
7 days drying, now for the airtight pot with boveda 58% thanks guys for the support !!