12/6/2022: Strawberry Gushers is really starting to fade. Some nice purple showing up on some of the leaves. She has some droopy leaves, so I think she is a bit over watered. I skipped watering her today, other than a light mist to keep the soil on top moist. Orange Bubblegum is looking good. Still showing some fading on the lowers, so I hit her with a compost tea today. About 1 liter. The Newberry is also showing some fading on the lowers, but her leaves are slightly drooping too, so I only gave her .5 liters of the tea. 12/7/2022: watered in the 2nd dose of nematodes today, even though there are only a couple fungas gnats left. Gave each plant 1 liter, mixed with the ThermX-70 and some FishShit. The big update today is with the Strawberry Gushers. I found a few nanners. Caught them real early and plucked them, but if more show up I may have to harvest earlier than expected. Used my Bluetooth microscope today to look at the tricomes and Orange Bubblegum is mainly all foggy, with very little amber. I hope I can give her at least another week or two. The Orange Bubblegum and Newberry are a mix of cloudy and clear, with no amber, other than on the leaves, which doesn't count in my book. I'd still say another 3 to 4 weeks. 12/9/2022: The Strawberry Gushers is really fading, and the other two are starting to fade more as well. The Strawberry Gushers is not taking up water as fast anymore, so I just misted the top soil. For the Orange Bubblegum and Newberry I watered 1.3 liters at 6.6 ph, mixed with BuildABloom, coconut powder, and ThermX-70. Also added some fresh aloa juice I made for a new 3x3 bed I'm starting. Did not see any other naners, and the fungas gnats are almost completely gone!!! 12/10/2022: (Day 75) had about 2 liters of leftover water from by 3x3 bed I'm making soil for, so I split that between the 3 plants, mainly just to wet the top soil. Realized after the fact that the water had some Rootwise Micro Complete in it, which the plants don't need at this point, but it won't hurt. Ph was about 6.5 and it also had some FishShit and ThermX-70 as always. Also, reduced the light intensity down again to 600 PPFD, which is a DLI of about 39. Avg. VPD:1.5 PPFD: 600 DLI: 39
1/16/2023 - Day 14: not much new to report. All 6 plants are continuing to look healthy. The Grand Prix seem to be a bit smaller than the Frozen White Runtz and Ice Bath. They all look good though. 1/18/2023 - Day 16: clipped a leaf off each Grand Prix to send it in for a genetic test to determine the sex. I used Farmer Freeman. Nothing else to report at this time. 1/20/2023 - Day 18: watered all 6 plants and foliar fed with the same water. Ph was 6.6, and mixed with ThermX-70, FishShit, Rootwise Micro Complete, Pure Protein Dry organic fish fertilizer, BuildASoil Big 6, Rootwise Enzyme Elixer, Fermented Comfrey Extract, and Yah-Whey Thrive. I know I went crazy, but might as well use it if I have it. 1/21/2023 - Day 19: Plants are looking happy. They obviously loved the feeding yesterday
I know i should have done defoliation this last week but i did not lol but i will try and do it this week or so, these number 2311 is massive and the second taller of the 4 tester i am running, she is on the way to become a massive Mama thats for sure, i do believe her stretch sort of speaking is all done by now lets see how the week goes <3<3<3 Juicing them once a week or so with extra P, K and bloom booster , this will for sure help her on the fruits department since the pellets should be almost all done in the soil, but lets keep a open eye on her . And with the week almost ending she starts to pack nice and her stretch is all done by now, unlike her sister 2308 that is aiming to the moon or something, i do hope she realizes there is a selling between her and the open sky lol and yes i still did not defoliate her or any of them , my bad and i will do it asap i promise you guys and them <3 <3 <3 As always thank you all for stopping ing by and for supporting me on this journey, i am super passion about growing and fell blessed to have you all with me on this new journey <3 <3 <3 Genetics - Fast Buds Tester 2311 Ligth - LUMATEK ZEUS 465 COMPACT PRO 
Food - APTUS HOLLAND #aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #fastbuds #dogdoctorofficial #growerslove With true love comes happiness <3 <3 <3 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so <3 <3 <3 
All info and full product details can be find in can find @ wen released <3 <3 <3 Growers love to you all <3 <3 <3
Buenas noches familia como están, ya siento la tardanza pero más vale tarde que nunca. Aquí actualizamos la última semana de floración de esta variedad y es que la verdad me a encantado cultivarla han cogido unos tonos muy bonitos y están muy tricomadas así que a ver cuando estén secas como están de sabor y colocon. Ya os iré actualizando en la cosecha pero pronto cojo tijera y trabajo pa alabte. Esta semana estuvieron evidentemene solo agua y los 2 últimos días las dejé a oscuras , para que terminen del todo. Os dejo vídeos y fotos y para la cosecha os dejare muchas mas fotos. Hasta aquí todo buenos humos 💨💨
The addition of big bud from advanced nutrients has packed on some size. I had to add a third round of trellis netting for the blue berry. Almost half way through flower and things are going smooth. I have noticed a little potassium deficiency beginning will remedy this next reservoir change.
This little plant pushed through until the end without too many issues. Smells good and produced smokable bud for sure. Overall I am pretty happy with it for all the abuse it took in 200 ml of dirt. Looking forward to my next diary as well. Thinking I will do one with the Apple Betty and mimosa evo clones I just took.
She was a delight to grow. Alot of trichomes and a heavy smell.
Ehi ragazzi come va ?!!! Allora questa settimana le notizie non possono essere altro che positive!! Il cal/Mag che ho aggiunto ha dato i suoi frutti, la ragazza ha iniziato a riprendere un colore verde più scuro e molte foglie nuove sono nate per soppiantare le altre che erano in deficit di calcio piene di macchie caratteristiche,che ho provveduto a togliere , nel frattempo le cime hanno ricominciato a produrre nuovi fiori e nuova resina . Ho deciso di dargli un altro tea di compost, il quale l ultima volta è stato a dir poco miracoloso! Posso già notare che la pianta si sta nutrendo, ho comprato due floracare per tenere sott occhio precisamente umidità e fertilità del suolo e sono due settimane che li utilizzo e funzionano davvero bene!! Penso proprio che questa stia diventando una delle migliori ragazze che abbia mai cresciuto! È un esplosione di vita ed energia che mi sorprende da un giorno ad un altro una crescita così veloce e intensa davvero impressionante! Di sicuro merito della sinergia di bio tabs e della qualità della luce Mars hydro che sta continuando ad avere la stessa intensità di quando la ho acquistata penso! Be' cosa devo dire sono davvero orgoglioso di questi risultati, significa che l erba ricambia il mio amore per lei!! Buon 420 legalize weed over the world!
Today is the 1st day of 2nd week of flowering. I've put the net on them on 20.01. Started the autopots on 18th. They are well rooted. The aptus startbooster is really potent, roots are poking out of the medium with beautiful micro hair. Never had it before. The stems are crazy thick, also I think thanks to regulator. On 22.01 Ive started the air pump supplying airdomes. I have the lowest EC ever on aptus. Right now around 1.0. But still get a tiny little bit of tip burn one a few plants. Let's see how it goes.
This brings the Journal up to speed. So going to start the 48 hour FLush this upcoming Sunday as well as going to move it to 48 hours of light insted of 48 hours of darkness. Then straight into the Freeze dryer to bring it down to 60% humidity in the bud and then to the curing jars. Going to be Timber 2 days into Week 9 of FLower. 1/20/2023 Week 8 (Day 5)- Flower- Day 107 overall T - 2 days until start 48 hour Flush T - 2 days until Start 48 hours of Light T - 4 days until TIMBER!!! 1/22/2023 Week 8 (Day 7) -FLower- Day 109 Overall Flush Day and 48 hours of Light. I subscibe to Dr. Bruce Bugbee's suggestion that production is under light instead of under darkness so I no longer do 48 hours of Darkness, I go 48 hours of light before Chop, sending my plants on a marathon run before I Cut. Here is Dr. Bruce on basics of lighting T-2 days until TIMBER
Hello fellow growers, Another week went by, and looking for the trichomes development every other day, I've noticed that the plants still have some bulking and maturing to do, so I gave another week of light feeding to them. The buds are looking really dense and the smell is delicious 😋 The phenotype #2 untill now had only leaves with the purple color but not that the buds are becoming mature, the calyxes are also turning in purple 💜 The #1 that I've harvested is now dry, trimmed and curing in mason jars :) I'll input the data with the others later. Thanks for everyone who's been checking in my diary, it's has been a blessed run so far. See you next week. Felix 😎✌️
420 Fastbuds FBT2303 Week 7 What up what up everyone. Hopefully everyone's grows are going the way you expected or planned. Week 7 update for these twins. Both are growing great showing good color and no major signs of any issues. Over all been a very easy strain to grow up to this point with no special treatment needed. Still feeding nutes every 3rd feeding and water and calmag otherwise. All in all Happy Growing
420 Fastbuds FBT2302 Week 7 Weekly update for these two frosty ladies. Both are starting to get super frosty especially the one. Giving off a sweet smell now at the flower sites. Both are pretty identical in height,leaf structure, and smell so far. Really excited to see what will come in the weeks ahead. All in all Happy growing
420 Fastbuds FBT2301 Week 7 What up Grow Fam. Week 7 update for these two amazing looking plants. Both are growing great with no big signs of issues. Color on them is a beautiful green with a sweet smell starting to poke through. The taller of the two seem to have gone a different route being tall with some gaps between nodes as the smaller one has stacked nice a tight. All in all Happy Growing
Last week of life for the Gorilla Sherbet very delicate perfumes!! S.A.D. in full development of buds despite being a 90% indica the end is still a long way off 💪💪. Tropicanna between the two as a very full and fragrant maturation phase!!🤙🤙Adoss