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Ciao! Questo è il mio primo EP su Growdiaries sono davvero entusiasta! Oggi 8 febbraio ho messo a germinare le tre piccole di casa Barney's. i semi sono posizionati all'interno di un vassoio da germinazione sto usando un tubo riscaldante e una centralina InkBird per la temperatura così riesco a mantenere la temperatura sui 22/23°C con un RH %80 Sto usando il metodo del fazzoletto umido, spero che in 24/48 ore la radichetta spunterà dai semi! Oggi 09/2/2023 tutti e i tre semi hanno germinato! Successo del 100% Mi colpisce il vigore della Tropicanna Banana! Invece la gelato mi da l'aria che sarà una bella signorina capricciosa! Come si sul dire ogni riccio un capriccio🤣 Ora i semi sono stati inseriti nel soil per la precisione Ligthmix della BIOBIZZ con un aggiunta di micorizze per la precisione Mycos di Xtreme Gardin! Ho nebulizzato con acqua decantata e ph6.3. 11/02/2023 Ed eccoci con il nuovo aggiornamento del Ciclo TheBarney's! Le piccole sono tutte e tre spuntate neo tempi previsti sono davvero felice per la loro vigorosità! La Tropicanna è la Gelato presentano un piccolo problemino nel staccare l'embrione del seme dai cotilodoni, per darle una piccola mano ho nebulizzato a distanza un pò d'acqua. Ho evitato di provare a toglierlo con una pinzetta per paura di danneggiare le piccole plantule, sono sicuro che riusciranno da sole a risolvere questo piccolo fastidio. Ho deciso di accendere la lampada impostandola all'incirca al 20% (60W) a una distanza di 50cm circa. Non ho un misuratore di PPFD per mia sfortuna sarei stato più preciso nel impostare la potenza e la distanza della lampada😓 ho impostato il classico ciclo di luce 18/6. Ho aggiunto un ventilatore oscillante della Secret jardin per smuovere un pò l'aria. Ora con tanta pazienza e amore aspetteremo la loro crescita! Sono davvero curioso di vedere quanto tempi ci metteranno ad entrare nello stadio di Vegetativa! 12/02/23 Ciao a tutti growers eccoci qui con un nuovo aggiornamento sul cultivo TheBarney's!! Le tre piccole si sono allungate un pochino, ho deciso di fare un piccolo refill con terreno e dare una piccola nebulizzata. Oltre a questo le ho tolte dal box di germinazione e aggiunto un umidificatore collegato a una inkbird per mantenere costante un Rh tra il 70% 80%, pian piano abbassero l'umidità fino a stabilizzarla sui 65% 70% di RH. Per il resto nulla di nuovo... Ci sentiamo prossimamente per nuovi aggiornamenti sulle piccoline rimanete connessi e lasciate mi piace🙏💚 17/02/2023 Ecco un nuovo aggiornamento sul ciclo TheBarney's! Le piccoline pian piano crescono, oggi concludono la prima settimana come plantule! Si sono un pochino allungate e per sostenerle o fatto un piccolo refill di soil e ho irrigato con 15ml a testa di acqua con ph6.3 e Herba power (Ammendante) 0.5ml per Litro d'acqua. Per questo aggiornamento è tutto ci sentiamo prossimamente! 20/02/2023 Eccoci con EP nuovo sul ciclo TheBarney's! Le piccole oggi hanno subito un travaso le ho messe in airpot da 3L e irrigato con acqua ph 6.3, ammendante (herba Power) e un estratto di alghe (Herba Sweed) EC 0.45 Esattamente oggi sono 10 giorni che si trovano nello stadio di Plantula, le prime foglie a 3 punte stanno sbucando speriamo presto di vedere quelle a 5/7 punte e finalmente si inizierà con la fase vegetativa! Tutto sommato le vedo in salute hanno un bel colore, il vigore della Tropicanna e della Gelato mi sta sbalordendo! Per ora è tutto! Al prossimo aggiornamento 💚
This was a fun grow. Today I took them down to hang dry (2.6.23) I'm gone do a 10 or more dry. Next grow coming soon
Hello Diary, I am truly privileged to be one of the first to try growing this revolutionary new strain. My dear friends at RQS sent me this new hybrid seed at the beginning of the year and I'm really looking forward to seeing the result. Let's see what they say about this new strain. Medusa is a true F1 hybrid created from pure, inbred cannabis lines. She boasts uniform growth traits, mouthwatering aromas and flavors, and plenty of potency. Combining genetics from inbred lines deriving from Sugar Magnolia, a thick and sweet indica, and American Beauty, a fast, fruity hybrid loved for its well-balanced, positive high, the result is an autoflowering F1 variety that produces fresh flavors, a unique cannabinoid profile, and large yields. Medusa F1 seeds produce elongated autoflowering plants with long, strong branches and well-spaced internodes. Plants regularly grow up to 80–85 cm tall and boast a fast flowering time of just 42–45 days (72 days from germination to harvest). Thanks to her genetics, Medusa F1 produces plenty of thick flowers with big, swollen calyxes that make for very easy trimming. Medusa F1 is very stable, handling stress and unfavorable growing conditions with ease, although she is somewhat susceptible to Botrytis, so make sure to keep tabs on the humidity in your grow room/garden. SET-UP ON MY LITTLE FARM: Box - Secret Jardin DS120W 120x60x178 Lights - MIGRO 200+ Ventilation - TT Silent-M 100 Filter - Primaklima filter PK 100/125 Fan - Oscillating Koala Fan X 2 Humidifier - Beurer LB 45 Soil - BioBizz Light - Mix Pot - 11L Air pots Seed - Royal Queen Seeds Nutrition - RQS Organic nutrition LET THE DIARY START OFFICIALLY: 12/01/2023 Planting. I prepare everything I need for planting in advance. I fill the AirPot to a little more than half and add 50g of Easy Boost Organic nutrition in pellets and mix with the soil, then add more Easy Roots Rhizobacter and Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza mix and fill the pot to the top with soil. After that, I soak the soil well with water, make a hole in the middle and carefully insert the seed into the hole with gloves and cover it. After doing this with all three pots, I placed them in the grow box and waited for them to sprout. The lights are 35 cm away from the pots. The humidity is not high, but as soon as the plants sprout, I will put in a humidifier. 14/01/2023 I moistened the soil a little with water. I need to keep the soil moist. 16/01/2023 The first plant has sprouted. We are still waiting for the other two. 17/01/2023 The second plant has sprouted, but I'm still waiting for the third. 18/01/2023 Unfortunately, the third plant did not sprout, so this time there will be only two plants on the "Farm". 21/01/2023 First joint watering. Each plant received about 1 liter of water. That's all for this stage, see you soon and thanks in advance for your support.
Good evening my friends. White stigmas began to appear in the third week. Give her banana water or a light fertilizer for aquarium plants.
Day 50: Some upgrades to the grow space today. Installed a much better reflector, much bigger carbon filter and I have re-configured the grow space.. The two main effects of this are Increased airflow ands a more even light distribution. Bertha's smell is really interesting. Day 51: 48h into a "dry spell" I'm simulating. Day 51.5: Performed some gentle LST to separate out the tiny colas. I have started doing more updates again on Bertha because there are things I am doing that I should record. She's tiny but the smell is quite wonderful. Maybe I'll get 10g off her? Who knows! Let's find out. Day 52: Broke the drought. Fertigated approx 4l. Day 55: Fertigated 5l. Day 56: Flushed with 30l PH & CalMag.
Hey! Welcome to week 8! Karen is mid way through her flowering stretch. Please check back to last week as I update daily so the week is now complete. I count about 20 colas now. Day 51: Have reconfigured the tent, see video. Karen is now 36cm and still stretching. Karen has more light now. Smell is still there hits you when you open the tent. Fertigated 2l. Day 52: Height: 39cm. Karen's scent is heavenly. I have reconfigured again and installed some upgrades. Better reflector. Much bigger carbon filter. Increased airflow. Better config. More efficient pot layout. Karen is lovely. I am grateful to her and for her, so I wrote her a little poem, I hope she liked it. "Karen! Oh Karen! The phoenix of flowers, Three lowly weeks she struggled in vain, Shadowed and starved for five hundred hours, He slowly wept to witness her pain. Karen! Oh Karen! I P-H'd your showers, and in the fourth week you started to gain, Hallowed and hard you survived as you cowered, I thought you meek, I was wrong once again. Karen! Oh Karen! Forgave me my howlers. She set a pace, a pace she maintained, Now shes a girl at the peak of her powers, And so I'm a geek, with buds on the brain." Day 53: Approx 48h into a simulated dry spell. Alright I think it is time for Karen to get her first MAJOR defoliation. I will update shortly with photos and info. I will also be doing some gentle LST to separate the colas a bit. Day 53.5: Defoliation and LST. Finally got chance to photograph that bunda. Enjoy! Day 53.75: Bit of a fail. Messed up the timer and the lights ended up being off for about 3 or 4 hours. Because I was cooling the room (open window) to keep temperature in the tent down, without any light the temperatures absolutely plummeted as it is sub-zero outside. By the time I realised and turned the lights on, the temp in the main tent had dropped to 14 degrees celsius. Whoops! How is that for mistreating your girl? Defoliated about 80% of her leaves, 4 nodes, significant LST, then stuck her in the cold and dark for 1/6 of a day. Not to mention she is now almost 3 days into a "dry spell". There do not seem to be ill effects, and Karen has already begun to respond to the LST; all the colas that had been changed in angle are now upright again. The dry spell I keep mentioning, there is a method behind my madness, I have spotted one or two small flies and I think they may be fungus gnats. I am starting to suspect that the 2nd seedling in the Purple OG Punch Auto grow was actually beheaded by fungus gnat larvae. So I am drying out the mediums as much as I dare. I am closely monitoring the plants, so far the only one I have had to break the drought for is Enigma; all the girls in big pots haven't even noticed it's dry yet. How far am I going to push it? Well I will judge it on a plant by plant basis, but quite honestly I am hoping to see physical signs of thirst before I breakdrought. Of all the plants the two I think will respond most strongly to this will be Karen and Bertha, because of where they are. Karen here is actually probably 4 weeks into flowering rather than two, so about now is a good time to give her a little hydration stress. I do not think I will push it past 5 days, as RH is 34%. By now all the plants will be compensating for the lack of moisture and the high temperatures and low humidity. They will be taking more and more moisture out of the coco, and as the coco dries further and further down, those plants that have space will start desperately growing roots to find moisture. Mark my words, 24 hours after I end this drought, every plant in the tent will throw out crazy growth. Day 54: Ended drought and fertigated 6l, no run off, I will re-fertigate tomorrow. Karen is still stretching her height post LST is now 37cm. The two tallest colas seem to have stopped but the other colas are still stretching. Day 55: Alright so it has been 5 hours since lights on, and Karen is looking in good shape, all her drooping leaves have perked back up and she has added quite a bit of foliar growth. The colas are all still rising, except perhaps the two tallest. This girl is absolutely loaded with pistils, I'm starting to see trichomes on the sugar leaves, but trich production hasn't started in earnest yet. She has a least 20 colas, and 6 of them are thicker/taller than the primary cola at her tip. Every one of her nodes has reinforced itself with a bulbous growth and these cola branches are swelling rapidly. I am increasingly of the opinion that, all being well, this girl is going to surprise us all with her yield. My first grow, which was just mucking about really, I got 60-70g of the two main plants, and they were just bare sticks with 2 colas. Although her height is less than theirs was, 2/3 of their height was bare stick... whereas every mm of her is befoliaged and living. So in terms of the height of the actual cola I think they were about comparable in usable space on a per cola basis. The main difference being that Karen has 20+ colas whereas they had 2 primary and 2 lower. I know that it is probably unrealistic to expect more than 70g from a single auto grown indoors. Nevertheless my gut tells me this baby could achieve at least 100g, perhaps as much as 150g. The next few weeks will determine that, but given where we were in week 3 I will be grateful for any yield of quality bud. I have dropped the lights down to 18/6 from 'tonight' onwards. I really have no idea how long we have left for Karen. According the the "brochure" she flowers for 7-8 weeks, with a total crop time of 9 weeks. The problem is I don't know what a total crop time is? Does that mean from seed to finish? If so Karen is clearly not going to be anywhere near that timescale.I am going to go ahead an assume that, for my plant anyway, the first 4 weeks were veg weeks. I think it is fair to count week 5 and 6 as flowering because pistils were popping out very early in week 5 if not before. So that makes this week four of flowering. I am going to assume 8 weeks rather than 7, so I think we have another 4 full weeks give or take a week. On that basis I am expect harvest week to be around week 12 or so. I am not fixed on this though, I am determined not to harvest this girl early. Day 55: Photos taken 00:00 9/3/23 Strong 24h of veg growth as predicted. Day 56: Existing leaves continue to swell. Stretch appears to be slowing. I've taken so many media this week that I cannot scroll down far enough to select a recent thumbnail. Probably Karen's biggest week in terms of changes. She is looking like she is going to impress. Height 39cm.
Still looking great! I kept spreading out the canopy the first few days of flower, but as it was impossible to water the plants in the back I still ditched the scrog net. It really helped flattening and spreading out the canopy though, but it was there for like 2-3 days only. Since the canopy was filled completely there was no need for the net any longer, and I mean: look at it, isn't it beautiful?! Looking happy and excited for flowering!
After repotting and topping 2 mire times,shes shining again,one more week before the switch to flower.
Hello my friends 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾, Week was good, preflowering continues, Buds sites are forming 🌲🌲, we start to have a nice rectangular green screen 😀😍. The canope start to be good, I stopped to train the stems, I didn't removed leaves this week, just kick off the big leaves, probably a last defoliation next week. 💦 2 Watering this week 1.5l/plant . Water + Cannazym + Sugar Royal Water + Terra vega + Canna Boost PH@6 I continue to spray with water each day, they love it 😀. Lamp @100% As you can see, I've added the SP3000, will be setup next week 😋😋💡💡 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 See you next week 👊👊 Mars Hydro - TS 1000 Mars Hydro - FC3000 Mars Hydro - SP3000 The High Chameleon - Vannila T
Got a dehumidifier it’s reading different from what mine controller 69 is saying but I have it set at 40% it’s the lowest so it’s going pull humidity regardless right now it’s about 53% which is okay would like it to get down to the 40’s I also changed the light schedule today to 20/4 the humidity raises at in my tent when lights are out so I figured change it to 20/4 instead of the 18/6 I’ve been running so if humidity does go over it won’t be for as long as before hopefully this works just trying to avoid any mold situation So far the Amneisa Haze 2 is at stretching she’s going be big I can but the haze 2 is done seems to just be flowering the sour diesel is looking good as well so far I’m happy with its looking like left town for two days and the auto watering pots worked!
Trying to dial their veg in. Nutes may be too old or too high. Changed with 4ml CaMg per gallon of RO water. The rest is MaxiGrow. Ever since adding rockwool to the grow, I have struggled. I don't have the dry back timed right yet. I moved my fan to dry the top of the pot surface instead of in the root zone or at the canopy height. After about 10 days I dumped out the rockwool and have replaced with hydroton. My initial though on using rockwool was to give the roots more space during late life stages. My experience has been with hydroton and I notice that the roots eventually get bound because the hydroton is a durable material and will not crush or compact. Rockwool on the other hand will compress when squeezed so I was hoping that in the late life stages the roots would compress the rockwool and make more room in the pots. The issue was dryback. If I used chunks instead of croutons, this may help but the other reason I used them was because I had them here already. If anyone is trying to slow their dryback down, they should consider adding 10% volume of croutons to hold moisture in the medium a bit longer. Notice anything different? They are starting to adapt to their new media. Hopefully by next week I can get them to perk up. One plant has looked better than the other three. I have no idea what these plants need to “perk up”. Possibly a different grower. If a grape terpine wasn’t in the end results I would have culled these long ago. Hopefully they perk up when we get to flower. 3 look ,,,, meh, the fourth is descent. Trimmed all four back down to 12” tall. Flower next week.
Trying to dial their veg in. Nutes may be too old or too high. Changed with 4ml CaMg per gallon of RO water. The rest is MaxiGrow. Ever since adding rockwool to the grow, I have struggled. I don't have the dry back timed right yet. I moved my fan to dry the top of the pot surface instead of in the root zone or at the canopy height. After about 10 days I dumped out the rockwool and have replaced with hydroton. My initial though on using rockwool was to give the roots more space during late life stages. My experience has been with hydroton and I notice that the roots eventually get bound because the hydroton is a durable material and will not crush or compact. Rockwool on the other hand will compress when squeezed so I was hoping that in the late life stages the roots would compress the rockwool and make more room in the pots. The issue was dryback. If I used chunks instead of croutons, this may help but the other reason I used them was because I had them here already. If anyone is trying to slow their dryback down, they should consider adding 10% volume of croutons to hold moisture in the medium a bit longer. Notice anything different? They are starting to adapt to their new media. Hopefully by next week I can get them to perk up. One plant has looked better than the other three. I have no idea what these plants need to “perk up”. Possibly a different grower. If a grape terpine wasn’t in the end results I would have culled these long ago. Hopefully they perk up when we get to flower. 3 look ,,,, meh, the fourth is descent. Trimmed all four back down to 12” tall. Flower next week.
Trying to dial their veg in. Nutes may be too old or too high. Changed with 4ml CaMg per gallon of RO water. The rest is MaxiGrow. Ever since adding rockwool to the grow, I have struggled. I don't have the dry back timed right yet. I moved my fan to dry the top of the pot surface instead of in the root zone or at the canopy height. After about 10 days I dumped out the rockwool and have replaced with hydroton. My initial though on using rockwool was to give the roots more space during late life stages. My experience has been with hydroton and I notice that the roots eventually get bound because the hydroton is a durable material and will not crush or compact. Rockwool on the other hand will compress when squeezed so I was hoping that in the late life stages the roots would compress the rockwool and make more room in the pots. The issue was dryback. If I used chunks instead of croutons, this may help but the other reason I used them was because I had them here already. If anyone is trying to slow their dryback down, they should consider adding 10% volume of croutons to hold moisture in the medium a bit longer. Notice anything different? They are starting to adapt to their new media. Hopefully by next week I can get them to perk up. One plant has looked better than the other three. I have no idea what these plants need to “perk up”. Possibly a different grower. If a grape terpine wasn’t in the end results I would have culled these long ago. Hopefully they perk up when we get to flower. 3 look ,,,, meh, the fourth is descent. Trimmed all four back down to 12” tall. Flower next week.