Vale pues hoy empiezo a contar la primera semana de crecimiento, de un total de 4. Estamos a 13/02/23 y llevan 20 días desde la germinación. Hoy he regado ya con abono de crecimiento, en concreto uso el Boom Crecimiento de Boom nutrients y he añadido también CalMag Dentro de dos semanas haremos el trasplante, a ver si aguantan por que a este ritmo se van a salir de las macetas en 1 semana jaja. Os dejo un video también de una visión aérea con mi dron. Hola. Actualización de semana 19/02/23 Efectivamente como dije hace 7 días. Toca trasplante, han crecido muchísimo y es momento de que las raíces sigan creciendo con fuerza así que... trasplante. Entre el día 19/02/23 y el día 20/02/23 termino todo el trasplante, por ahora dejo terminadas 5 de 12 plantas. Especialmente he priorizado las autos ya que no me quiero esperar a trasplantar para que no entren en flora. Por ahora siguen vegetando y trasplantas! ESO ES!
This strain is an awesome smelling strain which begins too give beautifull colours towards the end of harvest! Shes definatley one too grow and I'd highly reccomend as she grows effortlessly and with ease. Well done fastbuds! I shall return too this strain indoors in the future hopefully too get a full harvest in perfect conditions
i removed a bit of half dead leaves from plant 1 at the start of the week and i have been flushing both plants since thursday, they both will go into extended darkness this coming wednesday
ROYAL QUEEN CBG Auto ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS WEEK #5 Overall Week #4 Veg This week the she's doing good no issues she stretched some this week and towards the end of the week started to flower. Stay Growing!!
GSC is doing great she’s covered in nice bud and winding down now , she’ll back off on the feed this week and start flushing next week . I’ve already picked a few smokes off of this little monster and it tastes so nice . I super cropped a few of the taller buds just to get them out of the light so much and gave her a defol, she’s happy as .
Fuldstændig vildt meget RODNET på 8dage plus godt m højde på!!! :)
Week 15 still white pistils some turn brown cant wait to cut it down Fed ripen for 2 days now
TRIPLE G by ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS Week #10 Overall Week #9 Veg This week she's is doing good no issues it's hot outside but she's doing good dealing with the heat she's hasn't shown any signs of other stress. Stay Growing!!
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Sie wächst sehr schön und macht keine Probleme
Всем привет друзья! Кустик набирает жирок, что очень радует. Очень приятно начал пахнуть. Мне кажется, что он начал меньше кушать. Всем добра и хорошего роста!
сем привет друзья! Растние растёт не по дням а по часам. Набирает жирок на шишках полным ходом. Очень хорошо кушает Цветёт и пахнет Всем мира и добра и хороших урожаев!
Another week of slow growth has gone by, thought I end it with another round of topping on one of the plants. I'm looking to make up for the previous grow where I didn't top at all and it produced so little, hope I don't go overboard with things :D
Gracias al equipo de Fast Buds 420 por la donación de las semillas y poder inscribirme en el concurso del año. Creada a partir de la genética de la Girl Scout Cookies y la Gorilla Glue #4, seleccionadas a mano y en combinación con nuestra famosa Gorilla Cookies Auto, esta variedad lleva todos los mejores atributos de sus padres al más alto nivel. Este híbrido maravillosamente equilibrado prospera en el interior y en el exterior, y en todo tipo de climas, a la vez que es superresistente a los bichos y las plagas. Es una productora masiva que ofrece a los cultivadores de todos los niveles rendimientos de hasta 650 g/m² de cogollos de primera calidad que no decepcionan en absoluto. Siendo una de las versiones más potentes de esta genética, la Gorilla Cookies FF (Fastflowering) presume de un enorme porcentaje de 29 % de THC que se traduce en montones de resina y terps sabrosos que hacen las mejores extracciones. Es la elección perfecta para los cultivadores de hachís que buscan cepas de gran potencia que produzcan sabores y aromas excepcionales. Consigue aquí tus semillas 😁🌻🚀: 📆 Semana 10 de floración: Es la planta mas grande y con mas resina de todas las que tengo, esta aceptando muy bien los nutrientes. Los cogollos continuan engordando y cargandose de resina. Riego una vez con nutrientes ec 1850 ph 6.2 y dos veces con agua reposada 2 dias ec 150
E andata da DIO! Questa genetica mi ha letteralmente reso l'uomo più felice della terra😂 i suoi colori sono strepitosi e adesso che ho iniziato il flush abbasserò anche la temperatura di 2-3c in modo da fare uscire ancora più colori😇.... E veramente una varietà spettacolare questa di Fast buds e mi viene l'acqua alla bocca solo a vederla! Ho intenzione di lavare per 7 giorni minimo anche se il substrato è di cocco ma vorrei cercare di avere un prodotto finale veramente pulito (anche se ho coltivato organicamente) vediamo alla prossimo aggiornamento e ricordatevi di aggiungermi su Instagram curati_da_solo🌱🌈💫 Volevo ringraziare BAC per i suoi prodotti da urlo! E spero di poter usare tutta la linea nella prossima coltivazione così da avere risultati ancora migliori! Peccato che non ho avuto un calmag il PROACTIVE e il silicapower ...perché penso che se avessi avuto una tabella più completa sarei riuscito a fare ancora meglio! Ma mi interessa fare vedere che sonusare i loro prodotti così forse posso avviare un progetto più serio con loro! (Prossimo progetto a brevissimo 😇) Vi lascio al prossimo aggiornamento per il taglio! Spero che piaccia a tutti FAST BUDS SEI SPECIALE!🌱🌈💫
ladies and gentlemen Welcome to peaky house gardens Have you seen the rainbow of colors that entered my house?👩‍🌾🏼's spectacular
Chillin and doing their thing. Topped dressed with natures living soil. Watering with dechlorinated water, other than that not much going on. Letting them do their thing
Week 8 - Flower Week 4 Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Weeks Observations - Local weather conditions have been unseasonably HIGH Humidity. First time in 3 years am unable to reduce to standard levels. Dehumidifier being installed today. - Today is the 21st day since flip - we’ve experienced bolt since week 1, up to 5” in a day Start of week: - Dates: [2023-07-10: LJ2Q 57:F:4:1, 2023-07-16: LJ2Q 63:F:4:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 30, 44, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [ 720, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 12, hrs] # 1900 - 0700 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 975, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 12, in] # Despite SuperCropping (Bending & Twisting), we’re wishing 12” of the Light at End of week - TempAvg: [ 77.5, °F] - RH: [ 66.9, %] - VPD: [ 0.85, kPa] # Achieved Ideal ‘Early’ - need to bump to 1.05 to 1.1 - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 720, ml] - FeedwaterPerDayTotal: [ 5760, ml] # 1.5 Gal/Day - EC: [ 2.0, mS] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (2200) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during ‘Daylight’ periods(2030 - 0700) When on Flipped Schedule (Night LIGHT/Day DARK) - OPEN during ‘Nightime’ Period (0700 - 2200) Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 8-9) (F4-F5) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.1 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/m2/s - EC: 2.3 - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F9) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/123 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 2.1 # Week 9-11 - EC: 1.4 # Week 12 - EC: 1.1 # Week 13 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 Rooted Leaf Hydro 1.7 - 1.9 EC (Half RLA,Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): - Primer A: [ 8, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 8, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal] ____________________ Mon 10 Jul 2023 # Flower 4 LJ2Q 57:F:4:1 - W/ Dehumidifier Installed, our Environment is now … Tue 11 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 58:F:4:2 Refill Res - [x] 6.5 - 7 Gal - [x] Primer A&B: [ 8, ml, gal], [ 80, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 40, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis+: [ 6, ml, gal], [ 60, ml] - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 50, ml] - [x] Dr. Bohners: [ 10, drops] - [x] ECRange: [ 1.9, 2.0, mS] - [x] TempReservoir: [ 60, °F] Wed 12 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 59:F:4:3 Thu 13 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 60:F:4:4 Friday 14 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 61:F:4:5 Sat 15 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 62:F:4:6 - Plants per Feed Line: 4 - Feedwater per Line per feed (FPL): 120 - Feedwater per event (FPE): [ 480, ml] - Events per day (EPD): 12 # Hourly Fertigation During Lights ON - Feedwater per day: FPE X EPD: 480 x 12: [ 5760, ml, day] - Mix 2 Gallons @ 75% Strength (Medium Chart, FW 3) - Primer A: [ 7.4, ml, gal], [ 15, ml] - Primer B: [ 7.4, ml, gal], [ 15, ml] - CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal], [6, ml] - SilicaSkin: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Resin Bloom: [1.5, ml, gal], [3, ml] Sun 16 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 63:F:4:7