2/21/2023 - Day 50: Starting pre-bloom this week. Changed the light from 18/6 to 16/8. Also, started adding my bloom nutrients. Watered about 3.5 gallons and threw a little bit of everything in today. Started with Jay Plantspeaker Quillaja as a wetting agent, then added Rootwise Micro Complete, Enzyme Elixer, and Bio-Phos, BuildASoil Big 6, BuildABloom, Coconut Powder, Pure Protein Dry, Yah-Whey, Fermented Comfrey and Fermented Peach. Also top dressed with some BuildAFlower. 2/23/2023 - Day 52: not much to report. Plants are doing great, and seem to like the slightly cooler temps lately. Mainly just been tucking branches under the scrog screen and doing some super cropping in an attempt to keep my canopy even. 2/24/2023 - Day 53: gave the plants their weekly IPM, with a foliar spray at lights out of warm distilled water and BuildASoil EM-5. This is also to clean the leaves in preparation for the flip to flower next week. 2/26/2023 - Day 55: last day of veg. Officially flipping to flower tomorrow. The scrog screen is pretty full, other than the Frozen White Runtz, which is barely reaching the screen. Hoping it will catch up more during stretch. Also, plan to put a second layer of trellis on.
Great grow from start to finish. Chopped on day 77 and very happy with the yield.
May 4: nice spring day so the plants were outside in the afternoon. Some direct sun but mostly in the small greenhouse to stay warm out of direct sun. Still spraying with water to make up for low humidity, but also starting to water soil in a circle around the plant. Using Monster Maxx this year. Used last year in my compost tea and the root balls were very dense and intricate so it seems to work as advertised. Will still be mostly used for compost tea but also according to label direction of 2 mL/L once a week. May 5: mixing soil and sorting out grow bags for this year. Putting some spruce cones in the bottom to ensure air gets to the roots at the bottom. Indoor growers often use clay balls for this apparently but I’ve got lots of spruce cones handy and they’ll do the trick.
I lowered the temperature by opening the window in my growing room for a few hours at night. I increased the amount of fertilizer to the suggested amount from Biobizz. I also cut off a few "buds" and leafs. Did some LST and bend some branches like crazy. I try to get a very even cannabis-plant with an even hight.
Vamos familia tercera cuarta de vida de estás apollo black cherry de SeedStockers. Que ganas tengo de ver el progreso de esta variedad, las plántulas están sanas, se ven con buen color. La cantidad de agua cada 48h entre riegos. Esta primera semana ya añadimos nutrientes de la gama Agrobeta. Tuve problemas de trips en un indoor y tengo todas plagadas pero ya las e tratado con aceite de neem y un insecticida genérico, también añadí tiras azules, trataré esta semana.( esta semana me llega el aceite de neem y el jabón potásico) Trasplanté a maceta definitiva 7 litros. Estas próximas semanas veremos cómo avanzan. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨.
The lsd-25 on the right is starting to taking on a gassy smell and the left one is still smelling more floral. The big bud in the back is doing great but I think the buds are going to be more fluffy than dense unless it starts packing these next 20ish days. The cherry cola is looking good still very behind the other 3 but I think I got her under control and good for now.
Vamos familia cuarta semana de vida de estás Tropical Zmoothie de SeedStockers. Que ganas tengo de ver el progreso de esta variedad, las plantulas están sanas, se ven con buen color. La cantidad de agua cada 48h entre riegos. Esta primera semana ya añadimos nutrientes de la gama Agrobeta. Tuve problemas de trips en un indoor y tengo todas plagadas pero ya las e tratado con aceite de neem y un insecticida genérico, además añadí varias tiras de color azul, trataré esta semana y la siguiente.( pronto llega aceite de neem y jabón potásico para terminar con ella) También realicé el trasplante a maceta definitiva, 7 litros. Estas próximas semanas veremos cómo avanzan. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨.
Vamos familia cuarta semana de vida de estás Punch Pie de RoyalQueenSeeds . Que ganas tengo de ver el progreso de esta variedad, las plantulas están sanas, se ven con buen color. La cantidad de agua cada 48h entre riegos. Esta primera semana ya añadimos nutrientes de la gama Agrobeta. Tuve problemas de trips en un indoor y tengo todas plagadas pero ya las e tratado con aceite de neem y un insecticida genérico, también añadí tiras de color azul para controlarla, trataré esta semana y la siguiente.(esta semana me llegará el aceite de neem y el jabón potásico) Trasplanté directamente a macetas de 7 litros. Estas próximas semanas veremos cómo avanzan. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨.
Rocking and rolling now. Still stretching and the bud sites are def growing.
Up potted from 3 gallon to a 7 Further LST training to fill space & mature lower branches, eyeing up for few more clones to take before flip + cleanup lower canopy
Neue Woche Leute 3.5 Luftfeuchtigkeit heute leider zu hoch gegangen wegen außen Einflüsse (Fenster auf). Abluft Anlage angeschmissen und alles geregelt. Auf den Fotos sieht man leicht ein gewölbte Blätter. Mache mir da aber keine Sorgen.
Привет садоводы мой цветок чувствует себя хорошо он уже зацвел и вытянулся и еще наверно вытянется прошло 4 дня и цветок стал еще гуще и выше листья переливаются перламутром красавица растет
Defoliated her once again and cut off all shots that were not reaching the top of the canopy. We'll see if she will start to flower this week or if she just grows a shopping bag of leaves again for me to cut them off. Water and nutrients are unchanged since she is in the DWC, filled it up once. The plant needs about 1,5l a day, which is a problem because of my vacation. I will try in the next days if it works when I fill another container with nutrient solution and connect them with a little hose like a siphon, I will keep you guys updated. Have a good one!
Dried the flower for 10 days, and got 184.9 grams (roughly 3.3 ounces per plant which is smaller than I expected, but it is what it is) Curing now and i'm sure the quality will be amazing.