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out of 5 seeds only 3 were good, 2 strong plants were selected, they were transplanted from the seedbed to a pot to start vegetation. They will stay in these pots for the next 2 weeks, then I will leave one champion and transplant it to a pot from thebucketcompany 1.2 gallon.
Going into flowering is always a special moment and we prepare to do it in the best way to make the plant understand that it is time to become a woman and speed up the start of the formation of the buds. We start with 24 hours of darkness this to give a strong break and sign of change to the plant that understands the change of time and prepares to go into flowering. Our Purple Urkle was worked with a topping x16 buds that worked really well, we have well aligned buds, only something escapes here and there but it is normal. In purple plants it is very interesting to wait for the start of the flower formation when the buds reveal their color and if we have taken the dark phenoripo, we celebrate. Another thing that gives the plant the signal of the start of flowering are the flowering stimulators we friends of Plagron use Power Buds. The start of the flowering program includes the same additives as the vegetative phase Power Roots, Sugar Royal, Pure Zym and adds the flowering stimulant Power Buds. Now the basic fertilizer is Alga Bloom specific for flowering. Green Sensation will arrive as the hero of the end of flowering and at the same time it will be time to remove Power Roots and a week later the Pure Zym enzymes. It is recommended from the 4th week if the plants flower fast I start at the 3rd depending on the size of the bud. Try a seed of this strain that drives us crazy.. ---- Zamnesia Description // A direct descendant of a Mendocino Purps phenotype, Purple Urkle is a high-performance cultivar from Zamnesia Seeds. This feminized, indica-dominant strain is sure to win over any cannabis grower. With a THC content of 20%, Purple Urkle has a lot to offer from seed to harvest and beyond. A grape-flavored adventure, Suitable for indoors, outdoors or in the greenhouse, Purple Urkle is a very resilient strain. Growers will be impressed by how easy this cultivar can be managed. Purple Urkle can reach 120cm indoors and 160cm outdoors, but if you want more control over the height you can use the LST technique. Purple Urkle has fantastic flavors and aromas that intensify during the flowering phase. Regardless of the method of consumption, Purple Urkle offers tangy, fruity flavors that lean towards notes of grapes, berries and plums. The effects of this strain are soothing and relaxing, with uplifting sensations that make the experience suitable for any occasion, whether in a social setting or alone. All the best that mother nature can offer is on ----
Prima settimana di fiori 12/12... Stiamo per terminare la prima settimana di fioritura...Si dovrebbero vedere già i prefiori........,.. vediamo tra un paio di giorni 💪🔱🙏
Day 1 of flo, description in OG Kush Diary, I'm really curious about this bush. I think I will taste great from what people told me it'd been really good for making some wax also, I like how I managed that canacopy I know I can do better but it's my first time trying this actually... I'm kinda beating myself up because I wanted a bit longer branching but next time I think I will try doing this with all 4 of my plants just because I like how it looks Day 3: sorry to see that beautiful bushy structure having to come off, I enjoyed looking at it but time to give those bigger buds some space and give the plant some energy to the top so I'm removing all unnecessary small little branching to increase the airflow etc.. I enjoy working on my plants. Day 4: flo so I managed to get rid of most of the bush and alot more of the plant has opened up, I removed mostly smaller branches and let the bigger ones stay just to see how I can further improve this In future and what to look for. I could watch all the videos I want but without a 1st hand experience it's always just a theory , there's always room for improvement every grow in my opinion. 8 Feburary Update: I flushed all 3 with some water and fed 10ml of each a and b + additives they responded very well soon on day 7 I'm planning to start giving them more bloom nutrients after flushing the medium just a little once more so I can really push it and make sure my ppm is high enough without too much salt buildup, for that I will be using cal mag water followed up by final dose of grow a + B with some big bud I'm trying to avoid that saltbuildup at all costs here as this is my first grow in 7 Years here in Germany 🇩🇪😁, btw the water quality here is so much better than in Ireland... I gotta be careful with pests alot living on the bottom floor, thing is a nightmare...
Finally harvest day has finished 😍👌 After 5 days of drying and investing many hours for trimming, is everything ready for the curing process. It already got a very delicious smell 😍🤤 Can‘t believe that i got around 470g dry from 3 plants
Donutz Final Report - Harvest Week After just over 8 weeks of flowering, the Donutz have been harvested, marking the end of an incredible journey. The plants have gone from vibrant, healthy beings to dense, sticky buds that will soon be ready for consumption. Key Updates: Harvest Time: After monitoring the trichomes closely, it was time to harvest the Donutz plants. The buds had reached their peak maturity, with trichomes showing a perfect mix of cloudy and amber hues. Final Observations: The purple phenos added some amazing color to the grow, and the smell was out of this world, like a sweet bakery in full swing. The buds are looking promising, and now it’s time to cure and enjoy the fruits of this beautiful grow. Next Steps: Harvest & Cure: The buds are drying and will soon be placed into jars to cure. It’s now a waiting game to allow the flavors and potency to develop fully. Smoke & Harvest Review: The official harvest and smoke review will be coming in about 10 days, once the buds have been properly cured. The journey from seed to harvest was a success, and the Donutz are looking great. Now, we await the final review to see how they smoke after curing! Zuppler out. Thanks for following.
Die fünfte Blütewoche hat begonnen. Das Höhenwachstum scheint nun endlich vorbei zu sein und die Pflanzen konzentrieren ihre Energie auf die Blüten. Ich hoffe sie kommen mit dem Abstand zur Lampe einigermaßen zurecht und bekommen keinen zu starken Lichtstress.
Die vierte Woche der Blüte hat begonnen. Der Platz im Zelt ist mehr als ausgeschöpft und die Pflanzen küssen fast die Lampe. Ich denke der Stretch ist vorbei, ich hoffe es zumindest. 🙏🏻 Diese Woche startet mit etwas Bio PK 5-8 von Biotabs. Die Blüten und die anliegenden Blätter fangen an zu glitzern. 💎 Ich habe dem Wassertank meines Autopot Systems einen Luftstein hinzugefügt. Wird das einen großen Effekt bringen? - keine Ahnung. Kann es schaden? - ich denke nicht.
Experienced explosive growth this week. I continue to LST for a low canopy.
Weiter alles im Plan. Wächst und gedeiht. Sie hat sich nun etwas nach oben gestreckt. Topping hat sie gut vertragen. Demnächst werde ich noch einige Blätter entfernen.
Donutz Final Report - Harvest Week After just over 8 weeks of flowering, the Donutz have been harvested, marking the end of an incredible journey. The plants have gone from vibrant, healthy beings to dense, sticky buds that will soon be ready for consumption. Key Updates: Harvest Time: After monitoring the trichomes closely, it was time to harvest the Donutz plants. The buds had reached their peak maturity, with trichomes showing a perfect mix of cloudy and amber hues. Final Observations: The purple phenos added some amazing color to the grow, and the smell was out of this world, like a sweet bakery in full swing. The buds are looking promising, and now it’s time to cure and enjoy the fruits of this beautiful grow. Next Steps: Harvest & Cure: The buds are drying and will soon be placed into jars to cure. It’s now a waiting game to allow the flavors and potency to develop fully. Smoke & Harvest Review: The official harvest and smoke review will be coming in about 10 days, once the buds have been properly cured. The journey from seed to harvest was a success, and the Donutz are looking great. Now, we await the final review to see how they smoke after curing! Zuppler out. Thanks for following.
👉Alrighty Then👈 👉Purple Punch F1👈 Had some real nice growth this week , had to do a little leaf management👈 The Strech Is On..... Low Stress Training to pull the lower branches out .... We also did a topping of this one , as she was getting pretty tall 😳 Everything is looking good 👍sidenote , I am using my well water which is hard so I am having slight issues 😅 So ive up'd the nutrients to accommodate the moving to Flower ..... Soil by Promix Nutrients by Cronks Lights by FC4800 X UR45 X Adlite Deep Red And Blue Tent 4x4x6.5 & Equipment by High reflectivity inner mylar Thick Oxford fabric Smooth heavy duty zipper Sturdy metal frame Zipper blackout cloth Good anti light leakage performance The 6in Inline kicks ass moves alot of air ●Blue Light Effect: Blue light shortens internodes, resulting in shorter, stronger plants, ideal for supporting fruit development later. During vegetative growth, blue light promotes lateral branch development effectively. Well this should be fun 🙃 Thanks to all my growmies out there for stopping by its much appreciated 👈 👉Happy Growing👈
Tweak, tweak, tweak, getting her set up for the switch. Double net this time. Going to oversaturate with red wavelengths. I dropped her to 12 hours and upped the ppfd accordingly. High concentrations of sugar can delay flowering by extending the late vegetative phase. This delays the activation of LFY expression, which controls floral transition. Sugar signals are involved in all key transitions of the plant life cycle. Sugar signaling interacts with hormone signaling pathways. Red light wavelengths between 600–700 nanometers (nm) encourage budding and flowering. Red light affects hormones like auxins, which control how plants stretch and develop flowers.Red light interacts with phytochromes to affect plant morphology. Phytochromes also play a role in shade avoidance and sensing changes in the local light environment and time of year. The aim is to replicate nature, UVA peak + predominantly reds at sunrise UVB peaks at noon UVA peak + predominantly far-reds at sunset Also has a light coating of 850nm&940nm IR, 45% of the sunlight that reaches the surface of the earth is IR, Infrared (IR) light primarily provides heat to plants, which can be beneficial for growth within a certain range, but too much IR can cause stress, damage, and even kill plants due to excessive heat, disrupting their normal photosynthetic processes; while plants don't directly use IR for photosynthesis, it can influence aspects like flowering and leaf expansion when present in appropriate amounts. Particularly in the far-red wavelengths, can trigger the shade avoidance response, where plants sense a lack of direct light and accelerate stem growth to reach for better light conditions. This is especially useful in indoor environments where light conditions are carefully managed. Increasing this light can affect the growth speed of plants' stems. A short exposure to infrared increases the space between nodes. However too much infrared may actually damage plants. Because infrared is a kind of light that can emit a great deal of heat. While the spectral composition of sunlight at both sunrise and sunset is essentially the same, the key difference lies in the increased scattering of shorter wavelengths like blue and violet light during these times due to the longer path the sunlight takes through the atmosphere, resulting in a more pronounced red and orange color at the horizon, as these longer wavelengths are scattered less and reach our eyes more readily. A sunset generally has more far-red light than a sunrise because the sunlight travels through a longer path through the atmosphere at sunset, causing more blue light to scatter and leaving a greater proportion of red and far-red wavelengths visible to the eye. The Pr/Pfr ratio is the ratio of phytochrome Pr to phytochrome Pfr in a plant. The ratio changes throughout the day and night, and it affects how the plant grows and flowers. How the ratio changes Daytime: Red light converts Pr to Pfr, so the ratio is low. Nighttime: Far-red light converts Pfr to Pr, so the ratio is high. Seasons: The ratio changes with the seasons because of the length of the days and the position of the sun. How does the ratio affect the plant? Photomorphogenesis: The ratio triggers photomorphogenesis, which is when a seed transforms into a sprout. Flowering: The ratio affects whether short-day or long-day plants flower. Growth: The ratio affects how much a plant grows. For example, a lower ratio of red to far-red light can improve a plant's growth under salinity conditions. How do plants sense the ratio? Plants use pigments to sense the ratio of red to far-red light. Using the phytochrome system to measure the ratio at dawn and dusk. The phytochrome system helps plants adjust their growth according to the seasons. Ratio. In controlled environment agriculture, customized light treatments using light-emitting diodes are crucial to improving crop yield and quality. Red (R; 600-700 nm) and blue light (B; 400-500 nm) are two major parts of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), often preferred in crop production. Far-red radiation (FR; 700-800 nm), although not part of PAR, can also affect photosynthesis and can have profound effects on a range of morphological and physiological processes. However, interactions between different red and blue light ratios (R:B) and FR on promoting yield and nutritionally relevant compounds in crops remain unknown. Here, lettuce was grown at 200 µmol m-2 s-1 PAR under three different R:B ratios: R:B87.5:12.5 (12.5% blue), R:B75:25 (25% blue), and R:B60:40 (40% blue) without FR. Each treatment was also performed with supplementary FR (50 µmol m-2 s-1; R:B87.5:12.5+FR, R:B75:25+FR, and R:B60:40+FR). White light with and without FR (W and W+FR) were used as control treatments comprising of 72.5% red, 19% green, and 8.5% blue light. Decreasing the R:B ratio from R:B87.5:12.5 to R:B60:40, there was a decrease in fresh weight (20%) and carbohydrate concentration (48% reduction in both sugars and starch), whereas pigment concentrations (anthocyanins, chlorophyll, and carotenoids), phenolic compounds, and various minerals all increased. These results contrasted the effects of FR supplementation in the growth spectra; when supplementing FR to different R:B backgrounds, we found a significant increase in plant fresh weight, dry weight, total soluble sugars, and starch. Additionally, FR decreased concentrations of anthocyanins, phenolic compounds, and various minerals. Although blue light and FR effects appear to directly contrast, blue and FR light did not have interactive effects together when considering plant growth, morphology, and nutritional content. Therefore, the individual benefits of increased blue light fraction and supplementary FR radiation can be combined and used cooperatively to produce crops of desired quality: adding FR increases growth and carbohydrate concentration while increasing the blue fraction increases nutritional value. Here are a few examples of good time lapse intervals based on the subject: Fast-moving clouds, traffic: 1-2 seconds Sunsets, sunrises, slower clouds: 2-5 seconds Moving shadows, sun across the sky (no clouds): 15-30 seconds Star trails: 30 seconds or longer Plant growth, construction projects: Minutes or longer intervals
420Fastbuds: Germination Week Orange President Auto This grow I decided to run a strain I'venever grown before which to me makes it super exciting. I started 14 seeds by soaking them in a glass of water for 48-72hrs then planting directly into the soil. Within 48hrs all 14 sprouted and emerged into there journey of life. Super excited for these and to see how they'll grow. All in all Happy Growing
Buenas, esta semana las plantas fueron defoliadas solo para mejorar la ventilación ya que e presentado problemas de temperaturas durante el ciclo diurno dado que en me encuentro en verano, se regó con 6 litros en total dividido en dos días de riego siendo el primero con ph de 5.8 y ec de 900ppm y el segundo con ph de 6.2 y 1200 ppm de ec.
Cash Express 03.01.2025 Tag 36 / 11.02.2025 Die 5. Wochen ist erreicht ! Die zwei Pflanzen haben alles gut überstanden, in der Zwischenzeit habe ich die Cash Express in ein größeren Topf gesetz. Nach meiner Beurteilung haben sie eine gesunde Höhe und Breite erreicht, man erkennt gut wo später die Blüten entstehen. Ich nehme gerne Ratschläge von der Community an.
Cash Express 03.01.2025 Tag 36 / 11.02.2025 Die 5. Wochen ist erreicht ! Die zwei Pflanzen haben alles gut überstanden, in der Zwischenzeit habe ich die Cash Express in ein größeren Topf gesetz. Nach meiner Beurteilung haben sie eine gesunde Höhe und Breite erreicht, man erkennt gut wo später die Blüten entstehen. Ich nehme gerne Ratschläge von der Community an.