4/7 Day 31 (AM) - Things have been going relatively well over the last several days, with the exception of the one plant that has been unhappy throughout the grow. I did some light pruning to remove brown/dying fan leaves from the struggling plant but have otherwise been focused on tucking leaves under future bud sites, and keeping an eye on the two that were topped late in week 4, both of which are sending out new shoots. All seem to want nutrients now. I've been very light-handed with the nutrients but started giving them small amounts at least every other watering. At week five it feels like a lot of things are on autopilot now, just normal maintenance like topping off the humidifier and occasionally poking my head in to check on things. Glad I didn't abandon the sickly plant. New growth looks healthy, and it just might pull through.
Update (4/8- Day 32 AM): Feeding was very well received by all plants. It's taking some getting used to. I tend to use very little in the way of fertilizer (have read too many horror stories). Still, these guys are showing signs of being hungry on a regular basis, and their daily uptake of water is considerably more than when I started. For the time being, I have been using about 50% of the recommended amount of FF Grow Big, close to a normal recommended amount of CalMag, and about 50% of the recommended amount of P-K (due to deficiencies noted in some leaf margins). I've been testing the runoff and it's coming out between 6.5-6.6 consistently. No signs of drooping or overwatering. Right now, they appear to be happy if watered about every other day, and they're taking on about 1/2 gallon each pretty consistently. Next time I'll probably use nothing but pH adjusted water, just to avoid nutrient build-up.