Last week I had decided to flower the plant as it is growing very large, here are a few notes for new growers.
Always flip your plant's light schedule when the plant is at the desired height this plant is now 3 1/2 feet tall. Cannabis plants tend to double in size depending on how well they are taking care of.
If you do not pay close attention to the height of your plants you will inevitably have a plant that will outgrow your tent.
Here are a few notes for some growers that have not grown in h20.,
First you can grow your cannabis in any substrate you want, the substrates that growers put here are common that you can find all over the Internet and in some local flowering shops however, all that matters is that the roots touch the water. You can grow in the glass fish balls, you can grow in non-toxic gel balls, you can pretty much grow in any substrate you want.
Second note: growing in h20 in my opinion is a lot more easier than growing in soil. Some growers will say that cannabis has a different taste in soil there is no science that concludes that the cannabis will taste any better or any less good in H2O or soil. It is all opinion.
However, growing in H2O does need to be taken care of carefully. Always remember to make sure no light is getting inside the reservoir and keep the reservoir clean of all debris. It's the same concept of having a pool. If you have a pool with no debridement it will stay crystal-clear with no filtration for a very long time. However, if you get debris in a pool unwanted organisms will start to grow such as algae bacteria, and other things that you would not want to touch your body, take that concept and apply it to a cannabis plant.
Hydro guard is a failsafe in case you are too lazy to keep the reservoir clean. It will prevent root slime rot and many root problems (It's beneficial bacteria similar to what is in recharge only for H2O)
Lastly, Your plants if grown in hydrogen will grow rapidly more rapidly than in soil you yield will be produced faster. Also, remember the substrate is free, if you cannot purchase deionized water you can use regular tap water as long as the PPM is low, even so, you can offset the PPM as long as it's tested. You will save hundreds of dollars in soil Perlite, and other fertilizers. Some growers will state that the chemical fertilizers are bad for you, that is completely untrue and also unproven. Again NASA uses general hydroponics To grow produce in space.