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Acabamos la séptima semana de floración de las Original de GrowBarato familia, y no podéis imaginaros lo bien que huelen. Tienen un buen color, se ven sanas, y van progresando adecuadamente la flor va poco a poco engordando y tirando bien de tricomas. Creo que seguiré abonando una semana más , ya iremos viendo estos días que hago pero si creo que una semana más es necesario. Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Las maximas de temperatura no superan los 26 grados y las mínimas no bajan 20, así que no me puedo quejar. Los niveles de humedad también son los correctos van entre 45%/55% de humedad relativa. Por supuesto el Ph lo estamos dejando alrededor de 6. Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨.
Final defoliation took place and they’re bushy but lights getting through to the lowers and that’s what counts. I ran out of build a flower, so I just gave them each 1/2 cup of Dr Earth Flower girl topdress. I’ll probably use it til finish if need be. The smell is starting to come in and they are a GASSY bunch already. Purple ghost candy has a diesely fruit flavor coming in already. Very excited for the next coming weeks
Week 10! First week of flower! I was eager and may have jumped the plan I had the other day of waiting another week but after some sound advice from a few people that inspired me to flip them to flower and watch them flourish!! Day 1..fed fox farm trio with some added aloe vera, very little..won't add anymore from here on out..I added some peroxide as well!! I opened the tent this evening and they were praying up to the mary Jane gods!! Just what their daddy wants to see!! Let's get this smoke to the heavens for the loved ones!! Aye!!! Thanks again to everyone who inspires me and has helped me along the way! Oh and I ordered a trellis net so it should be set up in the coming days!! I was going to enter the solo cup challenge with the mini Starbucks cup you see but I didn't realize time was ticking and i may end up throwing her away unfortunately as I dont have a tent to put her in with a light set at the right hours or whatever!! She wouldn't survive on 12 12 or would she? Day 2 of flower - I opened the tent this morning and the girls are reaching for the sky even more! I forgot to mention I made some fresh Aloe Vera tea/juice for the last feeding I did before flipping to run I'm going to try not using aloe vera on one of my plants to see the differences..I feel the aloe vera has helped my girls alot but I'm not too sure!! I made a video on youtube about how I made it!! If you have some time and are interested in making your own... Day 3..I opened the tent and BAM!! These girls know how to make you feel good!! ( one of my high school friends band is called Katastro, Andy Chaves..lead singer, passed away in a tragic car accident this past year and it's been really tough on everyone!! R.I.P Brobro! The link above is a song I listen to, it's helps me through on tough days and sometimes it helps me shed a much needed tear!! I'm here for anyone that is struggling..have a good day!! Day 4 of flower..Half way through the day I made the video above titled day 4 of flower..they are all looking happy but the Watermelon Zkittelz is really taking off!! If you have any advice please send it my way!! Day 5 of flower in the books. Plants look healthy, few minor adjustments next watering for one of the girls..but for the watermelon Zkittelz she's taking off like crazy!! Also I'm doing a SPIDAR FARMER SF1000 NEW YEARS GIVEAWAY (PURCHASED BY ME ) ON MY NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED COME CHECK IT OUT AND GIVE ME A LIKE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY!! I FIGURED WHEN I UPGRADE MY LIGHT SET UP WHY NOT GIVE ONE AWAY TO ONE LUCKY WINNER!! FOLLOW THIS LINK BELOW TO ENTER: End of Day 6 of flower - the girls are filling out and stretching high!!! Let's go!!! THANK YOU!! CHEERS!! One love!!
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 Séptima semana de cultivo, bastantes cosas que contar y pocas fuerzas para hacerlo, porque estoy con una gripe fuerte, pero voy a intentarlo... todo por la causa! A principios de semana hice un riego profundo con dos Bio preparados que inauguro con esta planta, son preparados que he mantenido en fermentación anaeróbica desde que los hice al principio de verano, los primeros 30-45 días la fermentación es violenta, después se ralentiza, y para mi, cuanto más tiempo tarde en abrirlo es mejor, porque la disolución de los nutrientes y minerales es mayor. Las Enzimas del pasto fermentado y los Microorganismos de Montaña (sólidos y líquidos) que uso como inóculo hacen todo el trabajo. Puedes ver este proceso de creación de mis Bio Fermentos desde el inicio aquí: - Bio Blood EM: Esta fórmula la he pensado para aplicar en etapas tempranas de crecimiento vegetativo, como materia prima nutritiva he usado sangre seca, que es muy rica en nitrógeno orgánico, las enzimas y los Microorganismos convierten esa proteína en aminoácidos, estos, son directamente asimilados por la planta. - Bio Mealfrass EM: Con la disolución de los nutrientes de este guano de gusano de la harina (NPKMg...) y mezclándolo con el anterior Bio preparado obtengo un fertilizante muy poderoso y al tiempo que riego, inoculo Microbiología al suelo. Antes del riego añadí una buena capa de mulch semi descompuesto y con mucha microbiología, este mulch contiene hojas, raíces y otros mulch rescatados de plantas cosechadas. Después de 6 días desde el riego se puede apreciar el crecimiento y fortalecimiento de la planta. Cuando toque el siguiente riego, añadire las primeras enmiendas secas y completaré la capa de mulch... me voy a la cama 🖐️ ============== Info de la cepa Mendo T: - 85% Indica, 15% Sativa. THC: 18%. Floración: 8 Semanas. Terpenos: Lavanda picante. - Genotipo inverso masculino: limon t Cruce: Lemon Tree x Cookies & Cream F2. 2019 - The High Chameleon - EUR - Genotipo femenino: Mendocino Purps Reg Selección de THC 1996 - Piratas de CSI Humboldt, California - EE.UU. ============== Hasta pronto... SALUDOS A TODOS!! =================================
Mendo T · The High Chameleon
SF-1000 · Spider Farmer
Mars Hydro TS1000 · Mars Hydro
DS120w · Secret Jardin
Agua de montaña ·
Miel ·
Auxinas ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de montaña ·
Aminoácidos ·
Lacto Frutas NPK ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Lacto Frutas ·
Lacto Harinas ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Lacto Guanos ·
Algas MMA ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Miel ·
Bio blended fertilizers ·
Bio Blood EM ·
Bio Mealfrass EM ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Bio Blood EM ·
Bio Mealfrass EM ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Bio MealFrass EM ·
Lacto Harinas ·
Lacto Guanos ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Bio MealFrass EM ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Bio CalMg EM ·
Bio Blood EM ·
Humato Huesos PK ·
Lacto Auxinas ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Bio MealFrass EM ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Bio Blood EM ·
Humato Huesos PK ·
Bio Clays EM ·
MMA Ultra ·
Lacto Harinas ·
Lacto Frutas ·
Bio Frutas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Bio Blood EM ·
Humato Huesos PK ·
Lacto Harinas ·
Lacto Algas ·
Lacto Mineral EM ·
Aminoácidos ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Humato Huesos PK ·
Lacto Harinas ·
Lacto Mineral PKEM ·
Bio PKs EM ·
MMA Algas ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Lacto Mineral PKEM ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Aminoácidos ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Lacto Guanos ·
Humato PK ·
Calabaza MMA ·
MMA Plus ·
Lacto Complex ·
Bio Si EM ·
Bio CalMg EM ·
Agua de ceniza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Lacto Mineral PKEM ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Hidro Wool NK ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
Bio Bones EM ·
Bio SKMg EM ·
Bio Blood EM ·
Lacto Complex ·
Lacto Mineral PKEM ·
Aminoácidos ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Plus ·
Bio Bones EM ·
Lacto Complex ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
Bio SKMg EM ·
Bio Si EM ·
Lacto Frutas PK ·
Lacto Mineral PKEM ·
Bio Bones EM ·
Lacto Complex ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato Bones PK ·
Lacto Mineral PKEM ·
MMA Plus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
Bio SKMg EM ·
Bio Bones EM ·
Lacto Complex ·
Bio Si EM ·
Lacto Mineral PKEM ·
Bio PKS EM ·
MMA Plus ·
Lacto Frutas PK ·
Bio Mix ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
Lacto Mineral PKEM ·
Bio PKS EM ·
MMA One ·
Bio Bones EM ·
Bio SKMg EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
Bio PKS EM ·
Lacto Complex ·
Bio Si EM ·
Calabaza MMA ·
MMA Ultra ·
MMA Mineral ·
Bio Frutas EM ·
Humato Bones K ·
4 blue dream 1 is in coco 3 in soil with 30% perlite This will be my wintergrow everyday will be a struggle to keep the warm in some way, so for now i veg them under CFL bars and i throw a fleeze over the lights to keep them warm
Its winter so i connected a air hose to my 45watt fan and i blow in warm air, the other side of the hose is right above my gas heater downstairs. The out fan in the tent is on 65watts my tent stays 20celcius and humidity under 50%. I dont think my plants like this “warmed air” as my seedling curl up completely if i put them in the same tent. Its either this or let her freeze. My yield will suffer as it does every winter but hey spring is coming in a few months then its back to party hardy, or grow hardy in our case.
The Cookies ladies have been growing along side the Betty’s, doing their thing ❤️ The 2x4 is coming along, not quite as big and plump as my big tent, but producing some nice nugs nonetheless. The frost is starting! These girls were not as early producers, but seem to be responding well to the wind and light stress! The second trellis was definitely needed, even though they are not quite as tall as their grow mates. They have been keeping to the same schedule of needing to be watered every 72 hours. I will be switching from cal/Mag to Mag/Sulphur supplements later this week. I ❤️ how readily available these Advanced Nutrients are. 😎 The nutrient burn on some of the tips has not spread or gotten worse. The feed range seems to be the 700-750 range. Still keeping to the feed, water, feed schedule, with the 2nd feed being a much lighter dose of nutrients. I’ve increased the light intensity of the SF 4000 to 90% and will probably be stopping there. The temps have been getting as high as 81 degrees, and low as 73 at night. I’ve decreased the humidity to fluctuate around 50% , giving a reasonable VPD for most of the time, thanks to the automation of the in-line exhaust fan. Still have 4-5 weeks for these babies, I’m hoping they continue to plump up, they are showing some great promise. Happy Gardening 🤗❤️👊🇨🇦
The Cookies ladies have been growing along side the Betty’s, doing their thing ❤️ The 2x4 is coming along, not quite as big and plump as my big tent, but producing some nice nugs nonetheless. The frost is starting! These girls were not as early producers, but seem to be responding well to the wind and light stress! The second trellis was definitely needed, even though they are not quite as tall as their grow mates. They have been keeping to the same schedule of needing to be watered every 72 hours. I will be switching from cal/Mag to Mag/Sulphur supplements later this week. I ❤️ how readily available these Advanced Nutrients are. 😎 The nutrient burn on some of the tips has not spread or gotten worse. The feed range seems to be the 700-750 range. Still keeping to the feed, water, feed schedule, with the 2nd feed being a much lighter dose of nutrients. I’ve increased the light intensity of the SF 4000 to 90% and will probably be stopping there. The temps have been getting as high as 81 degrees, and low as 73 at night. I’ve decreased the humidity to fluctuate around 50% , giving a reasonable VPD for most of the time, thanks to the automation of the in-line exhaust fan. Still have 4-5 weeks for these babies, I’m hoping they continue to plump up, they are showing some great promise. Happy Gardening 🤗❤️👊🇨🇦
The Cookies ladies have been growing along side the Betty’s, doing their thing ❤️ The 2x4 is coming along, not quite as big and plump as my big tent, but producing some nice nugs nonetheless. The frost is starting! These girls were not as early producers, but seem to be responding well to the wind and light stress! The second trellis was definitely needed, even though they are not quite as tall as their grow mates. They have been keeping to the same schedule of needing to be watered every 72 hours. I will be switching from cal/Mag to Mag/Sulphur supplements later this week. I ❤️ how readily available these Advanced Nutrients are. 😎 The nutrient burn on some of the tips has not spread or gotten worse. The feed range seems to be the 700-750 range. Still keeping to the feed, water, feed schedule, with the 2nd feed being a much lighter dose of nutrients. I’ve increased the light intensity of the SF 4000 to 90% and will probably be stopping there. The temps have been getting as high as 81 degrees, and low as 73 at night. I’ve decreased the humidity to fluctuate around 50% , giving a reasonable VPD for most of the time, thanks to the automation of the in-line exhaust fan. Still have 4-5 weeks for these babies, I’m hoping they continue to plump up, they are showing some great promise. Happy Gardening 🤗❤️👊🇨🇦
The Cookies ladies have been growing along side the Betty’s, doing their thing ❤️ The 2x4 is coming along, not quite as big and plump as my big tent, but producing some nice nugs nonetheless. The frost is starting! These girls were not as early producers, but seem to be responding well to the wind and light stress! The second trellis was definitely needed, even though they are not quite as tall as their grow mates. They have been keeping to the same schedule of needing to be watered every 72 hours. I will be switching from cal/Mag to Mag/Sulphur supplements later this week. I ❤️ how readily available these Advanced Nutrients are. 😎 The nutrient burn on some of the tips has not spread or gotten worse. The feed range seems to be the 700-750 range. Still keeping to the feed, water, feed schedule, with the 2nd feed being a much lighter dose of nutrients. I’ve increased the light intensity of the SF 4000 to 90% and will probably be stopping there. The temps have been getting as high as 81 degrees, and low as 73 at night. I’ve decreased the humidity to fluctuate around 50% , giving a reasonable VPD for most of the time, thanks to the automation of the in-line exhaust fan. Still have 4-5 weeks for these babies, I’m hoping they continue to plump up, they are showing some great promise. Happy Gardening 🤗❤️👊🇨🇦
Hello my friends 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾, Week was good, babies are now young plants, we can start to train and cut ✂️ This week I've topped all the plant, and save 2 nodes by plant, I've tried to had the 3 at the same size. On the #2 really strange on one node, just one leaf, no stem, and I've seen that after, that's why I've keeped one stem from under. The plants recovered well from topping, 💦 I give water each 2 or 3 days 300 ml/plant Water + Rhyzo Water + Cannazym + Rhyzo Water + Terra vega + Rhyzo PH@6 Lamp @100% If stem are enough big, maybe topping again next week and defoliation. Bisous 💋😘, and see you next week. Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - TS 1000 Mars Hydro - FC3000 Mars Hydro - SP3000 The High Chameleon - Bisous Au THC 💋💋🌲🌲😘😘
12/04 - Well, Pinky had a bucket change today and I'm a little concerned because, quite frankly, my aging brain completely forgot she's probably allergic to the Micro ... so I may have to do another bucket change tomorrow and get rid of it... I'll let her rest overnight and see how she's doing in the morning ... She's definitely a light "eater" - her EC should have been at 0.8 last week and this week it should be getting to 1.0-1.2 - but she just doesn't react well to the higher EC levels... She has gained SO MUCH HEIGHT this past week! It's truly astounding... Maybe the lights weren't close enough, maybe she's just a helluva gal but seriously - 8-1/2" in a week?! She's starting to scare me! LOL! 12/06 - LOOK AT HER LEAVES!!! They've started to uncurl!!!! In talking to another grower about her, I'm realizing that what she had been desperate for was more PK so the addition of the KoolBloom liquid AND the fact the pH kept going up (apparently a sign she's gobbling up the PK) says THIS is what she was hungry for... in fact, I need to give her more today as the pH is still floating upward and is too high... But PINKY!!! Maybe I've figured out what you've been wanting?! (Well, to give proper credit, @Roberts helped me to see what you were saying!) ... cross your fingers, she's on her way... And she's starting to show her colors in the buds now, too... I'm excited! 12/07 - Had to move this lady... she's gained 5" in the last 3 days and I was running out of options.... Next time, if there IS a next time, I'll probably end up scrogging her... But now she's a roommate to my #2Bruce in the closet with a 7' ceiling and she'd better not run out of upward growth space!!!!