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day 49 just pure water phed down. it is day 51, morning before lights on, I might chop today. I use a zero water filter pitcher got off walmart. My humidifier is only a sonic wave. If you use regular tap water it will get gunky in a sonic humidifier. If you have a heat humidifier that boils the water the mist should be clean. These are the 2 types of water humidifiers. Researching best water filters this "zero water" also comes with a free ppm meter! yay! Other water pitcher brands; the water still has ppm. So water misted will still have ppm contamination. You can easily used distilled water only, and reverse osmosis. I just fill a 4gal office water jug with the pitcher and fill my humidifier when needed. I do not use a humidifier in my entire grow up to this point when I chop, I need the perfect rh or this whole effort can fail. growing up to this point only requires 20% effort, chopping now for the 2 weeks dry is this 80% of crucial determination, succeed. A lot of tasks are required today for a clean chop. I feel confident, observed my cross seeds with pink paradise and one with a slightly open caylex looks dark enough for successful germination. I figured 8-16 seeds may be created, 3-4 buds were potentially pollinated. Many growers don't understand when creating genetics with female/female there is a slight chance of herm. You lose 50% of your genetic function. Just water last 2 days, no humic no folvic, 1st time entire grow ha! There is a lot of cleaning to do, remove the trees, clean the entire tent and environment with bleach water, hacksaw. I am very proud of my grow. I have sampled 3 of the strains, dr. thunder legit made my lips numb but it could have just been the terps removing my skin cells from the sticky filter, no lie. This is my best grow to date. I did this for you, and to document hype or not under the best conditions I could give my plants, full max potential, although I wish I had more lights, I am not looking for industrial lol, this is how I grow. Learn a lot on youtube and podcasts there is many good content and I may dab into it. You can have a room full of growers and you have 1 seed in your hand, they will all tell you that their way is correct ;) and the best way. Oreo is stinky AF, Bridal is just amazing glad its massive, just not into sativa but the test seemed slight sativa with majority indica, pink untested, dr, thunder just a lip numming plant aha, its very nice, all 4 amazing appeal like advertised, and excited for next run. Either crosses from this or other copycat genetics. I will give you beautiful glamout shots today, the sizes of the plants, My guesstimate bridal 1lb, thunder 1lb, pink, 0.4lb, bridal 0.5, I am ambitious off 640w lm301h, and 4x 20w blurples daisy chained. day 51 4 chopped see you in a few weeks :D
Day79 17/02 4lt ro water 16ml BloomA 16ml BloomB Total 1100 ppm, ph 6,1 Drain 150 ml, 1250 ppm. Day80 18/02 Some Defoliation. Day81 19/02 4lt ro water 2 ml sensi cal mag extra 4 ml growA 4 ml growB 16ml BloomA 16ml BloomB 8 ml Big Bud Total 1300 ppm, ph 6,1 Drain 600 ml, 1550 ppm. Day82 20/02 Some Defoliation. Day83 21/02 4lt ro water 4 ml seni cal mag extra Total 200 ppm, ph 6,1 Drain 1 lt, 1200 ppm. Day85 23/02 Some Defoliation. 900 ppfd. Day85 23/02 4lt ro water 8ml sensi cal mag extra Total 250 ppm, ph 6,1. Drain 800 ml , 1050 ppm.
Pineapple dream is growing like a dream.. the medium looks saturated and the leaves are droopy I must agree but I haven't given her any liquid in 4 days so we wait until she dries up... she looks like in a week or so she will be ready for transplant into the 4 gallon pot for the rest of her life.. i have yeah at least 2 more weeks to go on the Sundae Driver and once that girl is done this pineapple dream will have her very own home where she will be flipped, and as I stated from the beginning, I think i'm going to let her grow naturally.. No topping.. no LST or HST .. i've noticed that I save around 2 months of growing by not doing a bunch of training and I still get a decent harvest.. That's it for this week .. Kannabia seeds thank you for the opportunity to grow this strain .. Definitely, check then out, guys. They have really good stuff. I hope all is well.God bless and happy growing ✌️. Day 23: i transplanted her today into a 4 gallon pot. And in doing so, we had some issues, so i topped it and mainlined it which I said I wasn't going to do but I did it out of necessity, because she was too deep in the pot, because in transplant, she fell apart... Good news is it is a photoperiod so hopefully she recovers no issues.. Happy growing ✌️
They are ready to harvest the Afghani have 15% amber trichomes Black muffin have 20-30% And the papaya zoap ~15-20%
This cheese need some more time to be fully mature
This cheese need some more time to be fully mature
Ready for harvesting Trichomes are ~ 10-15% amber
Ready for harvesting Trichomes are ~ 10-15% amber
Today is the harvest day , you can see the trichomes are ~50% amber and cloudy it's enough for this 😁
So wir befinden uns am Anfang der 9ten Blütewoche Es ist einfach faszinierend was die für die Größe schaffen. Gerade die Blütephase bei dieser Anbauweise verschafft wohl wirklich viel Entspannung ^^ Es wächst so geschmeidig aber doch sicher. Auch wenn man zu den Zeitpunkten auch schon mal zweifelte, die Natur und ihr Streben geraten in Vollendung. Auch komplett Unterstrichen, dass Blattgut ist dem gesamten lauf über sehr Gesund und somit ein guter Kraftanker für die Pflanze. Allgemein wollten wir in diesem lauf, auch eher natura fahren und mehr Blattgut der Pflanze überlassen. Die SQ1 hat davon sehr positiv profitiert für ihre Größe, wirklich schade das unser erhoffter Streck auf der Strecke blieb. Aber der Fehler wird zu dem Zeitpunkt noch im Boden leben liegen. Aber man kann nur besser werden im besten Fall ;-) Ansonsten gibt es nicht soviel zu Berichten außer, dass die Pflanzen in diesem lauf Lilafarbende Trichome aufweisen :-) Wir sind sehr gespannt und freuen uns schon auf den Smoke Report für euch. Vielen Dank und euch allen eine mega Erfolgreiche kommende Woche! VG
They are ready to harvest the Afghani have 15% amber trichomes Black muffin have 20-30% And the papaya zoap ~15-20%
Ladies and gentlemen, here we are at the start of week 3 and so far so good.. She has only gotten a light feeding Maxibloom about .1 tsp per gallon around the edges of the pot, so the roots have to go searching.. I haven't given her any liquid in 4 days in the pot still has some weight to it so i'm gonna give her another day or two before feeding..Kannabia Seeds much appreciated, these genetics are great. All they needed was some good medium, and there isa match made in Heaven .. I hope everybody's doing well and so are their ladies.God bless and heavy growing 🙏 ✌️
Today is the harvest day , you can see the trichomes are ~50% amber and cloudy it's enough for this 😁
Muy buenas a tod@s... Arrancamos la tercera semanita de floración de esta psicodelicia de sweet seed... La variedad la veo bien, quitando algunas hojas que marcan exceso de nutrientes, la dosis del nutrientes siempre es la misma, intento no pasarme x malas experiencias vividas, aunq tanbm hay que decir que cada planta es distinta y necesita o menos o más, de ahí seguro el "exceso"... Las veo muy fuertes y grandes, se la ve que van bien, tiene buen color, rico aroma que se está ordenando ahora y que irá aumentando al pasar las semanas... Tengo fe, son buenas plantas todas, y están muy bien alimentadas y muy bien cuidadas( amor y dedicación tienen)... 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻⚡⚡⚡🤯🤯🤯 Seguire haciendo lo q mejor me sale, TRABAJAR DURO SIEMPRE! ⚕️😎💎 Buenos humos para tod@s!! 🔥🔥🔥💨💨💨 🇦🇷🤝🏻🇪🇦
Muy buenas a tod@s... Arrancamos la tercera semanita de floración d las green1 poison de sweet seed... La variedad la veo bien, quitando algunas hojas que marcan exceso de nutrientes, la dosis del nutrientes siempre es la misma, intento no pasarme x malas experiencias vividas, aunq tanbm hay que decir que cada planta es distinta y necesita o menos o más, de ahí seguro el "exceso"... Las veo muy fuertes y grandes, se la ve que van bien, tiene buen color, rico aroma que se está ordenando ahora y que irá aumentando al pasar las semanas... Tengo fe, son buenas plantas todas, y están muy bien alimentadas y muy bien cuidadas( amor y dedicación tienen)... 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻⚡⚡⚡🤯🤯🤯 Seguire haciendo lo q mejor me sale, TRABAJAR DURO SIEMPRE! ⚕️😎💎 Buenos humos para tod@s!! 🔥🔥🔥💨💨💨 🇦🇷🤝🏻🇪🇦
23/02/2025 plantas com uma semana, entrei com nutrição de 0.60 de ec, tudo está seguindo bem, uma das plantas está sofrendo espero que se recupere logo.