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Bienvenidos a la semana #4 Día #25 (05/06) Salir al exterior ha vuelto sedientas a todas las plantas (también hay mucha evaporación por la parte superior del substrato) Se riega con 250 ml de agua con Bio-Grow, Bio-Bloom y Top Max de Biobizz, ya que todas las plantas han empezado la prefloración Día #26 (06/06) Las Orion F1 no están reaccionando bien al LST. El crecimiento está estancado. No se si he empezado demasiado pronto o esta strain no lo tolera bien. Decido deshacerlo y dejarlas crecer libremente Tal vez retomarlo más tarde cuando empiecen a crecer las ramas laterales... Decido añadir 2 cm de substrato "nuevo" en cada maceta porque el nivel ha bajado demasiado. Entiendo que esto también ayudará a la estabilidad ☺️ Dia #27 (07/06) Todas las plantas han tenido que volver al interior por la inestabilidad meteorológica Crystal Candy XL Auto está creciendo como un cohete! Hay que ajustar el LST todos los días. Ya empieza a parecer una araña! Me encanta cuando veo estas configuraciones en los LST de los diarios y lo estoy consiguiendo 😁 Royal Bluematic también está creciendo muy rápido Northern Lights está algo más lenta. Espero que despegue cuando llegue al stretch Las Orion F1 han reaccionado bien al LST deshecho 😂 Día #29 (09/06) Hace un día soleado y las plantas vuelven al exterior 😋 Ha hecho un día muy cálido y todas las plantas están "secas" Se riegan todas con 250 ml de agua con ph ajustado excepto Northern Lights, que al estar en maceta de tela y más grande (15 litros), se riega con 500 ml de agua ph ajustada El riego siempre alterno sólo agua ph ajustado y agua con es con Bio-Grow, Bio-Bloom y Top Max de Biobizz y ajuste de pH Crystal Candy XL Auto y Royal Bluematic siguen creciendo rápido. Muy rápido en comparación con Orion F1 y Northern Lights que van más lentas... Día #30 (10/06) Hoy ha habido una sorpresa muy especial Crystal Candy XL Auto se está volviendo morada / púrpura! 😍 Al principio pensé que lo había visto mal, porque no he visto ningún diario en que esta strain se vuelva púrpura, pero la mía lo está haciendo! 😁 Estoy muy contento porque siempre he querido cultivar una variedad morada! 😁 Además, ha entrado oficialmente en la etapa de floracion Royal Bluematic sigue creciendo rápido y adaptandose estupendamente al LST Orion F1 parece que está cogiendo algo de velocidad Northern Lights sigue su crecimiento lento. A ver si se acelera! Día #31 (11/06) Esta ha sido la última semana de vegetativo. A ver si las que van más lentas aumentan el tamaño con el stretch! Esto es todo por esta semana Gracias por leerme!
Checkout my Instagram @smallbudz to see the Small budget grow setup for indoor use, low watt, low heat, low noise, step by step. 12/01/2020 - Fed her 1.5l of 6.6PH water with 0,2ml of each: Cal Mag (Atami), Grow, Bloom and Max, and 0,5ml of each: Heaven, Alga-mic and Vera, noticed some run off, I use about 1/4 of the nutrient dosage on the chart, to achieve about 100/150PPM (500 scale). Now using the perfect PPM worsheet made by Grow Boss.
Wow! She has been upgraded to a 4x4 tent with 600w of flowering lights (2x Mars Hydro TSL2000; 300w each) and she is LOVING IT! Continuing on the Early Bloom nute schedule and holding a super-solid pH/EC through the end of this week. Her uptake has started to slow, so I'm thinking that she is close to being done with stretch. She is definitely going crazy with buds as it looks to me like they swell more each day. I've been very happy with her growth so far; impressed even. I'm just hoping that the increased lighting doesn't cause her to herm due to the close distance. Updates will continue weekly, and, until then, Grower Love and thanks for stopping by the garden. ~Spaz
Getting a bit worried, only grew 3cm this week. Was supposed to harvest this coming Tuesday but looks like she might take an extra 2-4 weeks.
Wow! She has been upgraded to a 4x4 tent with 600w of flowering lights (2x Mars Hydro TSL2000; 300w each) and she is LOVING IT! Continuing on the Early Bloom nute schedule and holding a super-solid pH/EC through the end of this week. Her uptake has started to slow, so I'm thinking that she is close to being done with stretch. She is definitely going crazy with buds as it looks to me like they swell more each day. I've been very happy with her growth so far; impressed even. I'm just hoping that the increased lighting doesn't cause her to herm due to the close distance. Updates will continue weekly, and, until then, Grower Love and thanks for stopping by the garden. ~Spaz
at this week u can compare the stems and bush in the videos, keep in mind this is my first hydro grow and i messed the PPM and PH a few times.. also snapped a whole branch of the hydro plant around week 4. still the hydro plant looks bigger and fatter stem. lol
at this week u can compare the stems and bush in the videos, keep in mind this is my first hydro grow and i messed the PPM and PH a few times.. also snapped a whole branch of the hydro plant around week 4. still the hydro plant looks bigger and fatter stem. lol
at this week u can compare the stems and bush in the videos, keep in mind this is my first hydro grow and i messed the PPM and PH a few times.. also snapped a whole branch of the hydro plant around week 4. still the hydro plant looks bigger and fatter stem. lol
Week 6 is has just passed.. Haven't done anything different than last week... She is in FULL FLOWERING... producing hairs like crazy... hope it keeps on like this... fingers crossed👍
So as i said , this is a great strain that i love so much ! He grew so good , so comfortable , all the way from tge start to the end , 0 problems ! I had some work on the scrog net all the way on the first month of flowering ,but it was worth it ! For sure !
So as i said , this is a great strain that i love so much ! He grew so good , so comfortable , all the way from tge start to the end , 0 problems ! I had some work on the scrog net all the way on the first month of flowering ,but it was worth it ! For sure !
Checkout my Instagram @smallbudz to see the Small budget grow setup for indoor use, low watt, low heat, low noise, step by step. 12/01/2020 - Fed her 1.5l of 6.6PH water with 0,2ml of each: Cal Mag (Atami), Grow, Bloom and Max, and 0,5ml of each: Heaven, Alga-mic and Vera, noticed some run off, I use about 1/4 of the nutrient dosage on the chart, to achieve about 100/150PPM (500 scale). Now using the perfect PPM worsheet made by Grow Boss.
On the grow itself, I just got twice as much yield with 1/3 fewer plants by switching to coco and CocoTek, I would count that a win. Zero stress so I was right, grow them without stress and you will be rewarded. Just the easiest best smelling little plant to grow. Always germs well and produces long as you treat her right. It loved the CocoTek and Soul Peak finisher FIVE STARS ON BOTH add them to the list GD! If anyone needs help growing in coco coir get this book! Coco for Cannabis - MJ Coco https://www.amazon.com/Coco-Cannabis-Growers-Dr-M-J-ebook/dp/B07G9LR4W2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=LYSB5G978Y1I&keywords=coco+for+cannabis&qid=1579029394&sprefix=coco+for%2Caps%2C267&sr=8-1 1/20 Absolutely the best grow yet for potency, dont want to guess but it's at the strains upper limits I am thinking from the effect.
On the grow itself, I just got twice as much yield with 1/3 fewer plants by switching to coco and CocoTek, I would count that a win. Zero stress so I was right, grow them without stress and you will be rewarded. Just the easiest best smelling little plant to grow. Always germs well and produces long as you treat her right. It loved the CocoTek and Soul Peak finisher FIVE STARS ON BOTH add them to the list GD! If anyone needs help growing in coco coir get this book! Coco for Cannabis - MJ Coco https://www.amazon.com/Coco-Cannabis-Growers-Dr-M-J-ebook/dp/B07G9LR4W2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=LYSB5G978Y1I&keywords=coco+for+cannabis&qid=1579029394&sprefix=coco+for%2Caps%2C267&sr=8-1 1/20 Absolutely the best grow yet for potency, dont want to guess but it's at the strains upper limits I am thinking from the effect.
Man this one is frosty Sawdust is for the thrips 💪
Just getting going again after some mods to my grow box. I’ve replaced the main CFL bulb with an LED and it is much brighter. I also removed the second carbon filter to create more space in the box. The new setup allows for more even space and light distribution and overall more growing space. With the additional light I thought I would try out CO2 so I added an Exhale365 bag. Starting out with 3 plants, 2 Pineapple Express and 1 Pineapple Skunk. There was some type of burn on the first seedling but that was earlier on and it has grown a lot since I first noticed it. I planted the seeds days apart so a few are behind. Growbox summary: * grow space: 19”H x 17”W x 21”D * 4 small, 1 medium internal fans * 3 gallon hydro reservoir * 6 inch exhaust fan + 4 inch exhaust fan in sequence * 150W Mars Hydro TS-1000 (new) * 3 X 20W LED side lights (+1 new) * Exhale CO2 bag (new) Water temps are ranging from 68 up to 70. It’s a small space, but with light covering all sides I think I can get a decent yield. Last time 3.2 ounces were harvested from it. Hoping to hit 5 ounces this time by creating fewer, but larger colas. Day 6 update: * The pinex-1 is looking a little funky. It has weird leaf growth, some minor defects in color, super short compared to the others, and the first leafs are starting to canoe a little. * pinex-2 and pskunk are looking good and growing well, but the leaves aren’t very green. * decided to bump up nutrients a little by moving to week 2 on the schedule and diluting to 60%. That took the ppm up from 400(200 base) to 630(210 base). Hoping if they weren’t getting enough nutrients that this will fix it. * the new light might be a little to bright for these babies. Dimmed it to about 75% power.