This new 2 x 2 x 55 design packs everything you could want INSIDE a 100% Wi-Fi / Smart enabled grow cabinet; including a reservoir chiller. You can easily adjust and view all your variables remotely. No more guessing or endless A/B testing.
We’ve been running this new cabinet design empty for 10 days. We can keep the temperature within 1-2 degree, and the humidity within “2-4%” of our desired schedule (excluding full room exchanges); INSIDE the grow cabinet. We are implementing dual humidity system, so we will have adequate humidity inside this box without swimming in the high humidity in the office. Should help significantly with keeping LVPD in check without turning my desk into a swamp. Secondary humidifiers on the way.
Three seeds are soaking today. Maybe I’ll have something in the hopper soon!
Just created some software logic and added secondary humidifier into the grow box today and was able to bring the the humidity differential into check. I don’t have much faith in this 2 liter humidifier but I have room to squeeze another in on the other side if it drinks too fast. It’s on all the time with exhaust requirement. I can now keep my office around 50% and the box in the lower 60’s at canopy, with a 5-6 degree temp differential between the inside box and ambient. WAY better since I have to work in here too, and will get me in an ideal LVPD range. To get in the 60’s inside the box before meant my humidity in the office was close to 80% at times. Yikes. No dice with the “m” word. We’ll see how all the tech plays together for the next day or so. Beans should pop in the next day or two?
Today added smart energy monitor outlet on grow cabinet and another for heating, cooling, humidity and circulation. This configures into our app too!
System is just about dialed in with all variables in check. One bean crack today, so time to get the loose ends tied, and let her do her thing.
All three seeds cracked today. Stuck them into 3 mini humidity domes filled with RW, and placed them in the grow cabinet.