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Decided to turn on my bloom lights on my Optic 2 Gen 3 LED which incrediblely increased the temp so lucky 🍀 I have a carbon filter from ac infinity “4 and a inline fan from Vivosun which really work great to suck the stagnant hot air out of my 32”x32”x72” tent. Other then that have been feeding these girl Urb& liquid seaweed and they seem to be loving it. Would love to make a compost tea soon.
Another week checked off and looking pretty good. 1st nutes were are little heavy a think with a little bite burn so have dialled it right back (only fed twice) nothing since. Overall all the girls seem healthy & happy apart from one... She seems to start drooping before the others at the end of the day and just seems less lively. She’s drinking about the same as the others so not sure. Will just keep watching not panic and see what happens. Think the stretch has just about stopped and I’ve filled up the canopy pretty well. Hopefully just big fat stinky buds from here... Spent quite a bit of time on YouTube etc learning this week. Feel like I’ve spotted a few places I’m still going wrong but some easy fixes so all good feel richer for the experience etc... Thanks for reading have a great week 😊
I bought a Mars hydro 600 and she has loved it! I think she’s close, one more week my guess. I will give her some nutes in a couple days. A huge branch decided to leave the plant, so I got it to dry and then I’ll compare the high from each chop time. The trichromes are clear to milky. I think she’ll have time to get mostly milky and a bit amber in a week, I want an up high and not at all couchlock.
In diesere Woche gibt es nicht viel zu erzählen.....was nicht optimal läuft ist, dass ich wegen der RLF in der Dunkelphase den Luftbefeuchter aus dem Zelt genommen habe und diesen durch ein Entfeuchter ausgetauscht habe. Ich bekomme wegen Platzmangel im Zelt nur 1 Gerät aufgestellt, für mehr ist kein Platz. Das hat zur Folge das meine RLF in der Tagphase auf 34 % sinkt. Hier hätte ich gerne 45 % , bekomme es aber nicht hin🙁. Die Fütterung läuft gut, keine Über oder Unterdüngung. Temperatur fast perfekt.... in dieser Woche kein Flush, keine Entlaubung oder ähnliches....die aktive Zuluft war die ganze Woche an! Aktuell habe ich ein ganz gutes Gefühl! Immerhin sind es noch bestimmt 30 Tage bis zum Harvest Day Peace
На этой неделе заменил наконец уголь в фильтре, постирал предфильтр, и подключил всё это дело через новенький воздуховод - теперь, надеюсь, запах меня не побеспокоит до конца цикла. В остальном же всё по плану: продолжаю тренировки, обрезаю всё лишнее, подгибаю основные магистрали. После незначительной неудачи на старте оба расстнения набрали отличную форму, и продолжают меня радовать. На следующей неделе буду устанавливать ScrOG, опыт для меня новый, а поэтому интересный вдвойне - заходите посмотреть👍👊 Показатели дренажа в норме. Спасибо, что заглянули, и будьте здоровы! 🙏 Продолжение следует ...😶
Hello Diary. We have reached the end of the cycle of this fragrant beauty. There will be a harvest in 2-3 days.😍 Every day I use a small microscope to check when it will be ready. When the trichomes start to turn brown, then I will have a harvest, everything is already prepared. 💪 As can be seen in the pictures, most of the leaves are completely yellowed, the flowers themselves are beautiful green. 😀 At the end of the week I did a defoliation, I took off all the bigger leaves to give them better airiness in those last days and to give the flowers a little more energy. 💪 Watering is every three days and on her 61st day was the last watering before harvest. p.H of water before watering I regulate with Plagron’s Lemon Kick. Always between 6.2 and 6.3 The temperature and humidity in the Box are great, almost ideal for this phase. 👌 Let’s take a look at what Fat Banana’s last week looked like. 21/11/2020 - Day 58. Watering. p.H of water I regulated to 6.3. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 24.5 degrees and 38% humidity. 24/11/2020 - Day 61. Watering. Same procedure as three days earlier. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 25.1 degrees and 40% humidity. 26/11/2020 - Day 63. Photography and defoliation. As I wrote earlier, I removed all the larger leaves for better airflow and to give the flowers a little more energy. I photographed Fat Banana for the last week of flowering, since I will have a harvest in a few days, I will take the final photos on a black background. I'm really looking forward to it. In the end, what to say? Considering the scent and the beautiful flowers, the harvest will be great. See you soon with the last post for this beauty.
Friday, Feb. 19th. Today Iam going to make a Grow just for me I bought in November the 25 Years Anniversary Box from T.H. -Seeds Today ive chosen the Bubblegum Its just because ive grown it once and only had 1 Plant ( clone) and it was soooo delicious We will see if i can repeat that Taste with the " Legendary Bubblegum" from T.H.-Seeds As I have a bigger Growspace, these Girls are going to start under 12/12 Lightschedule Starting in 3l Airpots and then transplanting into 11l Amended Soilmix ( RQS Easy Boost Organic Nutrient) I took 3 Seeds, they were looking quite lightgreen--------and put them into a Glass of lukewarm Water for a few Hours Tomorrow i am going to make Further Germination under a wet Kitchensponge Saturday Feb. 27th. Those seeds took longer to Germinate than the other Strains But on saturday Roots were long enough to Plant them Monday Plants show barely up... still in Shell... one looking like wilted yeah we will see in the next 2 days who made it Girls are growing under 12/12 in the Big Tent. its quite dry here ( RH 40 or less) and they have to fight more, than in the other Tents But in the End.... Cannabis grows under nearly every Condition... its just the Question how good so stay tuned for the next update.... in week 1 Stay Tuned Saturday Feb.20th After a few Hours sokaing into Water, they moved under a wet Kitchensponge for further Germination Then they are covered and placed on a warm Spot. Breeders Information: Bubblegum is one of the first strain in T.H. Seeds collection. It was created in 1993. Today Bubblegum is an outstanding and famous cannabis variety with a big amount of awards. The plant demonstrates a good stabillity. It has a quite short size and reaches to 120-160 cm tall. The harvest comes after 55-60 days of the flowering and produces yields of 350-500 gr/m2. The smoke provides an intense fruity flavor and a mostly indica effect.
Dobrý den a áhoj vítejte v poslednim týdnu kvetení 🤟🌱 Poslušně hlásím proplachuji 4 den 🤗 7 dní schází k dokončení procesu🌱🤠 Květiny vypadají skvěle.👊😉 na první sklizeň teda. AŤ PŘÍŠTĚ VYPADAJÍ LÍP!!!!!!!!! podle mikroscopu cca 15 - 20 procent jantar trichom☺️ 106 den - po proplachu zdá se být vysoká vlhkost 😂 cca 40% - přidán odvlhčovač👍po 2 hodinách 30%, 107.den 🌱 proplach ph 6.3 ec 0,42👏 108.den kontrola trichomu, průměrně kolem 40 % jantar 😉 mohl jsem o týden víc podávat živiny.. 109.den nic nedělám jen se dívám✌️ 110.den poslední 3 dny nechám vyschnout vodu a sekera🤫 111. Den video , kontrola trichomu 60% ,zítra sekera🌶️🌶️ 112.den sklizeň proběhla dobře ☺️ ted 10 - 14 dní sušení a jedem bomby , Barneys farm těším se 🤗🤗🤗 jsem připraven na vaše kmeny !!!🥇
Monday, March 1st. The Cbd grows very good. lots of laterals she quadrosized in the last Week. Looking fresh and strong, als already smelly.. gassy green
Неделя прошла отлично! Дал первый компот на цветение! Были пожелтело некоторые нижние и старые листья, но компот похоже хороший и все по ходит в норму) Ещё немного делал лст, следущий наверно буду делать когда они ещё подрастут! Продолжаю бороться с жарой. Следующую неделю надеюсь дневник буду вести лучше)
My first attempt at a scrog and only started it at day 7 of flower so a real rush job. Very happy with the outcome, bud quality is very high as is flavour and all from a 20L pot.
My first attempt at a scrog and only started it at day 7 of flower so a real rush job. Very happy with the outcome, bud quality is very high as is flavour and all from a 20L pot.
So I've switched to the big bloom fertilizer from fox farm. Staying with the same amount and feeding schedule on both plants. But I will only be recording plant ones progress from here on out. I can see where quite a few bud nodules have formed. I've started every other day to slowly remove all the large fan leaves on the plant. I want all the new nutrients from the new fertilizer to go to the nodule spots instead of in the fans. So far I think it's looking really good at this age.