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The buds start to swell and turn purple, only 10 weeks from seed she goes faster then my autoflowers
Pretty happy with progress so far , Running a ph of 6.5 and running bio diesel nutes everything seems to be in sink so far so happy with progress .Any advise and tips on growing autos much appreciated .
💩Alrighty then Growmies We Are Back At it 💩 Well folks we just finished up the last run and so we are bad to do it all over again 😁 So what do you say we have some fun 👈 We got some Z & Z 🚗 🚘 🚗 🚘 👉 From Exotic Seeds Well we are just 63 days and folks shes doing pretty good 👌 She's going to be chopped here in the next day or too 👈 So I am super happy thus far👍 smells awsome 😊 very sweet 😊 FC4800 from MarsHydro Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍I've added a UR45 to the mix👈 👉I am using Agrogardens for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 Agrogardens Cal MAG Agrogardens Grow A+B Agrogardens Bloom A+B Agrogardens Bud Booster Agrogardens PK13/14 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈 Would you like to hang with the growdiary community 👉 👈
Muy bueno un que se me complicaron algunos detalles muy pocos pero el resto todo bien actualizare en 2 semanas para lo g en seco
the girl is hot, it's 31° in the tent, but she continues her work :) the rings look great:) the girl got 3 liters of water with 6.3 ph this week :) not much left until the finish line :)
Привет друзья! Вот и прошла ещё одна неделя. На мой взгляд растение развивается не много медленней, чем положено. Вчера начал кормить, посмотрю на динамику. Всем мира и добра!
Comienza la 4 semana de vegetativo y a todas se les ha aplicado una poda apical, no muestras síntoma de estrés y lo ha asimilado muy bien. Les daré 3 o 4 días y haré la primera poda de bajos antes de entrar en floración! Saludos y buenos humos
Привет друзья мои! Моё растение остановтдось в росте и я не могу понять из-за чего. Все мои растения растут в одинаковых условиях. Что с этим малышом случилось, не понятно! Возможно попалась плохая генетика! Всем мира и добра и хорошей генетики!
Всем привет! Моему малашу сегодня 11 дней. Выглядит здоровым и счасиливым. Поливаю водой, ни чем не кормлю Признаков болезни и нехватки элементов не замечено! Всем и мира и добра!
5/10 Got up super early for wife's appointment at 7 came home and transplanted 4 of the purple punches. Transplants went good. Soil was too dry and a couple fell right in the hole but I was messing around showing my dad. It just got dropped in the hole a little harder lol. The other that happened to is fine though. Definitely make sure your soil is moist enough before transplanting. My transplanting technique for 3 gallon is to put soil on bottom. Set cup in at appropriate distance then replace cup with plant with soil filled cup and fill around it. Leaves the perfect hole. Then you just snip the cups twice on each side, peel it down and fold the cup down and cradle the bottom and in the hole it goes! Holes have mykoscand a little like water. I water a little after transplant. I misted soil whole mixing it up. 5/11 Dad left the windows open last night "because the soil smell was bothering Lynda." I couldn't ficking believe it. They were all fine when I got back but still. Everything is transplanted into 3 gallon containers bit that 1 purple punch that is a little bit dwarfed. I looked at the bottom of the cup and drainage wasn't as good. Must've been the last cup and the jail didn't go all the way through in a couple places. I increased the drainage on that little dwarf and I'll transplant it when I get time. We are going to have some good weather coming up. I need to get my cage moved, my bags sanitized and get on a good watering routine. UPDATE: Went back over at four and everything's dry as fuck but the leaves are uo and every one of them looks happy so I'm holding off watering. I'll start with a quart probably tomorrow. Also cleaned out tge cage and secured the handles to move it. Only thing left is cleaning and sanitizing. These girls have a south facing window and they LOVE it. It was 80 today. I hope we have an early season. 5/12 Transplanted the last purple punch today. I could easily tell the problem was drainage. It was the last cup I had stacked when I drove the nail threw so it didn't pierce all the way the the other slips and tac holes apparently weren't enough. Used mykos and same soil mixture. Soil was extremely dry. I lifted a pot with dry soil and these were heavier. Commercial buddy said to start with a quart a pliant and see how it goes but I kind pussed out and only gave them 24fl 0z a plant. Half the quart. I asked if I should water more and he said to just wait and see how they like this water and up it to a quart next time maybe quart and a half. Im just leery of overwatering. When i watered SOME of them the water literally just sat there and took forever to absorb. Plants werent wilting though. Soon theyll be going outside during the day and in mdoors at night. UPDATE: Went back over at two and everything looks AMAZING. Healthiest looking plants I've grown. Leaves all pointed up. I'm taking my commercial dudes advice and hoping the water next watering. For now, they're doing amazing. 5/13 Everything is doing greatcso far. Gotta figure out when to start nutes. Considering adding silica but don't want to raise ph to much. I'll consult with others but my the soil blend I'm using is full of nutes. 5/14 Rushed morning and I wanted to water bit the plants looked great still. Sticking my hands deeper I can feel a little moisture deeper down or in the drain holes so I decided to give the blueberry cheese and the 10th planet a "touch of kindness" which was a small circle of water from a small watering can around the outside edge of whete the rootball should lid be. I'm working on getting a watering g schedule down. UPDATE: Went back over at five and everything was looking good with leaves praying. Maybe my half measure helped. Doubtful but still. Tomorrow I plan to water. Since the soil has tons of nites ill probably hold off a little while longer before starting the nutrient schedule. I want to make sure I've got the watering down first. One thing at a time. 5/15 The 10th planet and Blueberry Cheesecgot their first REAL watering since transplant. Still being cautious I watered 28fl Oz a plant. I phed the water with an indicator solution and ph down. I gave the purple punches a "cup of kindness" which was a circle of water around the transplant hole. Can't waif to get a watering schedule down. I wanted to start nutes but my soil is full of them and i believe it's too early. I didn't see ANY run off from this watering. I think that's good as I'm not looking to wash away the nutes in the expensive soil I use. I need to start HST as well but I'm doing things proper and "one at a time". That way if I run into a problem I'll know what I did and how to rectify it. At least I hope. UPDATE: Went back over at 3 leary that I may have "overwatered" but the plants ALL looked AMAZING and had shot up like an inch! Looking into hst and will probable fim a few. Top a few and leave one to grow naturally. Can't wait to see how these girls do outside. 5/16 Wow. Just wow. Plants are doing phenomenal! Since the watering went really well I watered the purple punch bit I only used about 16fl Oz as the plants were a little smaller than the others. I'll up it to a quart next time like I did with the others. I want to USE the nutes in my soil so im not washing them all away by watering to run off. I topped 2 10th planet's and FIMed one of them. I want to see how the respond then I'll begin training the others. Off to a Great Start! 5/17 Glad I held off watering. It's raining today. Just showers. We haven't gotten any of that extreme wind we usually do. I have the plants supported but I still worry. Definitely more than I should. Plants are still doing good and acclikatimg to their new homes.
Привет друзья! Как смог спас растние, уж очень я их люблю и рука не поднимается выкинуть. Первый раз покормил на стадии начала цветении. Вчера ещё раз покормил. Шишки ещё набирают массу. Растение маленькое и явно с нарушением генетик, но я полюбил эту малышку. Как и обещал покажу в конце еще одно растние этого сорта. Тоже маленькое но очень красивое! Всем мира, добра и хорошей генетики!
Nothing to be mentioned, the plants reek like crazy, I cannot keep tent open for too long without stinking up the entire house. Other than that, they are freaking amazing. Will probably start flushing next week, if the trichomes start turning brown. Loving this strain, sooooo strong and tasty and this clone looks even better than the plant.