Day 30: Switching to Bloom and Iguana Bloom replaced veg and adding BB to push the process.
Picked up a pressure sprayer/mister to get the Grease and Golden Goddess more involved on a foliage level.
I think I'm gonna water again @ the start of light cycle tomorrow with VPT along with my Carbo load, B2 Budx and Rhino and turn light up for a few.
Day 31: Went on and watered my plants this morning with a health doese of the VPT mix to get all of my soil moist this morning and have been monitoring. Think the root system is appreciating it because I defoliated and already looking lush agai
Can't wait til I'm knock'n on heavens door!!!!
Day 32: Just fed 2nd bloom feeding with a twist. I got to reading about how to mix the Bud Blood and found that it is very strong and that you should mix to dissolve in warm water.
I have a lab mixer so mixed a liter with a tsp for a mix with the dropper when needed. Glad i got the mixology recommendation early enough.
Have not really been holding back on the feeding and am pretty generous with my nutrients, so going for big results.
Smoking some Green Crack right now and just hope my GC is as good as this I'm smoking now.
Day33: My plants are sleep and I'm not so that means I'm thinking about grow stuff. So I fed my 2nd bud blood feeding yesterday around the middle of light cycle. 3:30am in the dark they are wilting a bit. I mean I understand without photosynthesis there is wilting especially if nutrients are in the plant. In a 7 day cycle these girls are getting water every 24hours wether feeding or roots(that VTP mix gets toggled with add in's for root health) but think that in this bloom phase, gonna start feeding @ beginning of light cycle to get as much photosynthesis hours with the Bud Blood as I can so that the nutrients work as they should. Not wanting my plants to "burn" with the nutrients under that 6......
the 1.
Today will be working and watching and will probably give em time to kind of just get adjusted for these next 5 weeks. I have a mix of Grease and Golden Goddess that I will spray when they awake and will be monitoring temperature and humidity to keep my VPD in 1.7 area.
Day 34: So started the light cycle with my 2nd feeding in the bloom stage. Got a healthy feed on with some added cal-mag to ensure that I don't get any type of nutrient lock.
Pretty impressed with the BB as my plant's are starting to show her flowers. There like dots of star's all over my grow.
Have been slacking on the defoliation and considering lollipop but since these are AF and this is my first grow to let em kind of just grow and keep the light bright.
Already thinking about my next grow and these FF's!!!! That's gonna be my winter grow and going to use the knowledge from this grow towards that grow.
Day 35:Got 2 more feed cycles with the BB but might go with igniter on a few now that budding is starting.
Observing for now and thinking maybe one more deflation but looking great.