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Day 9. All is running very nice. Happy with light performace a lot. Girls missed wind a bit, but i cant make it faster, because of neighbours and sound, so i took humidity dome away. TSL2000 runs 40 cm away and on 40% output. Girls get daily shower , try to keep some wet cloth to maintain humidity. Happy Growing !!!
First Week for me to Start Documenting this Grow. It took a while for them to get to this point. Started the Seedlings on the window sill and the growth was pretty slow before i moved my tent from my garage to my house. From there on they grew pretty fine and really enjoyed beeing inside now. This should be week 2
First Week for me to Start Documenting this Grow. It took a while for them to get to this point. Started the Seedlings on the window sill and the growth was pretty slow before i moved my tent from my garage to my house. From there on they grew pretty fine and really enjoyed beeing inside now. This should be week 2
Let’s start with the smell absolutely wonderful it’s floral & sweet it reminds me a jasmine green tea🤤 The buds are SUPER sticky✂️ See you in one month for the smoke review Take care 😎 Oh & happy new year
Let’s start with the smell absolutely wonderful it’s floral & sweet it reminds me a jasmine green tea🤤 The buds are SUPER sticky✂️ See you in one month for the smoke review Take care 😎 Oh & happy new year
What a world of difference a week can make when growing auto-flowers. I did a lot of maintenance on these girls the last couple of days. See pics and videos. Two of the plants have stretched out nicely. The other three are falling behind, but looking very nice. There is a strong citrus smell happening right now. Smells like I have a tent full of fresh lemons. Started using Big Bud and Bud Candy this past week. Tent 2as getting quite crowded, so I also moved the water reservoir on the outside of the tent. It was very hard to cut a lot of those beautiful buds off the plants, but I think it will pay off. I also got the new Vivosun Grow Cams, so far I like them, but I do have some feed back.
What a world of difference a week can make when growing auto-flowers. I did a lot of maintenance on these girls the last couple of days. See pics and videos. Two of the plants have stretched out nicely. The other three are falling behind, but looking very nice. There is a strong citrus smell happening right now. Smells like I have a tent full of fresh lemons. Started using Big Bud and Bud Candy this past week. Tent 2as getting quite crowded, so I also moved the water reservoir on the outside of the tent. It was very hard to cut a lot of those beautiful buds off the plants, but I think it will pay off. I also got the new Vivosun Grow Cams, so far I like them, but I do have some feed back.
Let’s start with the smell absolutely wonderful it’s floral & sweet it reminds me a jasmine green tea🤤 The buds are SUPER sticky✂️ See you in one month for the smoke review Take care 😎 Oh & happy new year
Let’s start with the smell absolutely wonderful it’s floral & sweet it reminds me a jasmine green tea🤤 The buds are SUPER sticky✂️ See you in one month for the smoke review Take care 😎 Oh & happy new year
Leaf tucking wasn't doing much, far too bushy so I started just to let it go. Cut some lowers after the pic was taken.
Well, not the biggest yield from my little mainline...28g of keeper buds and 28 grams of trim and little buds for RSO. The smell from the buds is hard to pinpoint. A little pine, a little sweet, a little chicken soup. Very much on the earthy side and affects are smooth and sedating. 100% some chill, social smoke or great for anxiety.
What a world of difference a week can make when growing auto-flowers. I did a lot of maintenance on these girls the last couple of days. See pics and videos. Two of the plants have stretched out nicely. The other three are falling behind, but looking very nice. There is a strong citrus smell happening right now. Smells like I have a tent full of fresh lemons. Started using Big Bud and Bud Candy this past week. Tent 2as getting quite crowded, so I also moved the water reservoir on the outside of the tent. It was very hard to cut a lot of those beautiful buds off the plants, but I think it will pay off. I also got the new Vivosun Grow Cams, so far I like them, but I do have some feed back.
What a world of difference a week can make when growing auto-flowers. I did a lot of maintenance on these girls the last couple of days. See pics and videos. Two of the plants have stretched out nicely. The other three are falling behind, but looking very nice. There is a strong citrus smell happening right now. Smells like I have a tent full of fresh lemons. Started using Big Bud and Bud Candy this past week. Tent 2as getting quite crowded, so I also moved the water reservoir on the outside of the tent. It was very hard to cut a lot of those beautiful buds off the plants, but I think it will pay off. I also got the new Vivosun Grow Cams, so far I like them, but I do have some feed back.
Moinsen, Tag 7: Ich hab schon wieder Thripse im hinteren Blähton gehabt, aber Plant Diddy hat genug Neemöl am Start. 💦 Ansonsten sieht alles gut und gleichmäßig aus. Tag 10: Die Thripse habe ich in den Griff bekommen denke ich, allerdings hat die letzte Dusche dann ein paar Spuren hinterlassen. Die Blätter der ersten Nodie sehen etwas trocken und angebrannt aus. Trotzdem sind sie ordentlich gewachsen und man kann jetzt schon sehen, dass die Black Dog etwas langsamer ist, als die anderen beiden. Das führe ich darauf zurück, dass sie eine andere Auto in der Genetik hat, als die anderen beiden. Sie hat die Super Auto drin und die anderen beiden haben die XL Auto drin. Im Moment scheint das Aer-DWC die Nase minimal vorne zu haben, was sich aber noch ändern kann und vermutlich auch wird. Endlich mal die in der Mitte, die groß werden will, hoffentlich 😅 Die ersten Ein-Finger-Blätter sind ziemlich groß und sie versuchen sogar noch Finger abzuspalten. Wirkt zuerst ein wenig Ducksfoot mäßig, aber das kenne ich schon aus vorherigen Runs. Ich bin jedenfalls hoch erfreut, dass sie ohne Zusätze so gut wachsen. Ich nutze dieses Mal kein Rhizotonic und auch keinen Boost. Es bleibt bei Vega/Flores A+B, Calmag Agent, PK13/14 und Cannazym 1/2 Dosis. Das Licht läuft im 24/0 Zyklus bei ca. 350 µmol/s/m², also einem DLI von ca. 30 mol/d/m². Dadurch habe ich keine Temperatur Diff. mehr, da es ja keine Nacht in dem Sinne mehr gibt und ich kann dadurch die Lichtintensität etwas vermindern. Ich erhoffe mir dadurch weniger Lichtstress, trotz hohem DLI und absolut gleichmäßige Umgebungsbedingungen, die sich überhaupt nicht ändern. Dadurch kann ich mich genauer an die Leistungsgrenzen rantasten, da die normalerweise vorhandene Dynamik in der Optik von Tag zu Nacht so statisch bleibt, anstatt dass die Blätter im Zyklus "rudern". Mal schauen, wie dieser Test so verläuft, aber bisher auf jeden Fall schon einmal deutlich besser, als ich es erwartet habe. Aber man soll ja den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben....😅 Tag 12: Heute habe ich ein Video gemacht und danach leider erst festgestellt, dass die Black Orchid Auto erstmal so motiviert ist, dass sie sogar an den Keimblättern noch extra Finger bekommt. Sieht zumindest so aus. Ansonsten geht es ihnen gut, sie wachsen extrem schnell und der Run wird vermutlich wieder awesome, ich hab da so ein Gefühl 💪👽👍
OK guys I've shut them down to 4hrs light a day for 2 days now. They have really filled out those buds and are looking extra sugary. I have been watering with 140ppm water at 6.2-7 pH with flawless finish for 6 days now. I have just given them probably the last watering will leave them for another 3-5 days on 4hr schedule before turning lights off for 2 days and then harvesting. Next diary will be the harvest!! I hope nothing goes tits up from here😂
Какое же красивое растение!!! Аромат яблока 🍏 и сладостей, есть нотки дизеля.
Woche 6 startet wie gewohnt ohne Probleme. Die Buds werden dicker und schwerer. RLF pendelt aktuell zwischen 45-52%, Temperaturen schwanken etwas mehr von 18-26°C. Noch halten die Buds sich von alleine aber ich denke zum Ende der Woche könnten sie Stützen gebrauchen. Der Geruch im Zelt ist extrem. Sie stinkt so stark, das ich das Zelt nicht lange offen lassen kann.😎 Die Masse der Blüten ist auch ziemlich gut. Wird bestimmt heftig.
General —— Grounded Genetics - Zilk Road: Growth is great! SQ1 - GRCxBBC #1: Small buds but frosty & smelly! Smells like ice cold grape GasStation - Gush Mints x Grape Cream Cake: Doing fine so far except the light burn on one top Lit Farms - Black Rainbow: Growth is great and she get's frostier! Nutes —— Added PK 13/14 at half strength and will continue to do so the next two weeks unless nute burn gets worse. CalMag is at 0.6ml/l Canna Coco A&B is at 2ml/l Canna PK 13/14 is at 0.75ml/l Rhino Skin stays at 1ml/l Light —— DLI is around 30 and 40 for the ones in the back as they are tall. Training —— No Training