Lets go. This is my old stealth boomgrowbox. Led is 47w 3000k and cost 13€. Computer fan is sucking air trough carbonfilter. Filter is years old but still keep most of the smells. Inside dimensions are 36x40x120cm. I grow different strains with same setup every time so let see what strain takes victory in this battle. Plan is Seed to water for 24h and straight in to the middle of 6-7L sub-irrigation pot. I think this pot gives most equal watering for each fighter. Dome for until it breaks the surface. LST begin at day 15. No defoliation. First grow basicly set the rules. Let see how it goes when we get that far 🤣 Soil is from local shop. With mykorhiza. 80%soil 20%perlite. Clay pebbles over after dome moves away. As nutrients we have Terra aquatica drypart grow/bloom/late bloom. Be there on he squirrel. Ps. I am pretty sure going to kill couple Girls cause im so bad at growing in soil. Just let me know what im doing wrong. With High Hopes 🍀
Week 8 Day 49 Week 3 of flower FINALLY I think shes done stretching!! She definitely went a LOT longer, than I thought. Canopy is broken all to hell, spacing is a little cramped, but it is still working out fantasticly! The buds look like tiny pineapples or cone heads. Let the swell go! Biggest lady yet! Packed her with another 8ml kelp and 1 tsp recharge. 3-13 Day 52 from seed, week 4 flowerish. More so playing with pictures. Very pleased with progress. Buds lookin nice! Enjoy!
so she got a trim and cleaned up a bit i am allowing a bit too much grow because i will clone it, this week just plain water and a couple of sun baths to save on electricity
Hey guys and welcome to start of Week 8! 🌻 Today is day 21 of flower so i went ahead and cut most of the plats Fanleaves off. It took a while but now the Airmovement is improved and the humidity should also be lower. I also hope I didn‘t stress them too much. From now on they will be reseaving less and less Nitrogen going forward. I hope the colours come through as well 🤞🏻 Thanks for following along and I will keep updating the progress. Happy growing 🍀
3/13/2024 Day 49 from sprout 🌱 Love the way this watermelon is developing 😍 She is dinking about 3/4 a gallon every 3 days and being fed once a week. Smells are getting stronger... kind of a sweet/pungent aroma. Nice long pistils, frost is starting to appear 👍 Thanks for the visit and happy growing ✌️
Hi all👨‍🌾👋 Welcome to my another week update Hope everyone keeping well 🧑‍🌾 Week 5 Mar 1 - Mar 7 What a joyful grow. Both girls are almost like twins. Super healthy and strong. Girls are in pre-flower and going head to head in development. Not expecting them to grow super tall but time will show. Considering to let them grow freely and not installing scrog net. This idea may change in coming days. 2 waterings of 2.5 l on Mar 2+ foliar feeding and second in Mar 7. May take another week before first runoff experience. Continously leaves tucking. Girls are responding perfectly to feeding like also to my LST. I am very happy and excited of what's to come 😁🧑‍🌾 Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week✨🍀 Much appreciate all your likes, follows and comments. 🙏💚❤️💜 Peace and love brothers and sisters 👨‍🌾✌️💚 Stay tuned for new week update soon Links https://2fast4buds.com/seeds/TROPICANA-COOKIES-AUTO https://www.biobizz.com/ https://fishheadfarms.com/
Hi all👨‍🌾👋 Welcome to my another week update Hope everyone keeping well 🧑‍🌾 Week 5 Mar 1 - Mar 7 What a joyful grow. Both girls are almost like twins. Super healthy and strong. Girls are in pre-flower and going head to head in development. Not expecting them to grow super tall but time will show. Considering to let them grow freely and not installing scrog net. This idea may change in coming days. 2 waterings of 2.5 l on Mar 2+ foliar feeding and second in Mar 7. May take another week before first runoff experience. Continously leaves tucking. Girls are responding perfectly to feeding like also to my LST. I am very happy and excited of what's to come 😁🧑‍🌾 Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week✨🍀 Much appreciate all your likes, follows and comments. 🙏💚❤️💜 Peace and love brothers and sisters 👨‍🌾✌️💚 Stay tuned for new week update soon Links https://2fast4buds.com/seeds/TROPICANA-COOKIES-AUTO https://www.biobizz.com/ https://fishheadfarms.com/
Hi all👨‍🌾👋 Welcome to my another week update Hope everyone keeping well 🧑‍🌾 Week 5 Mar 1 - Mar 7 What a joyful grow. Both girls are almost like twins. Super healthy and strong. Girls are in pre-flower and going head to head in development. Not expecting them to grow super tall but time will show. Considering to let them grow freely and not installing scrog net. This idea may change in coming days. 2 waterings of 2.5 l on Mar 2+ foliar feeding and second in Mar 7. May take another week before first runoff experience. Continously leaves tucking. Girls are responding perfectly to feeding like also to my LST. I am very happy and excited of what's to come 😁🧑‍🌾 Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week✨🍀 Much appreciate all your likes, follows and comments. 🙏💚❤️💜 Peace and love brothers and sisters 👨‍🌾✌️💚 Stay tuned for new week update soon Links https://2fast4buds.com/seeds/TROPICANA-COOKIES-AUTO https://www.biobizz.com/ https://fishheadfarms.com/
03👹👺YOOOO GANG UPDATE!!!!! So its now Week 6 of veg lots of things have happened this week!!!! LETS GET INTO IT!!!!: 1) Did another flush again today and upped the feeding amount to 1040ppm from 955 wanted to see more growth 2) DID HAVE A SIDE BRANCH CRACK IN HALF about 60% BREAK FMLLL!!! Happened during super cropping one of the branches Even though i had done it fine week in and week out, real learning lesson, anyways. 3) Repaired it and now waiting for it to heal, crossing fingers hoping it is going to be okay, other then that though she okay, 4) Did do another topping to all the split points and also a light defoil of lower leaves that arent going to get much light, and larfs. 5) Will update accordingly not going to lie, drain and fill DWC is not as easy as i thought it would be anyways gang CHEERS LFG!!!! 6) THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY COULD NOT BE WHERE I AM WITHOUT YALLS HELP THANKS!!!!!👽👽👽 ≈============================== =============================== 👽03/17/2024- Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!! The best month of the year for me, it's My birthday day month which happens to be 2 days after st Patty's day love the green lfgggg! Hope all are well as for GFOG she is chugging along go scope her out!!! 👹👽🤯
Day 19 since flip, not much to report. Top dress today of 4-8-4 rose and flower mix from down to earth with a little worm castings. Almost done with stretch. Back two are Gary Poppins (Gary Payton x Red Runtz). One on the left is stretching to the moon, definitely a Gary leaner, and the one on the right turned out to be the smallest plant of the five, definitely a Runtz leaner. Plain ph’d tap water and that’s it 🌡️: 77-80 F 💡: 65% @ 20 inches 💦:60%
Lunes 11 de marzo 7 am de 2024: Se dejaran hidratando las semillas por 24 hrs. Martes 12 de marzo 7 am de 2024: pasamos a papel dejamos por 24 hrs. Miércoles 13 de marzo 10 am de 2024: revisamos las semillas y vamos preparando macetas pequeñas para transplante. Miercoles 13 de Marzo 3:30 pm se traspasa a tierra. Viernes 15 de marzo 11:47 pm 2024, ya que abrieron bien se pone bajo lámpara 100w a 30 cm de distancia, tienen domo protector! El lunes en la nueva semana subimos el avance, hasta el Lunes... Sábado 16 de marzo 2024, de las 3 semillas la 1 ya abrió completamente, 2 y 3 están por abrir completamente.
This week I defoliated all the flowers, did Bruce Banner's topping, increased the light to 75%, and continue to do LST. I think to give 2 more weeks of vegetation, defoliation once a week. Next I'll transfer to 12/12 and we'll see 🙃
hoping to squeeze a few more weeks to get some colour into the thricomes. exactly 77 days since breaking soil the colas started bulking a week ago, dunno if there's enough fan leaf to go round, didn't really defoliate other than a couple dead leaves throughout...
I've given triacontanol a whirl I don't have a control to compare to and I've gone from coco to dwc but there is a shitload of tops emerging , its paste I've used at a rate of 1g to 20l of feed I've only hit her with it twice once in veg and just in wk 1 of flower it does make the feed frothy but not to a problematic point from what little info I've found less is more with it I've backed right off with part a and upped part b of the hydrocrop and next feed is pk am aiming for 1gpw if I manage that il be 😊
Wow, what a way to welcome me back it's been far too long... 3 weeks of flowering and these ladies have been keeping me on edge with their height proving me wrong almost every step of the way it seems. Let's hope we can avoid a 3rd trellis! I've personally never had any past grows with SLH have this kind of stretch. So this is still blowing my mind and it's limited to the SLH, others are very much normal in behavior. Other than that I'm following the nute schedule with big bloom and cal-mag. Debating on whether to defoil this week or next... or forgoing it completely. I'll give a few days into week 4 before I make any decision.