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Hey Guys! Super excited this week! I've really been wanting to try growing outdoors, so I built a cheap hoop house! Got most of this stuff for the frame from Lowes under 300$. All the soil products I got from GrowGreenMI. Some really cool people out there. One thing I'm super worried about is drainage. Right now those holes are about 4 feet deep and they've got about 4 inches of water in them already. What's been cautioned is that, eventually, about 2 months in these plants roots will grow and reach the bottom and cause root rot to form. One of the biggest things I was trying to be wary of was causing root rot. This was also the biggest precautionary measure I took when mixing the soil. Adding the extra perlite, coco, and clay pebbles. Best advice right now is to build the soil up on the holes another 16 to 18 inches and possible stick a PVC pipe down to the lowest drainage point of the hole to allow some of that natural occurring water to evaporate. Any advice anyone has on it is welcomed! Making a compost tea for the soil outdoors, will probably put 2 cups in each RDWC bucket as well and let that do it's magic for a day or so before nutrient change. Raised the bed about 14 inches as well! All the seeds sank! Off to a good start! Lol
Comenzamos la 2° semana con un riego de enrraizador Deeper Underground (Top Crop) añadiendo 1ml/l en el agua con pH6 donde la dejamos reposar durante 1 día con una bomba de agua para eliminar cloro e impurezas. Día 9: La planta ya tiene 4cm y sigue creciendo sin problemas y ninguna señal negativa. Tanto la temperatura como la humedad la seguimos teniendo en valores óptimos. Día 12: Hoy tocó riego con agua limpia, sin nurientes con pH6, 200PPM y 30°C.
Comenzamos la 2° semana con un riego de enrraizador Deeper Underground (Top Crop) añadiendo 1ml/l en el agua con pH6 donde la dejamos reposar durante 1 día con una bomba de agua para eliminar cloro e impurezas. Día 9: La planta ya tiene 4cm y sigue creciendo sin problemas y ninguna señal negativa. Tanto la temperatura como la humedad la seguimos teniendo en valores óptimos. Día 12: Hoy tocó riego con agua limpia, sin nurientes con pH6, 200PPM y 30°C.
July, 1: flushing to lower EC. Today i fed them with 1/2 of the snoop's premium nutrients bloom and the other half with snoop's premium nutrients grow, following the recommendations of the product. Also i incorporate Genesis from Agrobeta (last pictures). Again, don't pay attention to the plants in the small pots, i will do another diare for them because they are one week younger (this is why i will keep the fotoperiod of 18 hours one more week) It was too late for use the nem oil, and for the moment it's not necessary. So, i dont used it in the 4 week like i said. July 3: Today i trimed the lower leafs. Maybe it was too late, but i just cut the leafs that were really low and looking not that good. July 5: This is my first time growing anything, I'm super excited and i think they are doing it great jaja because i don't have any experience, so i can't compare it. Anyway, i think they look fine 😊 I can't find snoop's premium nutrients bloom in GrowDiares, but you can see composition in the last pictures 😊
Wow good growth this week. Early in the week I noted she fell over and needed support. Seemed very top heavy. She seems to be growing much faster, much earlier in a small pot as opposed to my normal 20L pots... Still don't know if she's auto/photo yet either 😬
Only 1cm vertical growth this week but she pushed out quite a few side branches and leaves! Pretty much on autopilot right now.
Well its been a fun week, every other day feeds as she's been getting much more thirsty during flower. Buds have been thickening up! One more week needed.
Comenzamos su 2°semana aportando los nutrientes principales Deeper Underground de Top Crop para su sistema radicular añadiendo 1ml/l al agua de pH6 Día 9: La pequeña ya alcanzó los 5cm y sigue creciendo bastante bien. Ahora lo importante es que cree un sistema radicular en perfectas condiciones.
I added BioTabs PK Boost on the soil(it is recommended to make a tee with it), because the first AH was yellowing and the plant ended practically with burned roots/nutrient block, really messed it with this plant. THe 2nd AH is really vigorous and creating some flowers.