July, 1: flushing to lower EC.
Today i fed them with 1/2 of the snoop's premium nutrients bloom and the other half with snoop's premium nutrients grow, following the recommendations of the product. Also i incorporate Genesis from Agrobeta (last pictures).
Again, don't pay attention to the plants in the small pots, i will do another diare for them because they are one week younger (this is why i will keep the fotoperiod of 18 hours one more week)
It was too late for use the nem oil, and for the moment it's not necessary. So, i dont used it in the 4 week like i said.
July 3: Today i trimed the lower leafs. Maybe it was too late, but i just cut the leafs that were really low and looking not that good.
July 5: This is my first time growing anything, I'm super excited and i think they are doing it great jaja because i don't have any experience, so i can't compare it. Anyway, i think they look fine 😊
I can't find snoop's premium nutrients bloom in GrowDiares, but you can see composition in the last pictures 😊